15 research outputs found


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     The purpose of this study is to determine the potential of parasitoids through mass production and management of farm institutions to improve the welfare of farmers. The results showed the total number of parasitoids found 385 of the four locations. The found parasitoids consist of Trichogramma spp and Telenomus spp. Parasitoid populations were found to potentially parasitize stemborer eggs as a control effort. The highest level of parasitation lies in Mumbulsari sub-district at 65%. The highest abundance lies in Mumbulsari sub-district with 10.7 heads. This indicates the abundance of parasitoids at these locations is abundant. The success of mass production techniques also requires the management of peasant institutions

    Compatibility studies of entomopathogenic fungi and botanical pesticide for controlling Spodoptera exigua

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    Spodoptera exigua is one of main pest for horticulture crops. In sustainability agriculture, entomopathogenic like Beauveria bassiana and Metharizium anisopliae are solution to control this pest. This study aimed to examine the compatibility between the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana and the vegetable insecticide neem leaf extract against the larvae of Spodoptera exigua. Value LC 50 single testing B. bassiana and neem leaf extract respectively is 0.08% (y=1,65x + 0.16) and 0.627% (y=1,59x-1.02). While the value of LC 50 treatment. combinations B. bassiana with neem leaf extract is 0.079% (y = 1,22x + 1.45). Based on the value of LC 50, it is known that the LC 50 value of the combination treatment is smaller than the LC 50 value of the single treatment, this indicates that the combination treatment has a higher toxicity than the combination treatment in killing S. exigua larvae. The LT 50 values from the LC 50 obtained from the single test of B. bassiana and neem leaf extract were 7.96 days and 6.1 days, respectively. While the value of LT 50 from LC 50 obtained from testing the combination of B. bassiana with neem leaf extract was 5.79 days. Based on the LT 50 value, it can be seen that the LT 50 value of the combination treatment is smaller than the LT 50 value of the single treatment


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    ABSTRAKDesa Sukorambi adalah salah satu desa sentra produk hortikultura di Kabupaten Jember. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah ketergantungan penggunaan pestisida sintetis. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat adalah mengenalkan pestisida nabati sebagai alternatif pengganti pestisida sintetis dan menurunkan residu pestisida pada produk hortikultur. Pengabdian ini dilakukan di Desa Sukorambi, Kecamatan Sukorambi, Kabupaten Jember. Metode pelaksanaan terdiri dari FGD (Focus Group Discussion) dan praktek produksi dan aplikasi pestisida nabati. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatakan pengetahuan dan keterampilan petani dalam produksi pestisida nabati baik secara mandiri maupun kelompok. Forum diskusi terbagi menjadi dua sesi, yaitu pemaparan materi dan tanya jawab pelaksana dengan petani. Untuk aplikasi di lahan, petani diberikan penjelasan mengenai teknik aplikasi dan kalibrasi. Kemudian petani melakukan aplikasi pestisida pada lahan tanaman bayam. Kesimpulan dari pengabdian ini adalah wawasan dan keterampilan petani terkait dengan pestisida nabati semakin meningkat. Diharapkan mampu memproduksi masal pestisida nabati untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap pestisida sintetis dan mengurangi residu pestisida.   Kata kunci: berkelanjutan; hortikultura; pemberdayaan; produksi; residu. ABSTRACTSukorambi Village is one of the centers for horticultural products in Jember Regency. The main problem is dependence on the use of synthetic pesticides. The purpose of community service is to introduce botanical pesticides as an alternative and reduce pesticide residues in horticultural crops. This service is carried out in Sukorambi Village, Sukorambi District, Jember Regency. The implementation method consists of FGD (Focus Group Discussion) and production practices and application of botanical pesticides. The results of the service show that there is an increase in the knowledge and skills of farmers in the production of bpotanical pesticides, both independently and in groups. The discussion forum was divided into two sessions, namely the presentation of the material and the question and answer session with the farmers. For applications in the field, farmers are given an explanation of the application and calibration techniques. Then the farmers applied pesticides to the spinach plantations. The conclusion of this service is that the insight and skills of farmers related to botanical pesticides are increasing. It is expected to be able to mass produce botanical pesticides to reduce dependence on and reduce pesticide residues. Keywords: sustainable; horticulture; empowerment; production; residue

    The effectiveness of Biofumigants from Brassicaceae and Non-Brassicaceae to control root knot Nematodes on tomato

