69 research outputs found

    Dimensiones profesionales, personales y sociales de la competencia emprendedora de la mujer en el ámbito agrario rural andaluz

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    Aunque la situación de la mujer en el ámbito rural andaluz en cuanto al empleo se ha visto ligeramente mejorada en los últimos años, todavía se evidencia una notable brecha de género en múltiples sentidos que afectan a su grado y tipo de emprendimiento. Así, el fomento de la competencia emprendedora desde distintos ámbitos (formal, no formal e informal) continúa siendo una necesidad importante para paliar su situación de desventaja. El objetivo de este estudio es el de identificar y describir, desde el punto de vista de las mujeres, las posibles dimensiones (profesionales, personales y sociales) que estarían dificultando o apoyando el aprendizaje efectivo de la competencia emprendedora. Se utiliza una metodología cualitativa con una muestra de 30 mujeres emprendedoras dentro del entorno rural andaluz mediante una entrevista semiestructurada. Como principales resultados se destaca cómo el género se percibe como un factor que determina negativamente el grado y tipo de emprendimiento de las mujeres. No obstante, se señala a sus características personales vs. otros factores exógenos como una de las dimensiones más importantes. En este sentido, se destaca la importancia de las motivaciones intrínsecas de las mujeres a la hora de emprender, así como la responsabilidad social y ética de sus actos. Por último, se apunta a la necesidad de continuar fortaleciendo el aprendizaje de la competencia emprendedora desde la educación formal y no formal, pero se sugiere la importancia de potenciar contextos de aprendizaje informal como, por ejemplo, la orientación y asesoramiento continuo de la actividad emprendedora.Esta investigación ha sido posible gracias al convenio de colaboración (Ref.-8.07/5.43.6154) firmado entre la Confederación de Mujeres del Mundo Rural (CERES) y la Universidad de Málaga a través de la Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI) de dicha Universidad

    Determining crystal structures through crowdsourcing and coursework

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    We show here that computer game players can build high-quality crystal structures. Introduction of a new feature into the computer game Foldit allows players to build and real-space refine structures into electron density maps. To assess the usefulness of this feature, we held a crystallographic model-building competition between trained crystallographers, undergraduate students, Foldit players and automatic model-building algorithms. After removal of disordered residues, a team of Foldit players achieved the most accurate structure. Analysing the target protein of the competition, YPL067C, uncovered a new family of histidine triad proteins apparently involved in the prevention of amyloid toxicity. From this study, we conclude that crystallographers can utilize crowdsourcing to interpret electron density information and to produce structure solutions of the highest quality

    Guétat-Bernard Hélène, 2014, Féminin-masculin, Genre et agricultures familiales, Éditions Quae

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    Annes Alexis. Guétat-Bernard Hélène, 2014, Féminin-masculin, Genre et agricultures familiales, Éditions Quae. In: Revue d’études en Agriculture et Environnement, Vol. 96, N°3, 2015. pp. 531-536

    Guétat-Bernard Hélène, Féminin-masculin, Genre et agricultures familiales

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    Conceptual and Spatial Migrations: Rural Gay Men's Quest for Identity

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    International audienceThis chapter explores the link between the construction of sexual identity, expressions of masculinity and mobility practices between rural and urban spaces in two countries, France and the United States. These countries are used for comparative study because both constitute postindustrial societies where rural spaces have undergone significant changes, and whose rural spaces are sources of rural romanticism promoting heterosexuality and marginalizing other sexual orientations. Also, while both countries manifest diversity in rural areas, heterosexual norms and traditional masculinities continue to culturally define them. Based on the life narratives of 30 self-identified rural gay men, this chapter defines how gay men (mostly White working-or middle-class) build their sense of self through back-and-forth movements between urban and rural settings. By contrasting French and American case studies, we present the significant, but nonetheless ambivalent, role of the city in the building of their sexual identity. We argue that the sexual identity construction of our research participants does not happen through experience in the city, but rather, it is a process occurring through their movement within and between rural and urban spaces. In conclusion, we highlight, in contrast to previous studies, that the impetus to rural return for these men is based in the adapted values, traditions and representations of the rural space

    L’alimentation au cœur des sociabilités ville-campagne. L’exemple des marchés fermiers comme formes d’interactions entre populations agricoles et touristiques

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    International audienceInterests in food heritage, particularly associated with the countryside, provide opportunities for new forms of tourism development. Agritourism is one of these developing forms of tourism. It is defined as all tourism activities taking place on a working farm and is perceived as a diversification strategy with multiple benefits. Considering the differences between how non-farm population perceives agriculture and how agriculture actually is, agritourism can be seen as a vehicle to create dialogue and understanding between the farm and the non-farm populations. By encouraging tourists to think about agriculture, by showcasing specific images and practices related to food production, and also by sharing values and experiences of life on a farm and in the countryside, farmers hold a unique opportunity to stage agriculture and rural life in their own ways. Focusing on on-farm markets, a new popular form of agritourism, this paper questions how food, in the context of agritourism activities, stands as a means to create social interactions between rural and urban dwellers. Our analysis is based upon an exploratory study conducted in 2015 in the Midi-Pyrénées, a region located in South-West France, in which we interviewed 15 farmers who organize on-farm markets.L’expérience alimentaire associée au tourisme semble être le lieu de multiples aspirations et représentations, notamment en espace rural, donnant lieu à de nouvelles pratiques, offres et filières situées parfois en marge d’un développement touristique plus institutionnalisé. C’est le cas de l’agritourisme, défini comme l’ensemble des activités touristiques pratiquées sur une exploitation agricole et présenté comme moyen de diversification aux bénéfices multiples. Considérant le décalage entre perceptions du monde agricole et réalité du terrain, l’agritourisme, à travers la valorisation de produits agricoles et alimentaires, est analysé comme un moyen de renouer le dialogue et de tisser des liens entre population agricole et société civile. En encourageant un public de non-initiés à réfléchir et à penser l’agriculture, en valorisant des images et des pratiques spécifiques, mais aussi en partageant des valeurs et des visions contrastées du monde agricole et rural, les agriculteurs, à travers la valorisation de leurs produits agricoles et alimentaires, sont au cœur de processus d’interactions. Cette contribution vise ainsi, avec l’exemple des marchés fermiers, à questionner l’alimentation comme vecteur de nouvelles formes de sociabilités entre ville et campagne. L’analyse se base sur une étude exploratoire conduite en 2015 dans la région Midi-Pyrénées (France) auprès d’agriculteurs et d’agricultrices proposant des marchés sur leur exploitation agricole
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