10 research outputs found

    E-ServEval: a system for quality evaluation of the on-line public services

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    This paper describes the objectives, the general architecture and the components of the web-based system for quality evaluation of the on-line public services developed using the framework of the complex research project “System for quality evaluation of the on-line public services for citizens and business environment (e-ServEval)â€. The paper also presents the technological options regarding the design and development of the system, the functions of the components and the aspects regarding the interface between user and e-ServEval system. Finally, the stage of the project and the conclusions are presented.e-government, e-government services quality, quality evaluation


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    Cele mai multe studii si cercetari efectuate in domeniul calitatii serviciilor evidentiaza faptul ca baza evaluarii calitatii serviciului este experienta individuala a clientului cu un anumit serviciu. Cercetarile care promoveaza aceasta idee se regasesc atat in "scoala europeana" (mai exact, "scoala nordica") reprezentata de Grönroos, Gummensson, Lethinen si Olsen, cat si in "scoala americana" reprezentata de Parasuraman, Zeihaml si Berry. In cercetarea calitatii serviciilor, specialistii au Incercat sa defineasca dimensiunile calitatii serviciilor si sa conceptualizeze calitatea serviciilor. Rezultatele principale ale cercetarilor s-au concretizat in "modele conceptuale ale calitatii serviciilor" (Dotchin si Oakland, 1994b) . Articolul prezinta o serie de modele conceptuale ale calitatii serviciilor on-line cu aplicabilitate la evaluarea calitatii serviciilor urbane.modele, calitate, servicii on-line

    E-ServEval: a system for quality evaluation of the on-line public services

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    This paper describes the objectives, the general architecture and the components of the web-based system for quality evaluation of the on-line public services developed using the framework of the complex research project “System for quality evaluation of the on-line public services for citizens and business environment (e-ServEval)â€Â. The paper also presents the technological options regarding the design and development of the system, the functions of the components and the aspects regarding the interface between user and e-ServEval system. Finally, the stage of the project and the conclusions are presented

    Influența calitǎții job-ului asupra creșterii performanțelor în activitatea de cercetare

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    Among the professional factors that influence performance in the research-development-innovation (RDI) activities are: quality of occupation, organization and management in RDI activity, professional development and organization resources. This article analyzes the influence of job quality in increasing the performance in RDI activities. The analysis was structured on three categories of factors that depend on the quality of employment, the quality of work and the professional development. The professional factors that have a great influence on performance (the average above 3.50) and that are linked to the quality of work are: salary level, flexibility of work schedule, work autonomy, job stability, individual work development program, and specialization stages

    The Influence of Motivational Factors on the Performance in the Research Activity

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    In the present study, the motivational factors refer to all those factors that are associated with the researchers’ motivation and which have an influence on increasing the RDI activity performance. Consequently, the context is defined by the RDI activity, by the way it is organized and by the conditions under which the activity is carried out. Two categories of motivation were analyzed: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Performance in RDI occupations refers to the performance of the research staff. The present research aimed to analyze the influence of the motivational factors on the performance of RDI research staff. The results show that motivation plays an important role in increasing performance in RDI occupations. The mean values for intrinsic motivation are higher than those obtained for extrinsic motivation (mean factor of 4.27 versus 3.81)

    Research and Science Today No. 2(4)/2012

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    Social capital on Facebook as perceived by Lithuanian university students : a multidimensional perspective

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    Reikšminiai žodžiai: Daugialypis modelis; Edukologijos mokslas; Facebook; Socialiniai tinklai; Socialinis kapitalas; Universiteto studentai; Facebook; Multidimensional model; Science education; Social capital; University studentsThe rapid expansion of social networking websites (SNW) is raising several issues regarding the influence it has on the modern school. As many authors mentioned, the proliferation of social networks among university people is changing the educational processes. In order to find out how Facebook could support education, a social learning perspective is needed. In turn, this requires to measure the social capital and to analyze its educational potential. The aim of this research is to elaborate a theoretically grounded and empirically validated multi-dimensional model, measuring the social capital that is embedded in the Facebook networks of Lithuanian university students. This is a pilot research carried out between September and December, 2014. In this respect, the research limitation reveals itself; therefore, a wider theoretical and empirical research is necessary, analyzing the usage of Facebook in the university student population. The research is significant, because it is prepared and validated a multidimensional model of the bridging social capital as perceived by university students that are using Facebook