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    Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are considered as one of the main limiting factors in crop production systems. Currently, several eco-friendly root-knot nematodes control technologies have been developed, one of which is biofumigants. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of biofumigants from Brassicaceae and Non-Brassicaceae to control root-knot nematodes. The study was conducted using a one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments. The results showed that the application of biofumigants from both brassicaceae and non-brassicaceae had no significant effect on the height and number of leaves of tomato. The effectiveness of cabbage biofumigant suppressing the population of RKN in this study was 69.5% compared to control (untreatment). While the treatment of sorghum biofumigant was the better treatment as a biofumigant plant from Non-Brassicaceae with an effectiveness level of suppressing the population of RKN was 55.8% compared to control. While the effectiveness level of suppressing the population of RKN biofumigant tagetes was 36.6% compared to control

    The Utilization of Organic Adjuvants to Increase the Effectiveness of Chlorpyrifos Insecticides Against Spodoptera litura

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    Public awareness of consuming healthy food with minimal pesticide residues has been on the rise. By contrast, farmers still rely on synthetic chemical pesticides to control pests. The shift from synthetic chemical insecticides to botanical insecticides or bioinsecticides is quite complex, especially in Indonesia. Farmers must have the appropriate technology to be independent of synthetic chemical insecticide. This study aims to test the effectiveness of organic adjuvants to increase the effectiveness of insecticides coupled with chlorpyrifos as an active ingredient. We tested the organic adjuvants containing sulfur, acetic acid, NaCl and aqueous extract of Azadirachta indica leaves. The test involved mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.) plant on land with a high record of S. litura attacks. The study followed a randomized block design with 8 treatments and 5 blocks, with each block consisting of 20 test plants. The treatments involved water control, chlorpyrifos insecticide at recommended concentration, and a combination of chlorpyrifos insecticide and organic adjuvant. The results showed that the combination of insecticides and organic adjuvants did not have a negative impact on mustard growth, as evinced by the absence of significant difference in all treatments. Furthermore, the combination of insecticides and organic adjuvants reduced the rate of plant damage, the population of S. litura and the population of other insect pests. On the other hand, the combination of insecticides and organic adjuvants did not significantly affect the number of beneficial insects compared with treatment without insecticides. The study documented that the combination of 40 mL L-1 organic adjuvant + 1.8 mL L-1 insecticide chlorpyrifos led to the best results. This combination is found the most effective in reducing plant damage and pest population, without any negative impact on beneficial insects. This study has proven the value of organic adjuvants coupled with chlorpyrifos as the active ingredient to reduce the use of insecticides

    Secondary Metabolite Ceiba pentandraGaertn. as Biological Control to Canker Disease on Dragon Fruit

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    Canker diseases caused by Neoscytalidium dimidiatumarea serious threat for dragon fruit production. Comprehensive and environmentally friendly control ef-forts are needed to reduce yield losses due to this disease. Cottonwood (Ceiba pentandra) is one of the plants that contain complex phytochemicals that cancon-trol phyto-pathogens. This study aimed to examine the potential of secondary me-tabolites produced from the leaves and bark of the C. pentandara as botanical fungicides. Parts of dragon fruit that are attacked by canker are isolated on Pota-toes DextroseAgar media. Observation of conidia and fungal spores using a bin-ocular microscope with a magnification of 100×. The hyphal form of the N.di-midiatumis rectangular and clear. As botanical fungicides, the leaves and the bark of the C. pentandaraare dried for 14 days. The extract solution then analyzed for itssecondary metabolites. The results of the qualitative analysis showed that each leaf extract and bark (+) compound of flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and saponins. The quantitative results of secondary metabolites detected 304.3 mg.kg-1, Flavo-noids and Tannins of 1.6 mg.kg-1. Secondary metabolites obtained were tested on the fungus N.dimidiatumwith inhibitory parameters in vitroand in vivo. This study followed a factorial completely randomized design consisting of concentra-tion factors and types of extract parts. The data obtained were then analyzed by ANOVA and significant treatments were further tested by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT)at α =5%. The combination treatment with a concentration of 40 mg ml-1is more effective in controlling canker in indicators of inhibitory, the ex-tent of the attack, and intensity of disease severit

    Toxicology of Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus, Botanical and Synthetic Pesticides on Mortality Rate of Crocidolomia binotalis (Zeller)

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    Crocidolomia binotalis (Cb) (Zeller) هي واحدة من الآفات الرئيسية للملفوف التي يصعب على المزارعين السيطرة عليها في منطقة بركان ايجن في إندونيسيا. يتزايد الطلب على الملفوف في إندونيسيا كل عام، لذلك يتم بذل جهود مكثفة باستمرار. يستخدم المزارعون بشكل مكثف مبيدات الآفات الاصطناعية كعنصر تحكم أساسي في Cb. ان الغرض من هذه الدراسة هو فحص العديد من عوامل التحكم التي يمكن استخدامها كبديل لمبيدات الآفات الاصطناعية. بعد ذلك، تقديم توصيات إلى مزارعي ايجن Crater للمساهمة في الحد من استخدام المبيدات الحشرية الاصطناعية. اعتمد المبيد الحيوي المستخدم على سلالات فيروس تعدد التعرق النووي من Spodoptera litura (SlNPV))) و Helicoverpa armigera (HaNPV))) ، ومبيدات الآفات النباتية ، ومبيدات الآفات الاصطناعية كعلاج مقارن. تم الحصول على عزلات SlNPv و HaNPV من المعهد الإندونيسي لأبحاث التحلية ومحاصيل الألياف. تأتي تركيبات مبيدات الآفات النباتية من مزيج من Azadiracta indica وAglaia  odorata  و Ageratum conyzoides والتي تم تجفيفها لمدة أسبوع وتم اقتراحها لتكوين دقيق. بعد ذلك، تم استخلاصه باستخدام 96٪ مذيب إيثانول، 0.5٪ بين 90 باستخدام مبخر دوار عند درجة حرارة 40 درجة مئوية. بالنسبة لمبيدات الآفات الاصطناعية، تستخدم المعالجة باستخدام المكون الفعال بيرميثرين 20 مجم L-1. تمت إعادة ترشيح cb الذي تم جمعه من الحقل في طبق بتري عن طريق توفير علف اصطناعي تم نقعه بهذه المادة لمدة 5 دقائق. تم العثور على أعلى نتائج اختبار الوفيات في صيغة مبيدات الآفات النباتية بقيمة 100٪ في 72 ساعة. تميل الوفيات في SlNPV و HaNPV إلى الاستقرار بحد أقصى 72.02٪. يمكن أن تكون نتائج اختبار الوفيات في المختبر توصية بمكافحة بديلة لآفات Cb في نباتات الملفوف في الحقل. في هذه الحالة، يُعد هذا جهدًا لتقليل اعتماد المزارعين على استخدام مبيدات الآفات الاصطناعية.Crocidolomia binotalis (Cb) (Zeller) is one of the main pests of cabbage which is difficult for farmers to control in the Ijen Crater in Indonesia. The demand for cabbage in Indonesia is increasing every year, so intensification efforts are continuously being made. Farmers intensively use synthetic pesticides as the primary control of Cb. The purpose of this study is to examine several control agents that can be used as an alternative to synthetic pesticides. Then, it provides recommendations to Ijen Crater farmers to adapt in reducing the use of synthetic pesticides. The biopesticide used was based on the Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus strains of Spodoptera litura (SlNPV) and Helicoverpa armigera (HaNPV), botanical pesticides, and synthetic pesticides as a comparison treatment. SlNPv and HaNPV isolates were obtained from the Indonesian Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research Institute. The botanical pesticide formulas come from a combination of Azadiracta indica, Aglaia odorata, Ageratum conyzoides dried for one week and proposed to form flour. Then, it was extracted using 96% ethanol solvent, 0.5% tween 90 using a rotary evaporator at a temperature of 40oC. For synthetic pesticide, the treatment used the active ingredient Permethrin 20 mgL-1. The cb collected from the field was re-filtered in a Petri dish by providing artificial feed soaked with this material for 5 minutes. The highest mortality test results were found in the botanical pesticide formula with a value of 100% at 72 hours. Mortality in SlNPV and HaNPV tended to be stable with a maximum value of 72.02%. The results of mortality testing in the laboratory can be a recommendation for alternative control of Cb pests in cabbage plants in the field. In this case, it is an effort to reduce farmers' dependence on using synthetic pesticides

    Assessment of water quality in agricultural systems in Candipuro, Lumajang Regency, East Java, Indonesia

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    The current challenges of industrial agriculture focus on environmental safety. Water quality is an indicator of environmental sustainability. The cultivation system has an impact on water quality. The aim of this study is to assess the water quality of agricultural systems. Anthropogenically, agricultural activities have an impact on environmental aspects. Identification of agricultural systems is clustered into organic and non-organic agriculture. The agricultural system in Indonesia is regulated based on SNI 6729;2016. Water sampling was carried out at three points, including upstream, middle (irrigation), and downstream (river). Water sampling at each point was repeated three times. Assessment of the physical quality of water using the Combo Quality Meter. Water samples for chemical and biological analysis at the Environmental Laboratory, Perum. Jasa Tirta 1. Determination of water quality standards refers to Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001. In the upstream section, pollution can be seen in the biological oxygen demand (BOD) indicator, with an average of 15.03 mg L-1 for organic and conventional systems. The phosphate indicator averaged 1.96 mg L-1. In the middle section (irrigation), the pollution indicators for BOD, phosphate, and total Coliform parameters were 6.76 mg L-1 for the organic system, 7.37 mg L-1 for the non-organic system, and 1,290 CFU mL-1. In the downstream (river), pollution indicators consist of total suspended solids (TSS), BOD, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total Coliform. Anthropogenic identification for clustering agricultural systems at the research location uses stratified disproportional sampling. The results of this research provide recommendations for water quality management for sustainable agricultural environmental management

    Upgrading Industri Rumahan Keripik Sukun Sebagai Inisiasi Kemandirian Ekonomi Masyarakat di Desa Tenggir Kecamatan Panji Kabupaten Situbondo

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    Breadfruit chips are an example of post-harvest processing of breadfruit yields. Generally, breadfruit is only sold in the market in its raw form which has many drawbacks such as low selling price, and short shelf life, the fruit is easily damaged during the transportation process until rot occurs in the fruit. Processing breadfruit into breadfruit chips can help increase the profit margins you get. Breadfruit also has a certain harvest period or what is known as a seasonal plant can quickly experience decay so that post-harvest processing is deemed necessary to keep the product able to have a long shelf life. Tenggir Village, Panji District, Situbondo Regency is one of the villages with a relatively large number of breadfruit trees. Villagers already have the desire and enthusiasm to use the breadfruit by processing it into breadfruit chips. There is a need for community service to empower village potential and design solutions that will be offered to the community. The purpose of this program is to provide alternative solutions for simple postharvest processing of agricultural products and increase the production capacity of the breadfruit chips home industry. The result of implementing this program is an increase in one of the breadfruit chip processing home industries with indicators of increasing production capacity and business turnover. Greater support in science and finance could be scaled up to support more targeted and significant business development.Keripik sukun merupakan salah satu contoh pengolahan pasca panen hasil panen sukun. Umumnya buah sukun hanya dijual di pasaran dalam bentuk mentah yang mempunyai banyak kekurangan seperti harga jual yang rendah, umur simpan yang pendek, buah mudah rusak selama proses pengangkutan hingga terjadi pembusukan pada buah. Mengolah buah sukun menjadi keripik sukun dapat membantu meningkatkan margin keuntungan yang Anda peroleh. Sukun juga mempunyai masa panen tertentu atau yang disebut dengan tanaman semusim dapat cepat mengalami pembusukan sehingga pengolahan pasca panen dirasa perlu dilakukan agar produk dapat mempunyai umur simpan yang lama. Desa Tenggir, Kecamatan Panji, Kabupaten Situbondo merupakan salah satu desa yang memiliki jumlah pohon sukun yang relatif banyak. Masyarakat desa sudah mempunyai keinginan dan semangat untuk memanfaatkan buah sukun dengan mengolahnya menjadi keripik sukun. Perlu adanya pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk memberdayakan potensi desa dan merancang solusi yang akan ditawarkan kepada masyarakat. Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk memberikan alternatif solusi pengolahan pascapanen produk pertanian secara sederhana dan meningkatkan kapasitas produksi industri rumah tangga keripik sukun. Hasil dari pelaksanaan program ini adalah peningkatan salah satu industri rumah tangga pengolahan keripik sukun dengan indikator peningkatan kapasitas produksi dan omzet usaha. Dukungan yang lebih besar di bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan keuangan dapat ditingkatkan untuk mendukung pengembangan bisnis yang lebih tepat sasaran dan signifikan

    The effectiveness of Biofumigants from Brassicaceae and Non-Brassicaceae to control root knot Nematodes on tomato

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    Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are considered as one of the main limiting factors in crop production systems. Currently, several eco-friendly root-knot nematodes control technologies have been developed, one of which is biofumigants. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of biofumigants from Brassicaceae and Non-Brassicaceae to control root-knot nematodes. The study was conducted using a one-factor Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments. The results showed that the application of biofumigants from both brassicaceae and non-brassicaceae had no significant effect on the height and number of leaves of tomato. The effectiveness of cabbage biofumigant suppressing the population of RKN in this study was 69.5% compared to control (untreatment). While the treatment of sorghum biofumigant was the better treatment as a biofumigant plant from Non-Brassicaceae with an effectiveness level of suppressing the population of RKN was 55.8% compared to control. While the effectiveness level of suppressing the population of RKN biofumigant tagetes was 36.6% compared to control