12 research outputs found

    Security Management of Extended Mobility

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. nationale.National audienceExtended mobility, where mobile users and whole network infrastructures need mobility support, moves towards real potential deployment. We address in this paper the management of mobile internet protocols and mobile networks, by proposing an information model and pointing out possible integration of mobility management within the policy based management paradigm

    Preliminary results on the measurement of plutonium isotopic ratios at the 1MV AMS facility in IFIN-HH

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    The range of radioisotopes measured at the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) facility based on the 1MV TandetronTM of IFIN-HH has been extended to actinides. The paper presents the preliminary results obtained for measuring the isotopic ratios of 239Pu / 242Pu and 240Pu / 242Pu using a secondary standard prepared at CNA Seville.Peer reviewe

    Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy and β-Blocker Poisoning: A Case Report

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    β-blocker poisoning is frequently observed because of its primary use for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The management of β-blocker toxicity is dependent on the cardiovascular response and the severity of presentation. The present study describes the case of a patient with combined drug intoxication, β-blocker, digoxin, benzodiazepines, acetaminophen and opiates in a suicidal attempt. A 63-year-old female was found somnolent and in a confused state at her residence following intentional poly-drug ingestion. Upon presentation, she was found to be hemodynamically unstable and was thus treated with vasopressors. The toxicological screening performed upon presentation was positive for polydrug ingestion. On day 3, the patient developed chest pain and ST-segment elevation in anterior leads, while transthoracic echocardiographic assessment disclosed a non-dilated left ventricle with moderate dysfunction and akinesia of the apex. Coronary angiogram revealed normal coronary arteries and, subsequently, the diagnosis of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) was suspected. Supportive treatment was initiated with favorable evolution and left ventricular ejection fraction normalization. The management of hemodynamic instability with vasopressors should be judiciously administered in the treatment of β-blocker poisoning, in view of the adverse effects on cardiac functions, including stress cardiomyopathy


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    Abstract: The events at the end of 1989, with their numerous mutations in the political and strategic in central and eastern Europe, have generated a vast process of redefining international relations with profound implications for the state's situation. The political processes at the beginning of the century have their origins in the effect of the cold war and in the state of torment that was created after its conclusion. The enlargement of NATO and that of the EU, although it created prerequisites for better crisis management and conflict specific to these stages, failed to ensure the proper management of the politico-military crisis but, on the contrary, these crises influenced and continue to influence the relations on the international arena. This article is focused on the critical political-military analysis, as well as, some attempts to present an opinion on the discussed phenomenon


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    Abstract: Profitability indicators describe the result of the management process more comprehensively than profit, characterize the effectiveness and efficiency of management, because their value shows the ratio of the effect with cash or input resources. They are used to evaluate the performance of the enterprise, as well as an instrument of investment policy and pricing. Most often, in practice, agricultural enterprises calculate indicators that characterize the profitability of production costs, investment projects and profitability of sales. It is very important to calculate the profitability levels of each type of sold products and give them an estimate, which allows identifying the most profitable ones. Methodological approaches are proposed in order to determine the four levels of profitability of the sold products, which are clearly presented in tables and graphs. It is important to grade the levels of profitability for each type of sold product, and therefore, it is becoming possible to assess their degree of effectiveness or level of profitability. The purpose of the article is to provide teachers from higher educational institutions, as well as agricultural specialists with modern tools for assessing the effectiveness of sold products, in particular through application of an unconventional method. The presented study allows specialists of agricultural enterprises to determine on the basis of two coefficients (return on fixed and specific variable costs) the moderate, rational, optimal and high profitability of sold grain, sunflower, grapes and other products and based on them to justify the amount of expected profit


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    Abstract: This paper presents recent trends and flows of labor migration and its impact on economic and social life. Main aim of this research sets up the influence of the migration on the European economics and its competitiveness. Methods of research are: method of comparison, analysis method, method of deduction, method of statistics, modeling method. The economic impact of migration has been intensively studied but is still often driven by ill-informed perceptions, which, in turn, can lead to public antagonism towards migration. These negative views risk jeopardising efforts to adapt migration policies to the new economic and demographic challenges facing many countries. Migration Policy looks at the evidence for how immigrants affect the economy in three main areas: The labour market, public purse and economic growth. In Europe, the scope of labour mobility greatly increased within the EU/EFTA zones following the EU enlargements of 2004, 2007 and 2014-2015. This added to labour markets’ adjustment capacity. Recent estimates suggest that as much as a quarter of the asymmetric labour market shock – that is occurring at different times and with different intensities across countries – may have been absorbed by migration within a yea