1,201 research outputs found

    Russian-Ukraine 2022 War: A Review of The Economic Impact of The Russian-Ukraine Crisis on The Several Developing Countries

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    The war between Russia and Ukraine is one of the international tragedies that burden many countries today—affected countries incident war, Of course in Europe. Supply energy in Europe is almost half more originates from Russia, so war makes the area of Europe and around No stable. Another problem is war. It also involves many countries, not only Russia and Ukraine, directly. War Russia opposes Ukraine has caused enhanced consumption of energy and food on the ground in Europe. The rupture crisis economy causes enough inflation high in several countries. Therefore appearance challenges the economy in modern times. Peace and stability in the world economy should be maintained, now ravaged by war. War raises Lots of dire consequences for the world community. Among other things, the raw material price rose sharply and changed the global energy trading system. Plus, with the increased price of energy and items, attacks Russia to Ukraine, the supplier country food. As a result, food shortages threaten and influence hunger in the global community. Wartime has influenced many countries, such as increasing food and fertilizer prices. In condition this kind is necessary, there is an action real from the United Nations to complete the organization's most extensive international at this time. Due to the war between Russia and Ukraine in 2022, a crisis economy happened, plus there is Covid 19. Several impacts price of commodity oil and gas rebound high, a threat to food, and stock market shocks

    Some aspects of medicines with antidote action on pharmaceutical market of Republic of Moldova

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    Catedra Farmacie Socială „Vasile Procopişin”The study includes the analysis of statistical data concerning population mortality caused by accidents, intoxications, traumas, which are 8,9% among adults and 8,8% among children 0-14 age old. According to ATC classification, these preparations are from the following groups: group A – alimentary tract and metabolism - 39.28 %, group B – blood and blood forming organs - 28.57 % and group V - Varia – 10.71 %. Medicines with antidote action are imported from 16 countries, 14 items from Russia and Ukraine. Republic of Moldova is situated on the third place with 7 items. Lucrarea prezentată conţine analiza datelor statistice privind mortalitatea populaţiei cauzată de accidente, intoxicaţii, traume acestea constituind - 8,9% la adulţi şi - 8,8% la copiii cu vârsta cuprinsă între 0-14 ani. Conform codului ATC, aceste preparate fac parte din următoarele grupe: grupul A - Tactul digestiv şi metabolism - 39.28 %, din grupul B - Sânge şi organe hematopoetice - 28.57 % şi din grupul V - Varia - 10,71 %. Medicamente cu acţiune antidotică sunt importate din 16 ţări, pe primul loc fiind Rusia şi Ucraina cu câte 14 denumiri, Republica Moldova situându-se pe locul trei cu 7 denumiri

    Siguranța alimentelor conform indicatorilor sanitaro – microbiologici în municipiul Chișinău

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    Introduction. The research of the food according to the sanitary-microbiological indicators provides the evaluator with objective data regarding their inoffensiveness and, respectively, the possibility of use in human consumption. The purpose of the research: Hygienic evaluation of the results of the sanitary-microbiological examination of food samples in Chisinau over a period of 5 years. Material and methods. The results of the sanitary-microbiological examination of the food samples, performed in the Public Health Center in Chisinau during a period of 5 years (2016-2020) were analyzed and evaluated. In the research, there were used methods: hygienic, statistical and others. Results. During the study period, the number of analyzed samples decreased, the average non-compliance rate being 9.02%. The samples from the group of vegetable products had the highest non-compliance rate (22.99%), followed by the samples of milk and dairy products (12.79%) and the samples of sugar products, pastries, and chewing gum (11.48 %). The safest was baby food, with a non-compliance rate of 0.98%. Among the sanitary-microbiological indicators, based on the results of which the food was considered non-compliant, the total coliforms were placed on the first place, having an average weight in the respective structure of 55.38% for the whole period, followed by the QMAFAnM indicator (32.06 %) and S. aureus (4,71%). Conclusions. Over the years, included in the study, the number of samples investigated has been declining. The average rate of non-compliant samples was 9.02%. The highest non-compliance was determined by the indicators of total coliforms and QMAFAnM.Introducere. Cercetarea alimentelor după indicatorii sanitaro-microbiologici asigură evaluatorul cu date obiective privind inofensivitatea lor și, respectiv, posibilitatea utilizării în consumul uman. Scopul cercetării: Evaluarea igienică a rezultatelor examenului sanitaro-microbiologic al probelor de alimente în municipiul Chișinău pe o perioadă de 5 ani. Material si metode. Au fost analizate și evaluate rezultatele examenului sanitaro-microbiologic al probelor de alimente, efectuate în Centrul de Sănătate Publică din municipiul Chișinău pe parcursul unei perioade de 5 ani (2016-2020). În cercetare au fost utilizate metodele: igienică, statistică ș.a. Rezultate. În perioada luată în studiu numărul probelor analizate a fost în scădere, rata medie de neconformitate fiind de 9,02%. Probele din grupa produselor din legume au avut cea mai înaltă rată de neconformitate (22,99%), urmate de probele de lapte și produse lactate (12,79%) și probele de produse zaharoase, patiserie și gumă de mestecat (11,48%). Cele mai sigure au fost produsele alimentare pentru copii, rata neconformității fiind de 0,98%. Dintre indicatorii sanitaro-microbiologici, în baza rezultatelor cărora alimentele au fost considerate neconforme, pe primul loc s-au plasat coliformii totali, având o pondere medie în structura respectivă de 55,38% pentru toată perioada, urmat de MAFAM (32,06%) și S. aureus (4,71%). Concluzii. În perioada anilor, incluși în studiu, numărul probelor cercetate au fost în scădere. Rata medie a probelor neconforme a fost de 9,02%. Cea mai înaltă neconformitate a fost stabilită după indicatorii coliformii totali și MAFAM


