34 research outputs found

    Frequency-adaptive control of a three-phase single-stage grid-connected photovoltaic system under grid voltage sags

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    The low-voltage ride-through service is carried out in this paper according to the voltage profile described by the IEC 61400-21 European normative when short-duration voltage sags happen, and some instantaneous reactive power is delivered to the grid in accordance with the Spanish grid code; the mandatory limitation of the amplitude of the three-phase inverter currents to its nominal value is carried out with a novel control strategy, in which a certain amount of instantaneous constant active power can also be delivered to the grid when small or moderate voltage sags happen. A Multiple second order generalized integrator frequency-locked loop synchronization algorithm is employed in order to estimate the system frequency without harmonic distortions, as well as to output the positive- and the negative- sequence of the {\alpha}\b{eta} quantities of the three-phase grid voltages when balanced and unbalanced voltage sags happen in a frequency-adaptive scheme. The current control is carried out in the stationary reference frame, which guarantees the cancellation of the harmonic distortions in the utility grid currents using a Harmonic compensation structure, and the implementation of a constant active power control in order to protect the DC link capacitor from thermal stresses avoiding the appearance of large harmonic distortions at twice the fundamental frequency in the DC link voltage. A case study of a three-phase single-stage grid-connected PV system with a maximum apparent power about 500 kVA is tested with several simulations using MATLAB/SIMULINK firstly, and secondly, with some experiments using the Controller hardware-in-the-loop (CHIL) simulation technique for several types of voltage sags in order to do the final validation of the control algorithms

    Modeling and design of the vector control for a three-phase single-stage grid-connected PV system with LVRT capability according to the spanish grid code

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    This article deals with the vector control in dq axes of a three-phase grid-connected photovoltaic system with single-stage topology and low-voltage-ride-through capability. The photovoltaic generator is built using an array of several series-parallel Suntech PV modules and is modeled as a Lookup Table (two-dimensional; 2-D). The requirements adopted when grid voltage sags occur are based in both the IEC 61400-21 European normative and the allowed amount of reactive power to be delivered according to the Spanish grid code, which avoids the disconnection of the inverter under grid faults by a limitation in the magnitude of the three-phase output inverter currents. For this, the calculation of the positive- and negative-sequences of the grid voltages is made and a conventional three-phase Phase-Locked Loop is used for the inverter-grid synchronization, allowing the control of the active and reactive powers solely with the dq components of the inverter currents. A detailed enhanced flowchart of the control algorithm with low-voltage-ride-through capability is presented and several simulations and experiments using Matlab/SIMULINK and the Controller Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation technique, respectively, are run for several types of one- and three-phase voltage sags in order to validate its behavior.This work was supported by: the project "Nuevas topologias para convertidores en MT para grandes Instalaciones Fotovoltaicas" from the Spanish Government (Ref. TEC2016-80136-P) (A. B. Rey-Boue); the European Community's Horizon 2020 Program (H2020/2014-2020) in project "ERIGrid" (Grant Agreement No. 654113) under the Trans-national Access (TA) User Project: 04.003-2018

