36 research outputs found

    heidegger, fenomenologie şi ontologie

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    Taking the circulation of some Nietzscheean motifs into account, \ud Heidegger’s nihilism and irrationalism are limited by a \ud neoromantic colorature, dominated as it is by the motif of live \ud and creation

    Heideggers Ontologie und die neuen Anwendungen der Phänomenologie und der Hermeneutik

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    Toute la lecture d’oeuvre heideggérienne doit être faite du point \ud de  vue  de  la  différence  ontologique,  qui  nous  offre  la  clé \ud d’entendement  pour  beaucoup  des  problèmes.    La  différence \ud ontologique  est  celle  entre  l’être  et  l’étant  (l’être  dans  une \ud manière déterminée) et Heidegger nous montre que l’être ne peut \ud pas être étudié qu’en tant que étant ; mais on ne doit pas oublier \ud jamais que, en outre de cet étant, se trouve l’être comme être.  En \ud fait,  l’interprétation  de  l’œuvre  de  Heidegger  doit  être  réalisée \ud après  certaines  exigences  de  la  pensée,  qu’impliquent  plusieurs \ud niveaux.    Tout  d’abord,  on  a  besoin  d’une  démarche \ud phénoménologique, en sens de description de l’objet ; puis, lié de \ud langage structurel de l’oeuvre, il est nécessaire à développer une \ud interprétation  herméneutique ;  enfin,  il  ne  faut  pas  négliger \ud l’exigence  de  l’interprétation  compréhensive.    Dans  l’ensemble \ud de  ces  trois  types  de  lecture,  le  moment  herméneutique  est \ud central,  parce  qu’il  met  en  évidence  quelque  chose  qui, \ud d’habitude, se cache.

    Cultură si comunicare

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    Culture and communication overlap their fields despite the differences in the chronology of their becoming independent scientists. A style of culture becomes inevitably a style of communication, so language issues for each major style interferes with how we perceive and interpret the culturalphenomenon, with its social, philosophical, psychological implications. Communication science articulated with Post-modernity, a notion that we do not favor because we see in this denomination a non-sense. What we generically call by Post-modernity is in fact a continuation of generic modernity inspite of some components that denies previous data, but which are part of the phenomenon

    Cultură si comunicare

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    Culture and communication overlap their fields despite the differences in the chronology of their becoming independent scientists. A style of culture becomes inevitably a style of communication, so language issues for each major style interferes with how we perceive and interpret the culturalphenomenon, with its social, philosophical, psychological implications. Communication science articulated with Post-modernity, a notion that we do not favor because we see in this denomination a non-sense. What we generically call by Post-modernity is in fact a continuation of generic modernity inspite of some components that denies previous data, but which are part of the phenomenon

    Contribution of Feminism to the Evolution of Deliberative Democracy Concept

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    Two types of feminist approaches bring their contribution in the debate on deliberativedemocracy. The first type, which highlights women’s greater capacity to provide care, change and expandesthe deliberation by providing images and models of practice from the experience of women. In this view,women's socialization and role in childrearing, among other causes, makes them especially concerned totransform "I" into "we" and to seek solutions to conflict that accommodate diverse and often suppresseddesires. In our society women are usually brought up to identify their own good with that of others,especially their children and husbands. More than men, women build their identities through relationshipswith friends. Feminist critiques of deliberative democracy have focused on the abstraction, impartiality andrationality of mainstream accounts of deliberation. Feminist writers propose this capacity for broader selfdefinitionas a model for democratic politics

    Ecological Security – Liaison of International Cooperation

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    Traditional relationships of interdependence in economic and military fields are nowadays expanding upon ecological domain. Unlike military security, ecology facilitates more reliable cooperation relations between countries. In that way there have been made a number of alliances and treaties designed to ensure cleaner air, sources of drinking water, avoidance of dangers created by toxic and radioactive residues and protection and maintenance of soil upper fertile strata. National states have stopped to determine their own fate completely by themselves. Ecological interdependence requires a new way of thinking. An unpleasant „discovery” was that of the fact that degradation and pollution of the natural environment do not respect any border drawn by man. There is an acute need of adopting new smart strategies in this field. Ecologic alliances – established between countries who wish to fight against the deterioration of natural environment – could bring together countries with similar ecosystems, countries far away in a geographical sense but confronting with similar large-scale environmental problems, as well as political, ideological or military competing countries who have no other common interest but to avoid ecological catastrophes.Ecological alliances, environment protection, national security, international cooperation

    Contribution of Feminism to the Evolution of Deliberative Democracy Concept

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    In 1818 Hannah Mather Crocker, one of the first feminists’ representatives, simultaneously stated that God “has endowed the mind of women with equal powers and capabilities” to those of a men and that “to convince by means of reason and power of persuasion should be both duty and adequate privilege of women”. A hundred years later promoters of universal suffrage used the same formula of equality, with a slight difference. In a strategic meaning, they based their demarche upon power of persuasion, because of the little political power they had. However, many of them were convinced that women would bring virtue in the area of politics, extending the maternal condition to public domain, replacing rough power with the power of persuasion and party politics with progressive beneficent governing. Many theorists who support those ideas nowadays in their writings are not trying to replace a political vocabulary based on power with a careful, intimate one. Their goal is to integrate within political thinking a rich vocabulary and a sum of life-based aspects that have been neglected because they were usually assigned to the domestic field and were classified as private, non-political or even anti-political.Feminism, political theory, gender relations, democratic system, deliberation, Contribution of feminism to the evolution of deliberative democracy concept