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Cercetarea alimentelor după indicatorii sanitaro-microbiologici asigură evaluatorul cu date obiective privind inofensivitatea lor și, respectiv, posibilitatea utilizării în consumul uman. Scopul cercetării: Evaluarea igienică a rezultatelor examenului sanitaro-microbiologic al probelor de alimente în municipiul Chișinău pe o perioadă de 5 ani. Material si metode. Au fost analizate și evaluate rezultatele examenului sanitaro-microbiologic al probelor de alimente, efectuate în Centrul de Sănătate Publică din municipiul Chișinău pe parcursul unei perioade de 5 ani (2016-2020). În cercetare au fost utilizate metodele: igienică, statistică ș.a. Rezultate. În perioada luată în studiu numărul probelor analizate a fost în scădere, rata medie de neconformitate fiind de 9,02%. Probele din grupa produselor din legume au avut cea mai înaltă rată de neconformitate (22,99%), urmate de probele de lapte și produse lactate (12,79%) și probele de produse zaharoase, patiserie și gumă de mestecat (11,48%). Cele mai sigure au fost produsele alimentare pentru copii, rata neconformității fiind de 0,98%. Dintre indicatorii sanitaro-microbiologici, în baza rezultatelor cărora alimentele au fost considerate neconforme, pe primul loc s-au plasat coliformii totali, având o pondere medie în structura respectivă de 55,38% pentru toată perioada, urmat de MAFAM (32,06%) și S. aureus (4,71%). Concluzii. În perioada anilor, incluși în studiu, numărul probelor cercetate au fost în scădere. Rata medie a probelor neconforme a fost de 9,02%. Cea mai înaltă neconformitate a fost stabilită după indicatorii coliformii totali și MAFAM.Introduction. The research of the food according to the sanitary-microbiological indicators provides the evaluator with objective data regarding their inoffensiveness and, respectively, the possibility of use in human consumption. The purpose of the research: Hygienic evaluation of the results of the sanitary-microbiological examination of food samples in Chisinau over a period of 5 years. Material and methods. The results of the sanitary-microbiological examination of the food samples, performed in the Public Health Center in Chisinau during a period of 5 years (2016-2020) were analyzed and evaluated. In the research, there were used methods: hygienic, statistical and others. Results. During the study period, the number of analyzed samples decreased, the average non-compliance rate being 9.02%. The samples from the group of vegetable products had the highest non-compliance rate (22.99%), followed by the samples of milk and dairy products (12.79%) and the samples of sugar products, pastries, and chewing gum (11.48 %). The safest was baby food, with a non-compliance rate of 0.98%. Among the sanitary-microbiological indicators, based on the results of which the food was considered non-compliant, the total coliforms were placed on the first place, having an average weight in the respective structure of 55.38% for the whole period, followed by the QMAFAnM indicator (32.06 %) and S. aureus (4,71%). Conclusions. Over the years, included in the study, the number of samples investigated has been declining. The average rate of non-compliant samples was 9.02%. The highest non-compliance was determined by the indicators of total coliforms and QMAFAnM

    Developing Methods and Algorithms for Cloud Computing Management Systems in Industrial Polymer Synthesis Processes

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    To date, the resources and computational capacity of companies have been insufficient to evaluate the technological properties of emerging products based on mathematical modelling tools. Often, several calculations have to be performed with different initial data. A remote computing system using a high-performance cluster can overcome this challenge. This study aims to develop unified methods and algorithms for a remote computing management system for modelling polymer synthesis processes at a continuous production scale. The mathematical description of the problem-solving algorithms is based on a kinetic approach to process investigation. A conceptual scheme for the proposed service can be built as a multi-level architecture with distributed layers for data storage and computation. This approach provides the basis for a unified database of laboratory and computational experiments to address and solve promising problems in the use of neural network technologies in chemical kinetics. The methods and algorithms embedded in the system eliminate the need for model description. The operation of the system was tested by simulating the simultaneous statement and computation of 15 to 30 tasks for an industrially significant polymer production process. Analysis of the time required showed a nearly 10-fold increase in the rate of operation when managing a set of similar tasks. The analysis shows that the described formulation and solution of problems is more time-efficient and provides better production modes. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01324 Full Text: PD