    Editorial: Grid Connection of Converters in Renewable Applications

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    Energy generated from renewable sources is fed into the grid by means of electronic power converters. These can be supervised at system (grid) level to coordinate all productions points together with storages and loads. Regulations impose power supply quality requirements regarding harmonics, grid fault response and low voltage ride through (LVRT). The progress of distributed generation presents challenges to converters such as island mode operation, voltage and frequency regulation, simulation, etc. New collaborative solutions for “more smart” microgrids must be included to improve power quality, reliability, service quality and duty. Wind turbines employing double-fed induction generators (DFIG) use two converters, one for the rotor side and one for the generator side. To improve the performance during severe grid failures, in Okedu and Barghash the advantages of using alternative configurations to the two-level converter, such as the parallel interleaved 2-level inverter, and the 3-level inverter, have been investigated. It has also been investigated to replace the classical dq-PLL with a new PLL, and to include a series dynamic braking resistor (SDBR) between the converters and the three-phase connections. Wind turbines must meet strict requirements, in terms of their behavior, in the event of grid failures, which are regulated by the LVRT regulations in each country. These regulations indicate, by means of voltage and time graphs, how long the wind turbines must remain connected depending on the depth of the faults. In addition, the limits of active and reactive power that can be exchanged during faults are established. The aim is to avoid cascading disconnections of wind turbines that would compromise the stability of the grid. In Okedu and Barghash, the effect of various elements in improving the behaviour of a DFIG against grid faults has been investigated. The first of these elements is the parameters of the IGBTs, concluding that the on-resistance has the greatest influence. The second is the use of a new PLL, and the third is the use of a SDBR during a grid failure. It was found that all of them could improve the performance of the generator in the event of a grid failure. When a wind turbine uses a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), 100% of the energy generated passes through both converters. In Okedu and Barghash, the control systems of the generator-side and grid-side converters have been considered; several scenarios regarding the turn on resistance of the IGBTs have been considered, and their behaviour during grid faults has been analysed. Generator performance has also been studied with and without the use of a DC-DC converter for overvoltage protection. The main generators used in wind turbines are DFIG and PMSG. In Okedu et al., a comparison of the behaviour of both wind turbines against grid faults has been carried out in various scenarios with different values of generator parameters. The number of converters, associated with renewable generation, connected to the grid has increased significantly lately. This can affect the dynamic response, especially during disturbances, but it can also provide new grid support functionalities if information on the oscillation characteristics is available. Through the use of artificial intelligence, in Baltas et al. the abilities to predict and damp electromechanical oscillations have been improved. With the constant increase in the number of wind turbines connected to the grid, it is very important to have the ability to maintain grid frequency control. In Okedu and Barghash, a work has been presented to stabilise the wind farm during periods of wind speed change by using capacitors connected via a DC-DC converter and a grid-connected DC-AC converter. It was concluded that higher values of the DC-DC converter time constant lead to better performances during load transients. A system including two steam turbines and two squirrel cage induction generators was used in the experiments. Microgrids bring power generation closer to the places of consumption to reduce the saturation of distribution lines. They consist of renewable generation, energy storage and fossil fuel generation. They have three levels of control, where the primary level is the closest to the converters, and the tertiary level, the most external and slowest, performs general monitoring functions. The paper (Buraimoh et al.) focuses on the secondary control functions related to grid failure performance. It proposes a distributed control between inverters and is based on fast detection techniques (fast Delayed Signal Cancellation, DSC), with the objective of a fast control of active and reactive power. A robust transition method between fault mode and normal mode is proposed. Accurate coordination and power sharing between distributed energy resources is achieved. Some energy conversion systems are so complex that they are very difficult to build and test in the laboratory. These include the study of high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission when several modular multilevel converters (MMC) are involved together with DC grid failure protection elements. In Wang et al., a system including a simulated part (two digitally simulated MMC) and a physical part (two MMC) has been experimented with. The coupling between the two parts has been carried out by means of A/D and D/A converters and power amplifiers

    Enhanced controller for grid-connected modular multilevel converters in distorted utility grids

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    This paper is about the control of Modular multilevel converters, an innovative technology in the design of converters, which is beginning to be included in real installations. Papers about this topic include simulation models, circulating current reduction, voltage modulators, capacitor voltage balancing and control issues. The scheme for current source regulation used in this article includes all control loops, which are, from the outermost to innermost, DC bus voltage regulator, current regulator, voltage modulator, capacitor voltage balancing, and a PLL for the synchronization to the grid. Disposition-sinusoidal pulse width modulation is used as the voltage modulator, and an enhanced control strategy in the stationary reference frame for 3-phase MMCs is used for the inner current control loops. Very detailed simulations of the complete control system have been performed for both the enhanced control strategy in the stationary reference frame, and the well-known control in the synchronous reference frame, as well as some experiments using the hardware-in-the-loop simulation technique. The validation of these control strategies is made by a comparison of the capability of each one to compensate the harmonic distortions of the utility grid according to the grid code. The correct operation has been tested in the case of a strong/weak grid, unbalances and grid failures.This work has been partially supported by a grant from the Spanish Government as a part of 673 Project Ref. TEC2016-80136-P, entitled “Nuevas topologĂ­as para convertidores en MT para grandes 674 Instalaciones Fotovoltaicas” (A. B. Rey-BouĂ©

