311 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic characterization of conformal antennas

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    The ultimate objective of this project is to develop a new technique which permits an accurate simulation of microstrip patch antennas or arrays with various feed, superstrate and/or substrate configurations residing in a recessed cavity whose aperture is planar, cylindrical or otherwise conformed to the substructure. The technique combines the finite element and boundary integral methods to formulate a system suitable for solution via the conjugate gradient method in conjunction with the fast Fourier transform. The final code is intended to compute both scattering and radiation patterns of the structure with an affordable memory demand. With upgraded capabilities, the four included papers examined the radar cross section (RCS), input impedance, gain, and resonant frequency of several rectangular configurations using different loading and substrate/superstrate configurations

    An approach to exact solutions of the time-dependent supersymmetric two-level three-photon Jaynes-Cummings model

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    By utilizing the property of the supersymmetric structure in the two-level multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings model, an invariant is constructed in terms of the supersymmetric generators by working in the sub-Hilbert-space corresponding to a particular eigenvalue of the conserved supersymmetric generators. We obtain the exact solutions of the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation which describes the time-dependent supersymmetric two-level three-photon Jaynes-Cummings model (TLTJCM) by using the invariant-related unitary transformation formulation. The case under the adiabatic approximation is also discussed. Keywords: Supersymmetric Jaynes-Cummings model; exact solutions; invariant theory; geometric phase factor; adiabatic approximationComment: 7 pages, Late

    Are magnetic monopoles at the origin of magneto-electricity in spin ices?

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    The possibilities of combining several degrees of freedom inside a unique material have recently been highlighted in their dynamics and proposed as information carriers in quantum devices where their cross-manipulation by external parameters such as electric and magnetic fields could enhance their functionalities. An emblematic example is that of electromagnons, spin-waves dressed with electric dipoles, that are fingerprints of multiferroics. Point-like objects have also been identified, which may take the form of excited quasiparticles. This is the case for magnetic monopoles, the exotic excitations of spin ices, that have been recently proposed to carry an electric dipole although experimental evidences remain elusive. Presently, we investigate the electrical signature of a classical spin ice and a related compound that supports quantum fluctuations. Our in-depth study clearly attributes magnetoelectricity to the correlated spin ice phase distinguishing it from extrinsic and single-ion effects. Our calculations show that the proposed model conferring magnetoelectricity to monopoles is not sufficient, calling for higher order contributions

    Entangled two cavity modes preparation via a two-photon process

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    We propose a scheme for entangling two field modes in two high-Q optical cavities. Making use of a virtual two-photon process, our scheme achieves maximally entangled states without any real transitions of atomic internal states, hence it is immune to the atomic decay.Comment: 4 pages, latex, 7 figure

    The magnetic mass of transverse gluon, the B-meson weak decay vertex and the triality symmetry of octonion

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    With an assumption that in the Yang-Mills Lagrangian, a left-handed fermion and a right-handed fermion both expressed as quaternion make an octonion which possesses the triality symmetry, I calculate the magnetic mass of the transverse self-dual gluon from three loop diagram, in which a heavy quark pair is created and two self-dual gluons are interchanged. The magnetic mass of the transverse gluon depends on the mass of the pair created quarks, and in the case of charmed quark pair creation, the magnetic mass mmagm_{mag} becomes approximately equal to TcT_c at T=Tc1.14ΛMSˉ260T=T_c\sim 1.14\Lambda_{\bar{MS}}\sim 260MeV. A possible time-like magnetic gluon mass from two self-dual gluon exchange is derived, and corrections in the B-meson weak decay vertices from the two self-dual gluon exchange are also evaluated.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Resummation scheme for 3d Yang-Mills and the two-loop magnetic mass for hot gauge theories

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    Perturbation theory for non-Abelian gauge theories at finite temperature is plagued by infrared divergences caused by magnetic soft modes g2T\sim g^2T, which correspond to the fields of a 3d Yang-Mills theory. We revisit a gauge invariant resummation scheme to solve this problem by self-consistent mass generation using an auxiliary scalar field, improving over previous attempts in two respects. First, we generalise earlier SU(2) treatments to SU(N). Second, we obtain a gauge independent two-loop gap equation, correcting an error in the literature. The resulting two-loop approximation to the magnetic mass represents a 15\sim 15% correction to the leading one-loop value, indicating a reasonable convergence of the resummation.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    The Fuzzy Disc

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    We introduce a finite dimensional matrix model approximation to the algebra of functions on a disc based on noncommutative geometry. The algebra is a subalgebra of the one characterizing the noncommutative plane with a * product and depends on two parameters N and theta. It is composed of functions which decay exponentially outside a disc. In the limit in which the size of the matrices goes to infinity and the noncommutativity parameter goes to zero the disc becomes sharper. We introduce a Laplacian defined on the whole algebra and calculate its eigenvalues. We also calculate the two--points correlation function for a free massless theory (Green's function). In both cases the agreement with the exact result on the disc is very good already for relatively small matrices. This opens up the possibility for the study of field theories on the disc with nonperturbative methods. The model contains edge states, a fact studied in a similar matrix model independently introduced by Balachandran, Gupta and Kurkcuoglu.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, references added and correcte

    Scalar Field Theory on Fuzzy S^4

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    Scalar fields are studied on fuzzy S4S^4 and a solution is found for the elimination of the unwanted degrees of freedom that occur in the model. The resulting theory can be interpreted as a Kaluza-Klein reduction of CP^3 to S^4 in the fuzzy context.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe