9 research outputs found

    The Operation of the Trade Agreements Program in Overcoming Barriers to Hemisphere Trade

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    With new technologies, temperature has become a major issue to be considered at system level design. Without taking temperature aspects into consideration, no approach to energy or/and performance optimization will be sufficiently accurate and efficient. In this paper we propose an on-line temperature aware dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technique which is able to exploit both static and dynamic slack. The approach implies an offline temperature aware optimization step and on-line voltage/frequency settings based on temperature sensor readings. Most importantly, the presented approach is aware of the frequency/temperature dependency, by which important additional energy savings are obtained

    Osteosynthesis in multiple fractures in children

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    State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemițanu", Republic of Moldova, MSPI DH Comrat, MSPI DH Teleneşti, MSPI MTA „Buiucani”, MSPI DH Orhei, Republic of Moldova, Al VIII-lea Congres Naţional de Ortopedie și Traumatologie cu participare internaţională 12-14 octombrie 2016Objective of study. To estimate the surgical treatment tactics and technique in multiple fractures in children in order to improve results. Material and methods. Over the past 25 years 131 children with multiple fractures of long bones received specialized treatment in the pediatric orthopedic clinic. There was prevalence of male patients (59.5%) aged over 10 years (65.6%). Of the total number of children, 294 fractures were assessed. Of them, 81 femoral fractures, 66 forearm fractures, 65 leg fractures, 60 arm fractures and others. Fractures due to road accidents prevailed (over 52%). After clinical and laboratory examinations carried out in intensive care unit and necessary preparation, the children were subjected to surgery under general anesthesia in order to appropriately reposition fragments and to perform osteosynthesis (except 29 fractures without displacement of fragments). Results. In metaphyseal, epi-metaphyseal, epiphyseal, and metaphyseal-diaphyseal fractures osteosynthesis was performed with Kirschner pins through cross insertion. In all operated cases fragments were consolidated without complications. Intramedullary osteosynthesis with metal rods, especially elastic ones was used in transversal diaphyseal fractures of the femur and forearm; while in oblique and spiroid diaphyseal fractures, osteosynthesis was additionally associated with cerclage wiring. Stable osteosynthesis was performed with the external Ilizarov apparatus in diaphyseal fractures of the leg. In diaphyseal humeral fractures, osteosynthesis was performed with elastic rods or Ilizarov pins, using the principles of TEN method. In open fractures, after primary surgical wound treatment, osteosynthesis was performed with pins or external devices. Discussions. The outcomes of surgical treatment in multiple fractures directly depend on the location of fractures, the quality of surgery, compliance with the requirements of biological osteosynthesis with endosteal and periosteal protection. We consider inadmissible to perform on children osteosynthesis with massive screwed plates as well as major removal of periosteum from bone. Conclusion. The basic treatment in multiple fractures is the surgical one, being carried out in one stage in the following order: open fractures, intra-articular fractures, fractures of the femur, leg, upper arm, forearm; biological minitraumatic osteosynthesis


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    This work was focused, by using computer aided engineering application (SolidWorks) and structural simulation (SolidWorks SIMULATION), on obtaining a technical and economic strength indicator used in the analysis of metallic material choice from which is made active body large diameter disc knife type, that equips the technical equipment for soil tillage on trees row, while cuttings root for moderating growth of shoots and precision foliar fertilization. For this purpose, on the 3D parametric modeling were selected from the software library various metallic materials, followed by finite element analysis (FEA) which was carried out to simulate the distributions of stress and strain on the body active. Based on the resulting data, were determined the reports price- coefficient of resistance for the materials analyzed. Comparing these indicators led to the selection of a material that has high resistance under a price as low as possible. Analysis based on technical and economic choice of a metallic material reduces the time validation of the design, by eliminating the realization and physical testing, and allows management to determine the existing resources in the company in order to use their total for achieve economic and financial results as high

    Cancerul glandei mamare în menopauză asociat cu patologii concomitente: dereglări endocrine

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    Catedra Oncologie,Hematologie și Radioterapie, Clinica mamologie, USMF „N.Testemitanu”, ISMP Institutul Oncologic, Republica Moldova, Primul Congres Naţional al Societăţii Endocrinologilor cu participare internaţională dedicat jubileului de 50 ani de la fondarea serviciului endocrinologic din Republica Moldova 9-11 octombrie 2014Breast cancer in postmenopausal associated with concurrent pathology: endocrine disorders The main type of hormonal disorders the patients of breast cancer (BC) is hyperprolactinemia during menopause is that probably hyperestrogenemia tissue in the patients of BC and concomitant pathologies associated, contributing to the risk BC. Diversity of, disorders in the patients with BC associated with thyroid and hepatobiliary system pathology in Republic Moldova dictates the necessity of study a hormonal homeostasis and individualizing hormonal treatment and concomitant pathology depending on the particular hormonal homeostasis.Principalul tip de dereglări hormonale la bolnavele de CGM în perioada menopauzală este hiperprolactinemia care, probabil, şi determină hiperestrogenemia tisulară, la bolnavele de CGM asociat cu patologii concomitente, contribuind la realizarea riscului în CGM. Diversitatea tipurilor de dereglări ale homeostazei hormonale la bolnavele de CGM, asociat cu patologia sistemului hepatobiliar şi patologia glandei tiroide, în Republica Moldova dictează necesitatea aprecierii homeostazei hormonale şi individualizarea tratamentului hormonal şi a patologiei concomitente în funcţie de particularităţile homeostazei hormonale


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    Selecting gear materials is a great challenge for engineers. Gear teeth are subject to difficult and severe loading conditions. Simultaneous action of alternating normal and tangential dynamic stresses occurs, contact deformations accompanied by sliding friction. Gears are subject to increased requirements in terms of strength, geometric accuracy, dimensional stability, and durability. For the manufacture of gears, especially from thermoplastic materials, a theoretical argumentation of the materials is needed. An extensive study of thermoplastic materials, around the world needs to be done and the most efficient tribological couples to be chosen in terms of heat transfer from the gear zone, operation with or without lubrication, and gear life. In this paper, a theoretical synthesis of the Steel / Plastic, Plastic / Plastic, Plastic/Steel tribological couples is made, which were used in conformist and non-conformist experiments. Therefore, selected tribological couples are supposed to be used in the Precessional Transmissions applications

    Clausura del Congrés

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    Acte de clausura del IV Congrés Internacional UNIVEST 2013, a càrrec de Rafael García, director de l' ICE de la UdG i de Martí Casadesús, vicerector de qualitat docen

    Quasi-Static Voltage Scaling for Energy Minimization with Time Constraints

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    Supply voltage scaling and adaptive body-biasing are important techniques that help to reduce the energy dissipation of embedded systems. This is achieved by dynamically adjusting the voltage and performance settings according to the application needs. In order to take full advantage of slack that arises from variations in the execution time, it is important to recalculate the voltage (performance) settings during runtime, i.e., online. However, optimal voltage scaling algorithms are computationally expensive, and thus, if used online, significantly hamper the possible energy savings. To overcome the online complexity, we propose a quasi-static voltage scaling scheme, with a constant online time complexity O(1). This allows to increase the exploitable slack as well as to avoid the energy dissipated due to online recalculation of the voltage settings.©2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. Alexandru Andrei, Petru Ion Eles, Olivera Jovanovic, Marcus Schmitz, Jens Ogniewski and Zebo Peng, Quasi-Static Voltage Scaling for Energy Minimization with Time Constraints, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (vlsi) Systems, (19), 1, 10-23.http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TVLSI.2009.203019


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    This paper deals with the theoretical-experimental model of the tribological behavior of the contact elements in precessional gears (PG) in the functions of conjugate profiles of linear velocities "convex-concave" or "convex-convex" for the corresponding geometric parameters (ρk i k ρ − r) and the values of the kinematic force parameters (VE 2 , VE i Va) for each concrete position of the ki points. The calculation of the constructivefunctional and kinematic parameters of the “roller-shoe” and “roller-roller” elements of the tribocouple were adjusted for the experimental verification tests on the SMT-1 installation and adapted to the specific test conditions of the tribocouples with conformal contact of gear teeth made of plastics, which will be subjected to sliding friction and rolling processes of the concrete tribocouple elements

    Application of Adipose Stem Cells in 3D Nerve Guidance Conduit Prevents Muscle Atrophy and Improves Distal Muscle Compliance in a Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Model

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    Background: Peripheral nerve injuries (PNIs) represent a significant clinical problem, and standard approaches to nerve repair have limitations. Recent breakthroughs in 3D printing and stem cell technologies offer a promising solution for nerve regeneration. The main purpose of this study was to examine the biomechanical characteristics in muscle tissue distal to a nerve defect in a murine model of peripheral nerve regeneration from physiological stress to failure. Methods: In this experimental study, we enrolled 18 Wistar rats in which we created a 10 mm sciatic nerve defect. Furthermore, we divided them into three groups as follows: in Group 1, we used 3D nerve guidance conduits (NGCs) and adipose stem cells (ASCs) in seven rats; in Group 2, we used only 3D NGCs for seven rats; and in Group 3, we created only the defect in four rats. We monitored the degree of atrophy at 4, 8, and 12 weeks by measuring the diameter of the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle. At the end of 12 weeks, we took the TA muscle and analyzed it uniaxially at 10% stretch until failure. Results: In the group of animals with 3D NGCs and ASCs, we recorded the lowest degree of atrophy at 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weeks after nerve reconstruction. At 10% stretch, the control group had the highest Cauchy stress values compared to the 3D NGC group (0.164 MPa vs. 0.141 MPa, p = 0.007) and the 3D NGC + ASC group (0.164 MPa vs. 0.123 MPa, p = 0.007). In addition, we found that the control group (1.763 MPa) had the highest TA muscle stiffness, followed by the 3D NGC group (1.412 MPa), with the best muscle elasticity showing in the group in which we used 3D NGC + ASC (1.147 MPa). At failure, TA muscle samples from the 3D NGC + ASC group demonstrated better compliance and a higher degree of elasticity compared to the other two groups (p = 0.002 and p = 0.008). Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that the combination of 3D NGC and ASC increases the process of nerve regeneration and significantly improves the compliance and mechanical characteristics of muscle tissue distal to the injury site in a PNI murine model