    Real time test benchmark design for photovoltaic grid connected control systems

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    This paper presents a dual digital signal processor (DSP) hardware architecture for a grid-connected photovoltaic interface test benchmark, based on a cascade DC/DC converter and DC/AC inverter, with coordinated control algorithms. The control hardware has been designed to test distributed generation (DG) interfaces to be integrated in a hierarchical structure of computational agents, to apply distributed control techniques to the power system management. The proposed dual DSP architecture enables the programming of the control software for the DC/DC converter and the DC/AC inverter in the same processor, to keep the other one for additional operations that are required when there is a high degree of interaction between the DG unit and the rest of the electrical grid components. The hardware architecture has been tested in several real situations such as power factor correction and anti-islanding protection

    Enhanced Control of Three-Phase Grid-Connected Renewables with Fault Ride-Through Capability under Voltage Sags

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    The uninterruptible operation of grid-connected renewables under the occurrence of grid voltage sags is addressed in this work. This is achieved due to the incorporation of an enhanced control algorithm of a renewable source. The low-voltage ride-through algorithm was developed in accordance to the voltage profile introduced by IEC 61400-21 regarding grid voltage sags. To guarantee continuous operation of the renewable agent during voltage sags, not only instantaneous reactive power but also instantaneous active power under moderate voltage sags was injected to the utility grid fulfilling grid code requirements. A dual second-order generalized integrator frequency-locked loop synchronization algorithm was used to estimate the system’s frequency, together with the positive and the negative sequences of the three-phase utility grid voltages when unbalanced sags occurred. The current control was made in a stationary reference frame by using proportional-resonant regulators, and a DC voltage source was used to emulate the primary energy from any type of renewable system. The validation of the proposed control algorithm was conducted for a three-phase grid-connected renewable system with an apparent power of 500 kVA. The results from several experimental tests demonstrated the proper behavior of the enhanced algorithm

    Enhanced Control of Three-Phase Grid-Connected Renewables with Fault Ride-Through Capability under Voltage Sags

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    The uninterruptible operation of grid-connected renewables under the occurrence of grid voltage sags is addressed in this work. This is achieved due to the incorporation of an enhanced control algorithm of a renewable source. The low-voltage ride-through algorithm was developed in accordance to the voltage profile introduced by IEC 61400-21 regarding grid voltage sags. To guarantee continuous operation of the renewable agent during voltage sags, not only instantaneous reactive power but also instantaneous active power under moderate voltage sags was injected to the utility grid fulfilling grid code requirements. A dual second-order generalized integrator frequency-locked loop synchronization algorithm was used to estimate the system’s frequency, together with the positive and the negative sequences of the three-phase utility grid voltages when unbalanced sags occurred. The current control was made in a stationary reference frame by using proportional-resonant regulators, and a DC voltage source was used to emulate the primary energy from any type of renewable system. The validation of the proposed control algorithm was conducted for a three-phase grid-connected renewable system with an apparent power of 500 kVA. The results from several experimental tests demonstrated the proper behavior of the enhanced algorithm

    Predictors of mental health in healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of experiential avoidance, emotion regulation and resilience

