844 research outputs found

    The Good, The Geek, and the Ugly: A Critical Examination of the Portrayal of Geek Women in Popular Media

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    This thesis performs a critical examination of the misrepresentation of geek women in popular media. Part one describes the evolution of the geek through television and film and discusses the continued marginalization of geek women. Part two performs a close reading of two specified episodes of The Big Bang Theory and examines their continuous reinforcement of negative stereotypes as pertains to geek women. Part three performs a case study of two self-identified geek women with a significant online presence. By comparing these real women to the characters seen in the show, the author elucidates the misconceptions made about geek women that are perpetuated by popular cultural icons such as The Big Bang Theory, and the deleterious effects this has on the geek woman\u27s perception by herself and by others

    Design and Validation of a Questionnaire to Analyze University Dropout—CADES

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    Educational institutions and, in particular, universities must establish a clear vision and mission regarding the training that every social professional will demand. The university has always played the role of a selection filter for students, but the fact that a significant number of college students are abandoning their programs without having completed their course of studies, is a specific symptom of an educational crisis that is occurring within them. For this reason, the present study aimed to design and validate a key tool to establish the causes, whether endogenous or exogenous as to why students leave college without having completed their studies. The ad hoc questionnaire design took into consideration the proposals of a several research studies and the instrument developed was validated in a sample of 70 unit dropout cohorts for the years 2013-2014 and 2015 of a university school. The 40-items questionnaire was designed to identify, among the population of students quitting their programs, five categories or types of factors that potentially lead to students dropping out-Psychological, Sociological, Economic, Organizational and Integration-Adaptation—with their respective subcategories. Knowing the reasons why college students abandon an academic program in particular will allow university managers to analyze administrative and/or academic requirements and take mitigation measures to minimize college dropout

    Video-based multimedia on learners’ attitude towards astrophysics: Gender equity and school location

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    Educational literature is richly provided with research confirming the benefits of video-based multimedia (VBM) in education. So, understanding learners’ attitude about learning using video-based multimedia makes sense. A convergent parallel mixed methods research design was used to analyze and interpret learners’ attitudes in the context of learning astrophysics using video-based multimedia. The research involved 294 students (168 male and 126 female) of senior five (grade 11) who purposively selected from eight public secondary schools in Rutsiro and Rubavu districts, Rwanda. Data were collected using a questionnaire (Cronbach alpha=.87), a semi-structured interview, and class observation. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test (P  level of significance) while content analysis was employed to analyze qualitative data. The findings revealed that there is no significant difference between male and female attitudes towards the use of video-based multimedia in learning astrophysics. Besides, the geographical location of the school influences the learners’ attitude. The results revealed some factors that affect learners’ attitudes towards learning astrophysics using video-based multimedia. Moreover, the findings recommend how the identified challenges could be alleviated not only in the Rwandan but in other science subjects worldwide.

    Horticultural technique for rearing and redistribution of the sessile biological control agent, Rhizaspidiotus donacis on its host plant, Arundo donax

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    Arundo donax, giant reed is an invasive weed in the riparian habitats of the Rio Grande Basin. A biological control program using specialist insects from the native range in Mediterranean Europe, including the arundo scale, Rhi-zaspidiotus donacis has been implemented. The arundo scale is a sessile insect that spends most of its life cycle affixed to its host plant, thus creating challenges for its rearing and redistribution to field sites. A horticultural technique was developed which allowed for rearing of the scale on small, potted A. donax microplants, which could later be transplanted to field sites. Female scale reach maturity on the microplants and produce mobile crawler scale, which move to adjacent uninfested A. donax plants. Arundo scale were established at 48 sites on the Rio Grande using microplants. This horticultural technique allows for movement of the arundo scale at any stage of its life cycle to field sites to conduct biological control programs for A. donax where it is invasive

