88 research outputs found

    Non-linear Simulations of MHD Instabilities in Tokamaks Including Eddy Current Effects and Perspectives for the Extension to Halo Currents

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    The dynamics of large scale plasma instabilities can strongly be influenced by the mutual interaction with currents flowing in conducting vessel structures. Especially eddy currents caused by time-varying magnetic perturbations and halo currents flowing directly from the plasma into the walls are important. The relevance of a resistive wall model is directly evident for Resistive Wall Modes (RWMs) or Vertical Displacement Events (VDEs). However, also the linear and non-linear properties of most other large-scale instabilities may be influenced significantly by the interaction with currents in conducting structures near the plasma. The understanding of halo currents arising during disruptions and VDEs, which are a serious concern for ITER as they may lead to strong asymmetric forces on vessel structures, could also benefit strongly from these non-linear modeling capabilities. Modeling the plasma dynamics and its interaction with wall currents requires solving the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) equations in realistic toroidal X-point geometry consistently coupled with a model for the vacuum region and the resistive conducting structures. With this in mind, the non-linear finite element MHD code JOREK has been coupled with the resistive wall code STARWALL, which allows to include the effects of eddy currents in 3D conducting structures in non-linear MHD simulations. This article summarizes the capabilities of the coupled JOREK-STARWALL system and presents benchmark results as well as first applications to non-linear simulations of RWMs, VDEs, disruptions triggered by massive gas injection, and Quiescent H-Mode. As an outlook, the perspectives for extending the model to halo currents are described.Comment: Proceeding paper for Theory of Fusion Plasmas (Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop), Varenna, Italy (September 1-5, 2014); accepted for publication in: to Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Enhanced Transport at High Plasma Pressure and Subthreshold Kinetic Ballooning Modes in Wendelstein 7-X

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    High-performance fusion plasmas, requiring high pressure β, are not well understood in stellarator-type experiments. Here, the effect of β on ion-temperature-gradient-driven (ITG) turbulence is studied in Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X), showing that subdominant kinetic ballooning modes (KBMs) are unstable well below the ideal MHD threshold and get strongly excited in the turbulence. By zonal-flow erosion, these subthreshold KBMs (stKBMs) affect ITG saturation and enable higher heat fluxes. Controlling stKBMs will be essential to allow W7-X and future stellarators to achieve maximum performance.</p

    Enhanced Transport at High Plasma Pressure and Subthreshold Kinetic Ballooning Modes in Wendelstein 7-X

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    High-performance fusion plasmas, requiring high pressure β, are not well understood in stellarator-type experiments. Here, the effect of β on ion-temperature-gradient-driven (ITG) turbulence is studied in Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X), showing that subdominant kinetic ballooning modes (KBMs) are unstable well below the ideal MHD threshold and get strongly excited in the turbulence. By zonal-flow erosion, these subthreshold KBMs (stKBMs) affect ITG saturation and enable higher heat fluxes. Controlling stKBMs will be essential to allow W7-X and future stellarators to achieve maximum performance.</p

    Enhanced transport at high plasma β\beta and sub-threshold kinetic ballooning modes in Wendelstein 7-X

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    The effect of plasma pressure β\beta on ion-temperature-gradient-driven (ITG) turbulence is studied in the Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) stellarator, showing that subdominant kinetic ballooning modes (KBMs) are unstable well below the ideal MHD threshold and get strongly excited in the quasi-stationary state. By zonal-flow erosion, these highly non-ideal KBMs affect ITG saturation and thereby enable higher heat fluxes. Controlling these KBMs will be essential in order to allow W7-X and future stellarators to achieve maximum performance.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Automated W7-X sawtooth crashes detection and characterization

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    Sawtooth crashes are observed during ECCD experiments at the superconducting optimized stellarator Wendelstein 7-X. The study and the characterization are necessary in order to understand under which condition ECCD can be driven without posing a risk to experimental operations. The development of automatic tools is crucial to speed up the analysis of extensive datasets. In this work, we report on the first attempt of using a data-driven approach to automatically characterize the sawtooth crashes. Cluster algorithms are applied to the dataset, confirming the existence of two distinct types of crashes. This approach allows to study the two groups separately and underlines the different plasma parameters that influence the sawtooth crash parameters, for instance crash amplitude and period

    The Role of Apoptosis in the Pathogenic Mechanism of Critical States (Review)

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    The purpose of the overview is to analyze the role of apoptosis in the pathogenesis of critical illness and discuss specific features of contributed biochemical processes. The paper reviews 117 publications, 76 of which were published during the recent five years. Published data show that the ability to control endogenic apoptotic processes offers opportunities for the development of functional therapy approaches to various diseases

    Роль апоптоза в патогенезе некоторых критических состояний

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    The purpose of the overview is to analyze the role of apoptosis in the pathogenesis of critical illness and discuss specific features of contributed biochemical processes. The paper reviews 117 publications, 76 of which were published during the recent five years. Published data show that the ability to control endogenic apoptotic processes offers opportunities for the development of functional therapy approaches to various diseases.Цель обзора — анализ роли апоптоза в патогенезе некоторых критических состояний и описание особенностей биохимических процессов, вовлеченных в его развитие. В статью включено 117 публикаций, в том числе 76 за последние пять лет. Анализ обсуждаемых работ показывает, что способность управлять эндогенными апоптическими процессами открывает возможности для разработки подходов функциональной терапии ряда заболеваний

    A novel path to runaway electron mitigation via deuterium injection and current-driven MHD instability

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    Relativistic electron (RE) beams at high current density (low safety factor, q ( a )) yet very low free-electron density accessed with D-2 secondary injection in the DIII-D and JET tokamak are found to exhibit large-scale MHD instabilities that benignly terminate the RE beam. In JET, this technique has enabled termination of MA-level RE currents without measurable first-wall heating. This scenario thus offers an unexpected alternate pathway to achieve RE mitigation without collisional dissipation. Benign termination is explained by two synergistic effects. First, during the MHD-driven RE loss events both experiment and MHD orbit-loss modeling supports a significant increase in the wetted area of the RE loss. Second, as previously identified at JET and DIII-D, the fast kink loss timescale precludes RE beam regeneration and the resulting dangerous conversion of magnetic to RE kinetic energy. During the termination, the RE kinetic energy is lost to the wall, but the current fully transfers to the cold bulk thus enabling benign Ohmic dissipation of the magnetic energy on longer timescales via a conventional current quench. Hydrogenic (D-2) secondary injection is found to be the only injected species that enables access to the benign termination. D-2 injection: (1) facilitates access to low q ( a ) in existing devices (via reduced collisionality & resistivity), (2) minimizes the RE avalanche by 'purging' the high-Z atoms from the RE beam, (3) drives recombination of the background plasma, reducing the density and Alfven time, thus accelerating the MHD growth. This phenomenon is found to be accessible when crossing the low q ( a ) stability boundary with rising current, falling toroidal field, or contracting minor radius-the latter being the expected scenario for vertically unstable RE beams in ITER. While unexpected, this path scales favorably to fusion-grade tokamaks and offers a novel RE mitigation scenario in principle accessible with the day-one disruption mitigation system of ITER