2,674 research outputs found

    Authorization schema for electronic health-care records: for Uganda

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    This thesis discusses how to design an authorization schema focused on ensuring each patient's data privacy within a hospital information system

    Ecological Implications of Hydrography and Circulation to the Flower Garden Banks, Northwest Gulf of Mexico

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    A synthesis of historic and new physical oceanographic observations on the Louisiana-Texas shelf helps change the circulation paradigm around the Flower Garden Banks. The location of these banks near the shelf edge shields them from the direct influence of the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers and summer hypoxic episodes but places them under direct influence of deepwater physical processes. These deepwater processes control temperature and salinity within ranges that are adequate for coral growth; however, summer temperatures can exceed thermal tolerance limits as evidenced by coral bleaching episodes. Currents near the Banks have longshore and significant offshore components. Loop Current (LC) rings and companion eddies (anticyclones and cyclones) with spatial scales of 30-150 km and residence times ~ 6 mo over the slope are the main driving force of shelf edge currents. This active eddy field induces significant and frequent cross-shelf water exchanges with the deep Gulf, which help regulate temperature, salinity, and larvae dispersal. The eddies also induce oxygen and nutrient enrichments near the mixed layer by sinking and rising water parcels that can help the reef biota. Four links between the Flower Garden Banks and the rest of the Gulf of Mexico are identified: the shelf edge current, LC rings and associated eddies, the mean westward surface wind drift in the Gulf, and alongshelf edge intrusions from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. The coral reefs of the Flower Garden Banks can function as repositories and sources of reef biota

    Travel Times of Passive Drifters from the Western Caribbean to the Gulf of Mexico and Florida-Bahamas

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    Travel times of passive drifters along five predetermined routes connecting coral reefs in the western Caribbean with reefs in the Gulf of Mexico and FloridaBahamas are provided. Mean surface velocities used to estimate time were derived from ship drifts and from satellite-tracked drifters. Estimated times include 55-135 d between Belize and the Flower Garden Banks, 26-42 d between Belize/Yucatan and Florida-Bahamas, and 31 d from Campeche to Vera Cruz. These results agree with the time of waterborne pathogen arrival at the Flower Garden Banks from Belize and an oil slick reaching Texas from Campeche

    A corpus-based analysis of eponyms originating from public figures and fiction characters used to describe attitudes or actions

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    Treballs Finals del Grau d'Estudis Anglesos, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020, Tutora: Natàlia Judith Laso Martín[eng] Eponyms are words that enter a language lexicon by applying the name of a person or a place to a common noun and are a feasible proof of the growth of the English vocabulary. The goal of this paper is creating a corpus-based analysis of eight eponyms adjectives coming from historical figures and literary characters (Sadistic, Masochistic, Kafkaesque, Machiavellian, Thatcherite, Herculean, Platonic, Quixotic) taken from the British National Corpus (BNC) that describe human behaviours, and analysing aspects such as their origin, semantic aspect, lexicalization, collocations, position in the clause and the genre of the media they appear. 579 samples from the British National Corpus (BNC) have been analysed and interpreted thoroughly, assisted by graphics and statistics in order to facilitate their comprehension.[spa] Els epònims són paraules que entren al vocabulari d’una llengua quan s’agafa el nom d’una persona o d’un lloc per crear un nou substantiu i són una mostra irrefutable de com creix el vocabulari de la llengua anglesa. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és crear una anàlisi basada en un corpus lingüístic de vuit epònims que són adjectius derivats de figures històriques i personatges literaris (Sadistic –Sàdic–, Masochistic –Masoquista–, Kafkaesque –Kafkià–, Machiavellian –Maquiavèl·lic–, Thatcherite –Thatcherista–, Herculean –Herculi–, Platonic –Platònic–, Quixotic –Quixotesc–) agafats del British National Corpus (BNC) que descriuen comportaments humans, i analitzar característiques com el seu origen, aspecte semàntic, lexicalització, els substantius que els acompanyen, la ubicació a la frase i a quin tipus de mitjà apareixen. S’han agafat 579 mostres del British National Corpus (BNC) i s’han analitzat i interpretat amb profunditat, amb l’ajuda de gràfiques i estadístiques per facilitar la seva comprensió

    Evaluación y revisión de las proporciones recomendadas para mezclas de concreto en obras menores utilizando dos fuentes de agregados nacionales.

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción). Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2002.Se presentan los resultados de la evaluación y revisión de las proporciones recomendadas para mezclas de concreto en obras menores, utilizando agregados procedentes de dos fuentes, una en Guápiles y otra en Heredia y a la vez recomendar la más viable para realizar un proyecto en Heredia. Dicho análisis consideró el diseño de mezclas de concreto con los agregados de cada fuente a partir del proporcionamiento por tablas en su condición original, granulometría corregida y según la norma ACI 211. Se consideraron dos resistencias a compresión del concreto, comúnmente usadas en obras menores: 175 y 210 kg/cm2. Para lo anterior fue necesario aplicar la norma 10854-MEIC y considerar las principales propiedades y condiciones. Así mismo se hace una referencia mediante entrevistas a diferentes empresas relacionadas con el proceso, comercio y venta de materiales. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un cumplimiento parcial del objetivo. Los diseños cumplen satisfactoriamente para la fuente de Guápiles, pero son deficientes en el caso de la fuente de Heredia. Se logran establecer alcances y limitaciones para cada método de diseño, así como la importancia e influencia de los agregados en la resistencia final del concreto. Se determina también que a nivel comercial existe un desconocimiento e incumplimiento general en cuanto a la normativa vigente, tanto de los productores y proveedores como del consumidor, a excepción de unas pocas empresas importantes del ramo

    Slope and Roughness Statistics of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Seafloor With Some Oceanographic Implications