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    AbstractAimsThis study explores the mediational role of resilience, experiential avoidance and emotion regulation in the levels of anxiety, depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) of healthcare workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Additionally, we explored the association of such levels with personal and professional variables.DesignCross‐sectional study.MethodsHealthcare professionals working in Spain (N = 786) were recruited following a snowball approach in November and December 2021. Resilience, emotion regulation, experiential avoidance, depression, anxiety, PTSD and work‐related variables were measured. Mean differences and correlations were computed, and a path analysis with latent variables (PALV) model was tested.ResultsIn total, 18.8% of the sample scored above the cut‐off score for depression, 24.6% for anxiety and 36.4% for PTSD. Higher resilience and lower experiential avoidance and expression suppression were correlated with better mental health. The PALV model explained 42%–53% of mental health outcomes. Experiential avoidance showed the greatest explanatory power and mediated the impact that stressors had on mental health. Some work‐related variables correlated with greater psychological impact. These factors encompassed being a nurse, feeling that their job remained stressful and had not yet returned to its pre‐pandemic state and having interacted with individuals facing economic difficulties due to the pandemic, and those who had lost their lives to COVID‐19.ConclusionHealthcare workers showed high levels of psychological impact during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Such impact was predicted from some work‐stress variables and the reliance on maladaptive strategies such as experiential avoidance and expressive suppression.ImpactTraining healthcare professionals to use coping strategies incompatible with experiential avoidance may improve their mental health. Additionally, better working conditions are fundamental for reducing the impact of critical situations on healthcare workers' mental health.Patient or Public ContributionNo patient or public contribution

    Niveles de plomo y daño en el ADN en niños con trastornos del espectro autista Lead levels and DNA damage in children with autistic spectrum disorders

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    IntroducciĂłn: los trastornos del espectro autista se consideran una familia de alteraciones del neurodesarrollo, caracterizada por dificultades en la comunicaciĂłn y la interacciĂłn social, asĂ­ como la existencia de un comportamiento estereotipado y repetitivo. Aunque existen varias hipĂłtesis que involucran a factores genĂ©ticos y ambientales en su etiopatogenia, la verdadera contribuciĂłn de estos aĂșn se desconoce. En este estudio se explora la relaciĂłn entre los niveles sĂ©ricos de plomo, el daño del ADN y la severidad del autismo. MĂ©todos: se estudiaron 15 niños con el diagnĂłstico de trastornos del espectro autista entre 4 y 11 años de edad y un grupo control del mismo rango de edad. El coeficiente de inteligencia fue evaluado mediante la prueba de Terman-Merrill y los niños fueron clasificados en dos grados de retardo mental (ligero y moderado/severo). Los niveles de plomo en sangre fueron medidos por espectrometrĂ­a de masa, mientras que el daño del ADN fue determinado en linfocitos de sangre perifĂ©rica con el empleo de un ensayo de electroforesis alcalina (ensayo del cometa). Resultados: no se mostrĂł diferencia significativa en los niveles de plomo entre los grupos. El daño del ADN fue mayor en los pacientes autistas en relaciĂłn con el grupo control, cuya diferencia fue significativa (pIntroduction:autistic spectrum disorders are considered to be a family of neurodevelopmental alterations characterized by difficulty to communicate and interact socially, as well as stereotyped, repetitive behavior. Though several hypotheses involve genetic and environmental factors in the etiopathogeny of this condition, their actual participation is still unknown. The present study explores the relationship between serum lead levels, DNA damage and the severity of autism. Methods: a study was conducted with 15 children 4-11 years old diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders and a control group from the same age range. The intelligence quotient was measured by the Terman-Merrill test, and children were classified into two degrees of mental retardation (mild and moderate/severe). Blood lead levels were measured by mass spectrometry, whereas DNA damage was determined in peripheral blood lymphocytes using the alkaline electrophoresis assay (the comet assay). Results: this study did not show any significant difference in lead levels between the groups. DNA damage was greater in autistic patients than in the control group, and the difference was significant (p<0.05) when mental retardation severity was considered. Patients with a moderate/severe disorder showed significantly greater DNA damage than those with mild disorders and the control group. Conclusions: results confirm the presence of DNA damage in patients with autistic spectrum disorders, suggesting that this factor could be related to mental retardation severity