    Riesgos laborales generados por la exposición a nanopartículas en obras de construcción civil – Cajamarca 2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar los riesgos laborales generados por la exposición a nanopartículas en obras de construcción civil, mediante una revisión sistemática de diferentes investigaciones. Esta investigación es de tipo descriptiva con enfoque cualitativo, se realizó la recopilación de 20 investigaciones de carácter nacional e internacional comprendida en el periodo de 2010 - 2021 referidos a los riesgos laborales generados por exposición a nanopartículas en obras de construcción civil, se elaboró fichas resumen y fichas técnicas de recolección de datos, luego se prosiguió con el análisis. Se identificó un total de catorce nanopartículas con sus respectivos riesgos, los cuales de acuerdo a la Ley N° 29783 son riesgos laborales químicos, al ser enfermedades ocupacionales, por lo tanto, según la NTS-068-MINSA/DGPS-V.1 clasifican en el Grupo 4, Grupo 5 y Grupo 6, mientras que según la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) clasifican en enfermedades profesionales según el órgano o sistema afectado y enfermedades profesionales causadas por la exposición a agentes que resulte de las actividades laborales. Se concluye que las nanopartículas generadas en obras de construcción civil causan riesgos laborales químicos siendo enfermedades ocupacionales con afectaciones en el sistema respiratorio, a la piel y son cancerígenos que generan afectaciones en la salud de los trabajadores si no son identificados y controlados

    Identificación correlacional entre los factores generadores de criminalidad y su influencia en el accionar delictivo de los jovenes (Huaura, 2017 – 2021)

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    Objetivo: Identificar la relación existente entre los factores generadores de criminalidad con la influencia en el accionar delictivo de los jóvenes (Huaura, 2017 – 2021). Metodología: Los principales aspectos metodológicas fueron los referidos a la investigación aplicada en el nivel correlacional; asimismo, los criterios de la investigación correlacional con enfoque cuantitativo y para la delimitación de la muestra representativa se utilizó la técnica de muestreo no probabilístico y no aleatorio denominado muestreo por conveniencia. Resultados: De lo obtenido de la aplicación de instrumentos consideramos relevantes los siguientes: a) Un 88% de ciudadanos de la provincia de Huaura que fueron encuestados están muy de acuerdo que la familia tiene un papel muy importante en el desarrollo y formación de los jóvenes y b) Un 81% de ciudadanos de la provincia de Huaura que fueron encuestados están muy de acuerdo que la sociedad tiene un papel muy importante en el desarrollo y formación de los jóvenes. Conclusión: Se concluye que entre los factores generadores de criminalidad y el accionar delictivo de los jóvenes existe una relación directa significativa, pues entre dichas variables se ha identificado que se presenta un coeficiente de correlación en el nivel 0,922 (bilateral), por lo que se trata de una relación directa y positiva; en consecuencia, el aumento o crecimiento de los factores generadores de criminalidad ocasiona el aumento del accionar delictivo de los jóvene

    Diseño de un plan de logística y seguridad para reducir costos en una mype comercializadora, Trujillo 2022

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar en qué medida el plan de logística y seguridad influye en los costos de una MYPE comercializadora de Trujillo. Asimismo, la metodología fue del tipo descriptiva-propositiva de enfoque cuantitativo y diseño transversal. En el diagnóstico, se determinó que los costos en logística y seguridad daban un total de S/ 66,286 y por ello se diseñó un plan de mejora según teoría ABC, MRP, EOQ, simulación Monte Carlo e IPERC. De esta manera, los costos se redujeron en un 74,20% representando un monto de S/ 49,184. La evaluación económica fue importante para tomar la decisión de invertir en el plan de mejora obteniéndose un VAN positivo de S/. 8,558, un TIR de 25.63% y un B/C de 1.24 que demuestran su rentabilidad para la compañía. Se concluyó que las herramientas de ingeniería industrial utilizadas fueron relevantes para reducir los costos

    A multi-project student space association

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    The aerospace sector has always been a challenge. The complex nature of the field requires for talented, skilful engineers. And while the university does great on the development of the theoretical background, it barely gets into the practical application. This is why embracing educational activities is critical to help students develop their technical and teamwork skills in the professional sector. UPC Space Program is an engineering student association based in the Terrassa campus of the Polytechnical University of Catalonia (Spain), and formed by 5 missions and 80 members. Each mission targets a field of interest in the space sector: rocketry, UAVs for space exploration, High Altitude Balloons, rovers and CubeSats. The sharing of the common spaces by such a number of people who are working on so many and diverse projects creates a vibrant and creative environment that incites learning. Our work is aligned with the current activities in the space sector. As the exploration of the terrestrial bodies of the Solar System highly benefits from the use of rovers, our Grass mission is focused on the development of planetary exploration rovers. After achieving 10th place in the European Rover Challenge 2021, the objective is to further upgrade the vehicle for the next edition. But currently, a new exploration focus is appearing as flying vehicles are entering the stage. In this context, our Aldora mission is based around a concept mission to Titan via an autonomous plane capable of deploying scientific probes. Obviously, space exploration is not possible without the presence of space transport vehicles. In this matter, Ares mission is focused on the development of High Power amateur rockets. Currently, Ares is developing a supersonic rocket set to participate in EUROC 2022 competition. But most of the payloads carried by rockets are satellites. In this field, the Horus mission aims to investigate and optimize the manufacture of a CubeSat, along with mission performance, to create a fully operational satellite, currently set to participate in the Europe to Space competition. Finally, there is yet another way to perform space science. Our Zephyros mission works in the development of High Altitude Balloons, also developing a set of experiments to test in near-space conditions. The next objective is to achieve the first student-developed zero pressure balloon in Spai

    Long-lasting insecticidal net source, ownership and use in the context of universal coverage: a household survey in eastern Rwanda

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    Contains fulltext : 162707.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Universal long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) coverage (ULC) has reduced malaria morbidity and mortality across Africa. Although information is available on bed net use in specific groups, such as pregnant women and children under 5 years, there is paucity of data on their use among the general population. Bed net source, ownership and determinants of use among individuals from households in an eastern Rwanda community 8 months after a ULC were characterized. METHODS: Using household-based, interviewer-administered questionnaires and interviewer-direct observations, data on bed net source, ownership and key determinants of net use, including demographics, socio-economic status indicators, house structure characteristics, as well as of bed net quantity, type and integrity, were collected from 1400 randomly selected households. Univariate and mixed effects logistic regression modelling was done to assess for determinants of bed net use. RESULTS: A total of 1410 households and 6598 individuals were included in the study. Overall, the proportion of households with at least one net was 92 % while bed net usage was reported among 72 % of household members. Of the households surveyed, a total ownership of 2768 nets was reported, of which about 96 % were reportedly LLINs received from the ULC. By interviewer-physical observation, 88 % of the nets owned were of the LLIN type with the remaining 12 % did not carry any mark to enable type recognition. The odds of bed net use were significantly lower among males and individuals: from households of low socio-economic status, from households with /=two sleeping spaces, and those reporting to have not slept on a bed. CONCLUSION: In this study, despite high a bed net coverage, over 25 % of members reported not to have slept under a bed net the night before the survey. Males were particularly less likely to use bed nets even where nets were available. Household socio-economic status, number of bed nets and type and number of sleeping spaces were key determinants of bed net use. To maximize impact of ULC, strategies that target males as well as those that ensure ITN coverage for all, address barriers to feasible and convenient bed net use including covering over all sleeping space types, and provide net hanging supports, are needed.10 p

    Configuración y puesta en marcha de servicios en nethserver

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    En el presente artículo se podrá observar el paso a paso de la instalación del sistema operativo NethServer, su configuración para una conexión de red LAN, DMZ y WAN, la puesta en marcha del servidor GNU/Linux en base a la distribución servidor NethServer 7.9.2009 en los que se dispondrán los servicios de infraestructura TI. Se describirá la implementación de servicios DHCP server, DNS server, controlador de dominio, Proxy, cortafuegos y VPN.In this article, you will be able to observe the step-by-step installation of the NethServer operating system, its configuration for a LAN, DMZ, and WAN network connection, and the start-up of the GNU/Linux server based on the distribution for Neth server 7.9.2009 servers in which IT infrastructure services will be provided. The implementation of DHCP server, DNS server, domain controller, Proxy, firewall, and VPN services will be described