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    We analyzed 11 cross-slope and six along-slope bathymetric profiles over the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico using statistical and time series techniques. Linear regressions account for over 93% of the water depth variability in nine north-south profiles; the remaining profiles follow quadratic polynomials accounting for over 92% of the variability. Seafloor gradients from the linear fits are generally ≤1°, but local gradients can reach ≅16° near the Sigsbee Escarpment (SE), which is smaller than previously documented. Seafloor roughness elements reach 13-300 m, with most \u3c100m. Such rough bottoms could affect waves with wavelengths of tens of kilometers but not waves of hundreds of kilometers. Water depth power spectra are red (having the most energy at scales ≤10 km) and exhibit a k-2 dependence. Power spectra of short-scale gradients are near constant at scales \u3e0.02 cpkm, implying a white noise process, and overall, these spectra exhibit an exponential dependence. Oceanographically, the slopes are large enough for topographic β-effects to dominate over the planetary β-effect, which allows approximating the topographic Rossby waves (TRWs) dispersion in terms of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency and bottom gradients. The steep SE can sustain minimum periods of ~18 d, which agrees with observed periods. Bottom trapping caused by stratification should be effective only for short waves, but observations suggest that bottom trapping is independent of wavelength. This discrepancy can be explained by the fact that the Gulf of Mexico can be approximated as a two-layer ocean, and TRWs are bottom trapped regardless of wavelength. The critical frequency and slope show that only diurnal and inertial frequencies (at this latitude) could be inducing strong vertical mixing on the study area. The initial conjecture that cyclonic eddies with diameters of 40-150 km are generated by flow-topography interaction was not upheld because the resonance conditions are not met. Finally, the analysis reveals that fluids inside basins cannot escape

    Unveiling the Ezpeleta Affair: Using AI to Explore Cervantes’s World

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    Poster presented at the 2024 DHI showcas

    Análisis de la capacidad y nivel de servicio de la Intersección Semaforizada: Av. América Sur - Av. José María Eguren en la ciudad de Trujillo y formulación de propuestas de mejora. Aplicando la metodología HCM 2010 y Software de simulación SYNCHRO

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    El presente trabajo ha sido desarrollado en la intersección semaforizadas Av. América Sur – Av. José María Eguren, de la ciudad de Trujillo a fin de determinar su capacidad y nivel de servicio de esta intersección aplicando la metodología HCM 2010 y el programa de simulación Synchro v.8, para ello, trazamos un trabajo en dos etapas; la primera consistió en recolección de datos como: aforo de volúmenes de vehículos, peatones, longitud de ciclo, tipo de semaforización, factor de utilización de carril, tasa de flujo de saturación y tipo de llegada, la segunda parte contiene los cálculos de gabinete de todos los datos recolectados. Los resultados por la metodología HCM 2010: La demora de la intersección dI = 60.3 (s/veh) por tanto, el nivel de servicio será E. En cambio, usando Synchro v.8 los resultados: La demora de la intersección dI = 72.4 (s/veh) por tanto, el nivel de servicio será E. Finalmente, se analizaron diversas propuestas de mejora como: el mejoramiento de la señalizaciones vertical y horizontal, mejoramiento de la geometría y la optimización del ciclo. Asimismo, la mejor alternativa para mejorar en nivel de servicio es la unión o combinación de propuestas de mejora. Dicho esto, Los resultados fueron: La demora de la intersección dI = 12.3 (s/veh) por tanto, el nivel de servicio será B, aplicando la metodología HCM 2010. En cambio, usando Synchro v.8 los resultados fueron: La demora de la intersección dI = 13.2 (s/veh) por tanto, el nivel de servicio será B.The present work has been developed in the signalized intersection Av. América Sur – Av. José María Eguren, in the city of Trujillo in order to determine its capacity and service level of this intersection applying the HCM 2010 methodology and the Synchro simulation program. v.8, for this, we trace a work in two stages; The first consisted of collecting data such as: capacity of volumes of vehicles, pedestrians, cycle length, type of traffic lights, lane utilization factor, saturation flow rate and type of arrival, the second part contains the calculations of the office of all data collected. The results by the HCM 2010 methodology: The intersection delay dI = 60.3 (s/veh) therefore, the level of service will be E. On the other hand, using Synchro v.8 the results: The intersection delay dI = 72.4 (s/veh) therefore, the level of service will be E. Finally, various improvement proposals were analyzed, such as: improvement of vertical and horizontal signaling, improvement of geometry and optimization of the cycle. Likewise, the best alternative to improve the service level is the union or combination of improvement proposals. That said, the results were: The delay of the intersection dI = 12.3 (s/veh) therefore, the level of service will be B, applying the HCM 2010 methodology. Instead, using Synchro v.8 the results were: The delay of the intersection dI = 13.2 (s/veh) therefore, the level of service will be BTesi

    Automatic Extraction of Power Cables Location in Railways Using Surface LiDAR Systems

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    [EN] The assembly and maintenance of electrified railway systems is of vital importance for its correct operation. Contact wires are critical elements since the correct collection of energy from trains through pantographs depends on them. Periodical inspection of the state of these installations is essential. This task traditionally implies a heavy manual workload subject to errors. A new system that allows one to check the state (height and stagger) of contact and messenger wires is presented on this article blueA new method based on seven steps for identifying the contact wires and measuring their height and stagger from point clouds recorded by means of a LiDAR system is presented. This system can be used both in assembly and maintenance phases, as well as afterwards, allowing the analysis of point clouds previously recorded. The new method was evaluated in both test bench and real environments against the commonly used measurement method. Results with the comparison between this new system and the commonly used measurement method in both test bench and real railway environments are presented. Results of this comparison show differences of less than a centimetre on average and the amount of time spent for the measuring phase is significantly decreased and not prone to human errors.S