20 research outputs found

    Direct Measurement of Piezoelectric Response around Ferroelectric Domain Walls in Crystals with Engineered Domain Configuration

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    We report the first investigation of the piezoelectric response on a nanoscale in the poled ferroelectric crystals with engineered configuration of domains. Piezoresponse force microscopy of tetragonal 0.63PMN-0.37PT relaxor-based ferroelectric crystals reviled that the d33 piezoelectric coefficient is significantly reduced within the distance of about 1 um from the uncharged engineered domain wall. This finding is essential for understanding the mechanisms of the giant piezoresponse in relaxor-based crystals and for designing new piezoelectric materials

    Optically Isotropic and Monoclinic Ferroelectric Phases in PZT Single Crystals near Morphotropic Phase Boundary

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    We report the finding of unusual scale-dependent symmetry below the ferroelectric Curie temperature in the perovskite Pb(Zr1-xTix)O3 single crystals of morphotropic phase boundary compositions. The crystals of tetragonal symmetry (from x-ray diffraction experiments) on sub-micrometer scale exhibit a macroscopic (optically determined) cubic symmetry. This peculiar optical isotropy is explained by the anomalously small size of tetragonal ferroelectric domains. Upon further cooling the crystals transform to the phase consisting of micrometer-sized domains of monoclinic Cm symmetry.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Impact of quenched random fields on the ferroelectric-to-relaxor crossover in the solid solution (1−x)BaTiO3−xDyFeO3

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    Lead-based perovskite relaxor ferroelectrics are widely used as materials for numerous applications due to their extraordinary dielectric, piezoelectric, and electrostrictive properties. While the mechanisms of relaxor behavior are disputable, the importance of quenched (static) random electric fields created at nanoscale by the disordered heterovalent cations has been well recognized. Meanwhile, an increasing amount of scientific and technological efforts has been concentrated on lead-free perovskites, in particular, solid solutions of classical ferroelectric BaTiO 3 (BT), which better meet ecological requirements. Among BT-based solutions the homovalent systems are elaborately studied where strong random electric fields are absent, while the solubility limit of heterovalent solutions is typically too low to fully reveal the peculiarities of relaxor behavior. In this paper, we prepare a perovskite solid solution system (1 − x )Ba 2 + Ti 4 + O 3 − x Dy 3 + Fe 3 + O 3 (0 x 0 . 3) and study it as a model heterovalent lead-free system. We determine crystal structure, ferroelectric, and dielectric properties of ceramics in a wide range of temperatures and concentrations, construct a phase diagram, and find and analyze the concentration-induced crossover from normal ferroelectric to relaxor behavior. We demonstrate that quenched random electric fields of moderate strength promote the ferroelectric-to-relaxor crossover, but do not change qualitatively the peculiarities of relaxor behavior, while strong enough fields destroy the relaxor state, so that the material becomes an ordinary linear dielectric. The experimental results are compared with the predictions of known theories of relaxor ferroelectricity

    Acute and obtuse rhombohedrons in the local structures of relaxor ferroelectric Pb(Mg_1/3Nb_2/3)O_3

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    The local structures around Nb and Pb in the prototypical relaxor ferroelectric Pb(Mg_1/3Nb_2/3)O_3 (PMN) wereinvestigated by x-ray fluorescence holography. The separate atomic images of nearest Pb around Nb revealedacute and obtuse rhombohedral structures of the crystal unit cells. The Pb-Pb correlated images showed a localstructure of body-center-like 2a_0 × 2a_0 × 2a_0 superlattice, proving a rigid three-dimensional network structuralmodel combining the two kinds of rhombohedrons. The Pb atoms in the networks are positionally stable, whilethe other Pb atoms are fluctuating. This superstructure and the fluctuating Pb and Nb atoms are believed to playan important role in the relaxor behavior of PMN at the atomic level

    Evidence for Goldstone-like and Higgs-like structural modes in the model PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3\mathrm{Pb}{\mathrm{Mg}}_{1/3}{\mathrm{Nb}}_{2/3}{\mathrm{O}}_{3} relaxor ferroelectric

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    International audienceEffective Hamiltonian simulations are conducted to unveil the nature of the low-frequency polar modes in the prototype relaxor ferroelectric, Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3. Above the so-called T* temperature, only a single soft-mode exists, with its frequency increasing under heating. On the other hand, for temperatures lower than the freezing temperature, this single soft-mode splits into two modes, with one mode slightly changing its low resonant frequency while the other exhibiting a resonant frequency sharply increasing under cooling, in agreement with previous measurements. More importantly, we present evidences that these two modes can be regarded as Goldstone-like and Higgs-like modes, inherent to the Mexican-hat-form of the atomic displacement potential we also reveal here, therefore extending the types of systems exhibiting Higgs-boson characteristics to relaxor ferroelectrics