    Факторы риска часто рецидивирующего течения язвенного колита

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    Aim: to identify risk factors of frequently relapsing course of ulcerative colitis. In the prospective cohort study the evolution of ulcerative colitis within 5 years was investigated in 306 patients with endoscopically and histologically confirmed diagnosis. Demographic data, occupation, occupational hazard, bad habits, diet, family and medical history, concomitant diseases, clinical features and treatment in the first year of the disease and in the next five years were analyzed as possible risk factors of unfavorable course. Multivariate stepwise discriminant analysis was used for statistical processing. Age at onset younger than 30 years, non smoker, severe activity, complications and extraintestinal manifestations, duration until the specific therapy more than 6 months, inadequate treatment at disease onset, duration until remission more than 6 months and a short duration of maintenance therapy are the risk factors of frequent relapsing evolution. Demographic, social, hygiene factors, family and medical history data, comorbidities associated with types of clinical evolution of UC were not identified. The most significant risk factors: duration until the specific therapy, therapy at disease onset, duration of remission are modifiable factors, therefore, the adequate and timely treatment can improve the disease prognosis.Цель: выявление факторов риска часто рецидивирующего течения язвенного колита. В проспективном когортном исследовании изучали динамику язвенного колита на протяжении 5 лет у 306 пациентов с эндоскопически и гистологически подтвержденным диагнозом. Как возможные факторы риска были изучены демографические данные, род занятости, профессиональные вредности, вредные привычки, особенности питания, данные анамнеза жизни и анамнеза заболевания, сопутствующие болезни, клинические особенности и лечение в течение первого года заболевания и в течение последующих пяти лет. Статистическая обработка проводилась с помощью многофакторного пошагового дискриминантного анализа. Факторами риска часто рецидивирующего течения являются: возраст в начале заболевания моложе 30 лет, статус не курильщика, тяжелая степень активности дебюта, наличие осложнений и внекишечных проявлений, длительность до назначения специфической терапии более 6 месяцев, неадекватность лечения в дебюте заболевания, длительность до ремиссии более 6 месяцев и короткая длительность поддерживающей терапии. Не были выявлены демографические, социальные, гигиенические факторы, особенности анамнеза жизни и сопутствующие заболевания, ассоциированные с тем или иным вариантом течения ЯК. Наиболее значимые факторы риска: длительность до назначения специфической терапии, характер лечения в дебюте заболевания, длительность до ремиссии – являются модифицируемыми факторами, следовательно, при адекватной и своевременной терапии можно улучшить прогноз заболевания

    Confinement-Controlled Water Engenders Unusually High Electrochemical Capacitance

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    The electrodynamics of nanoconfined water have been shown to change dramatically compared to bulk water, opening room for safe electrochemical systems. We demonstrate a nanofluidic “water-only” battery that exploits anomalously high electrolytic properties of pure water at firm confinement. The device consists of a membrane electrode assembly of carbon-based nanomaterials, forming continuously interconnected water-filled nanochannels between the separator and electrodes. The efficiency of the cell in the 1–100 nm pore size range shows a maximum energy density at 3 nm, challenging the region of the current metal-ion batteries. Our results establish the electrodynamic fundamentals of nanoconfined water and pave the way for low-cost and inherently safe energy storage solutions that are much needed in the renewable energy sector

    Genomic signatures of freshwater adaptation in Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii)

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    Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) is an essential target of commercial fishing in the North Pacific Ocean. Previous studies have suggested the existence of marine and lake ecological forms of this species within its range. The lake ecological form of herring has a shortened life cycle, spending the winter and spawning in brackish waters near the shoreline without long migrations for feed-ing; it also has a relatively smaller body size than the marine form. Genetic-based studies have shown that brackish water Pacific herring not only can be distinguished as a separate lake eco-logical form but possibly has its genetic legacy. Here, as part of an ongoing study, using ddRAD-sequencing data for marine and lake ecological forms from a total of 54 individuals and methods of comparative bioinformatics, we describe genomic signatures of freshwater adaptivity in Pacific herring. In total, 253 genes containing discriminating SNPs were found, and part of those genes was organized into genome clusters, also known as “genomic islands of divergence”. Moreover, the Tajima’s D test showed that these loci are under directional selection in the lake populations of the Pacific herring. Yet, most discriminating loci between the lake and marine eco-logical forms of Pacific herring do not intersect (by gene name) with those in other known marine fish species with known freshwater/brackish populations. However, some are associated with the same physiological trait—osmoregulation.publishedVersio