27 research outputs found

    Fósforo sérico em bovinos em diferentes épocas em três solos da região da Campanha-RS.

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    O presente estudo objetivou observar as variações dos teores de fósforo (P) no soro de sangue de novilhas em três áreas de campo natural não perturbado, com características de solo e vegetação distintas, localizadas na região da Campanha-RS. Efetuou-se a amostragem em áreas sobre os solos Neossolo Regolítico eutrófico (RLe), Argissolo Bruno-Acinzentado (ABA) e Planossolo Háplico eutrófico (PHe) durante um ano, com um intervalo de aproximadamente 45 dias, num total de oito coletas. Para a variável P no soro foi detectado efeito altamente significativo (P<0,01) do tipo de solo e das épocas, bem como a interação destes dois fatores. Em função dos resultados obtidos e, considerando que o percentual de amostras do soro de sangue com níveis de fósforo sérico dentro do limite de normalidade durante todo o período experimental, em todos os solos, foram de 50%, infere-se que os animais mantidos em regime de pastejo extensivo contínuo e sem suplementação mineral, na região da Campanha-RS, apresentam baixos níveis de fósforo no soro de sangue

    New Mediterranean Marine biodiversity records

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    Based on recent biodiversity studies carried out in different parts of the Mediterranean, the following 19 species are included as new records on the floral or faunal lists of the relevant ecosystems: the green algae Penicillus capitatus (Maltese waters); the nemertean Amphiporus allucens (Iberian Peninsula, Spain); the salp Salpa maxima (Syria); the opistobranchs Felimida britoi and Berghia coerulescens (Aegean Sea, Greece); the dusky shark Carcharhinus obscurus (central-west Mediterranean and Ionian Sea, Italy); Randall’s threadfin bream Nemipterus randalli, the broadbanded cardinalfish Apogon fasciatus and the goby Gobius kolombatovici (Aegean Sea, Turkey); the reticulated leatherjack Stephanolepis diaspros and the halacarid Agaue chevreuxi (Sea of Marmara, Turkey); the slimy liagora Ganonema farinosum, the yellowstripe barracuda Sphyraena chrysotaenia, the rayed pearl oyster Pinctada imbricata radiata and the Persian conch Conomurex persicus (south-eastern Kriti, Greece); the blenny Microlipophrys dalmatinus and the bastard grunt Pomadasys incisus (Ionian Sea, Italy); the brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus aztecus (north-eastern Levant, Turkey); the blue-crab Callinectes sapidus (Corfu, Ionian Sea, Greece). In addition, the findings of the following rare species improve currently available biogeographical knowledge: the oceanic pufferfish Lagocephalus lagocephalus (Malta); the yellow sea chub Kyphosus incisor (Almuñécar coast of Spain); the basking shark Cetorhinus maximus and the shortfin mako Isurus oxyrinchus (north-eastern Levant, Turkey)

    Vegetal fibers in polymeric composites: a review

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    Insect Venom Immunotherapy: Analysis of the Safety and Tolerance of 3 Buildup Protocols Frequently Used in Spain

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    Introduction: Hymenoptera venom immunotherapy (VIT) is an effective treatment but not one devoid of risk, as both local and systemic adverse reactions may occur, especially in the initial phases. We compared the tolerance to 3 VIT buildup protocols and analyzed risk factors associated with adverse reactions during this phase.Materials and Methods: We enrolled 165 patients divided into 3 groups based on the buildup protocol used (3, 4, and 9 weeks). The severity of systemic reactions was evaluated according to the World Allergy Organization model.Results were analyzed using exploratory descriptive statistics, and variables were compared using analysis of variance. Results: Adverse reactions were recorded in 53 patients (32%) (43 local and 10 systemic). Local reactions were immediate in 27 patients (63%) and delayed in 16 (37%). The severity of the local reaction was slight/moderate in 15 patients and severe in 13. Systemic reactions were grade 1-2. No significant association was found between the treatment modality and the onset of local or systemic adverse reactions or the type of local reaction. We only found a statistically significant association between severity of the local reaction and female gender. As for the risk factors associated with systemic reactions during the buildup phase, we found no significant differences in values depending on the protocol used or the insect responsible.Conclusions: The buildup protocols compared proved to be safe and did not differ significantly from one another. In the population studied, patients undergoing the 9-week schedule presented no systemic reactions. Therefore, this protocol can be considered the safest approach

    Panopea abbreviata (Bivalvia: Hitellidae) in the southwestern Atlantic ocean, taxonomic revision and anatomy

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    The taxonomy and anatomy of the southwestern Atlantic geoduck, Panopea abbreviata Valenciennes, 1839, are revised. Materials from several institutions, as well as new living specimens collected from the coast of Argentina were studied. Type materials of all related nominal species are illustrated. The shell morphology, shell ultrastructure, hinge, ligamentand mantle cavity organs are described. The symbiotic relationship with the nemertean Malacobdella arrokeana, attached to host mantle tissues, is mentioned. Panopea abbreviata is abundant in the gulfs of northern Patagonia. It occurs in the subtidal zone from 8 to 25 meters deep, deeply buried in the sediment. It has a large thick shell, shortener at the posterior end, with exposed siphons covered by a dark brownish periostracum; a hinge plate characterized by a single cardinal tooth in each valve; and shell ultrastructure with three layers: an outerlayer of nearly vertical and composite prisms, a middle, true homogeneous layer, and an inner layer of alternating sublayers of fine complex crossed lamellar and irregular simple prisms. The fused mantle is only interrupted in the pedal gape. Ctenidia and labial palps associationbelongs to the Category III and ctenidia type C(1). Panopea antarctica is its only synonym. The fossil taxa Panopea truncata, P. inferior, P. hauthali, P. coquimbensis and P. guayacanensis are excluded from the synonymy.Fil: Signorelli, Javier Hernan. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Alfaya, José E. F.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin