4 research outputs found

    Methodical approaches to measuring sustainable development of industrial enterprises

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    The article is devoted to the problems of assessment of sustainable development at industrial enterprises with a dynamic scorecard based on growth rates of key performance indicators, arranged in the way allowing the evaluation of the sustainable development process when kept in the long time interval. The relative indicators allow comparing not only the incomparable values but also enterprises of different sizes. In addition the system allows comparing the results of current period to similar data from previous years, as well as to the results of other companies for the same period to determine their rating position or identify balance / imbalance. This system takes into account not only balanced state of environmental, economic and social spheres in particular time but also helps to reflect the positive changes in development process. This method is considered on the example of chemical industry, one of the leading in Russia.peer-reviewe

    Sustainable Development of Industrial Enterprises in Crisis

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    This article presents the questions of sustainable development of industrial enterprises through the prism of sustainable and unsustainable development identification. Based on statements of the theory of economic systems we define conditions enabling industrial systems to develop steadily, give the factors affecting the sustainable development of industrial enterprises. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s6p2

    Economic Mechanisms of Management of Socio-Ecological Systems’ Sustainability

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    The purpose of the article is to develop perspective economic mechanisms of management of socio-ecological systems’ sustainability. In order to achieve this goal, the authors use the method of correlation and regression analysis, scenario analysis, method of modeling and forecasting, as well as methods of systemic and problem analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and graphic and table representation of information. In the process of the research, the authors determine the essence of socio-ecological systems’ sustainability, study the contradiction of interests of society’s development and protection of the environment. For realization of the set tasks, the authors determine the current state of socio-ecological systems from the point of view of balance of these interests and analyze the connection between economic and ecological indicators of the countries’ development. A tool for confirming the offered hypothesis is calculation of correlation of ecological effectiveness index and gross internal products. As a result of the research, the authors come to the conclusion that economic reasons are the main ones for emergence and aggravation of the problem of harmonic and sustainable development of socio-ecological systems; thus, economic tools are required for solving this problem. The authors offer perspective mechanisms of management of sustainability of modern socio-ecological systems and view scenarios of future development of events in the sphere of management of sustainability of socio-ecological systems

    Regulatory and institutional mechanism for the implementation of the goals of sustainable development of the region

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    The mechanism for ensuring sustainable development of regions should be carried out according to the principle of localization, according to which seventeen global development goals are initially detailed in the national context, and then reflected in regional projects and programs. Currently, there is an imbalance in global, national and regional instruments for achieving sustainable development, which requires clarification of the reasons for the current situation. The achievement of the SDGs in the regions is usually implemented by the program-targeted method, which allows directing specific resources to solving specific development issues. Management is concentrated in the relevant structures that consider the specifics of the problems and the essence of the mechanisms for implementing planned activities. However, there is no link between program targets, national sustainable development targets and global SDGs. There is also a duplication of some indicators in different programs and the intersection of a number of areas of socio-economic development of the region. The programs are designed for different periods of implementation, but do not take into account the cause-and-effect chains of desirable / undesirable effects, they are not linked to each other in terms of the totality of program activities, and do not engage synergy effects. This task requires a comprehensive solution with the accumulated experience at the country level by adapting existing and developing new methods for modeling the socio-ecological-economic systems of the regions