159 research outputs found

    Minimum Time in Quantum State Transitions: Dynamical Foundations and Applications

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    This chapter is about the minimum time evolution between two quantum states considering the dynamics obeying either time-invariant Hamiltonians or time-varying ones. Merit figures are defined to help quantum control designers to define optimization parameters. The expressions are derived from the time-energy uncertainty relations and a practical case is studied as an example

    Comprehensive in silico analysis of the TDP-43 protein variants related to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Dementia: Abrangente na análise silicoanalítica das variantes proteicas TDP-43 relacionadas à Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica e Demência Frontotempor

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a highly disabling neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the progressive loss of voluntary motor activity. ALS is currently the most frequent adult-onset motor neuron disorder, which is associated with a major economic burden. Two drugs have already been approved to treat ALS, but they confer a limited survival benefit. In turn, frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is an early-onset and fatal dementia characterized by deficits in behavior, language, and executive function. FTD is the most frequent cause of pre-senile dementia after Alzheimer's. Currently, FTD has no cure and the available treatments are merely symptomatic. Missense mutations in TDP-43, a nuclear RNA/DNA-binding protein, are among the main causes associated with ALS and FTD. Nonetheless, most of these mutations are not yet characterized. To date, no complete three-dimensional structure has already been determined for TDP-43. In this work, we characterized the impact of missense mutations in TDP-43 using prediction algorithms, evolutionary conservation analysis, and molecular dynamics simulations (MD). We also performed structural modeling and validation of the TDP-43 protein. Two hundred and seven TDP-43 mutations were compiled from the databases and literature. The predictive analysis pointed to a moderate rate of deleterious and destabilizing mutations. Furthermore, most mutations occur at evolutionarily variable positions. Combining the predictive analyses into a penalty system, our findings suggested that the uncharacterized mutations Y43C, D201Y, F211S, I222T, K224N, A260D, P262T, and A321D are considered the most-likely deleterious, thus being important targets for future investigation. This work also provided an accurate, complete, and unprecedented three-dimensional structure for TDP-43 that can be used to identify and optimize potential drug candidates. At last, our MD findings pointed to a noticeable flexibility increase in functional domains upon K263E, G335D, M337V, and Q343R variants, which may cause non-native interactions and impaired TDP-43 recognition, ultimately leading to protein aggregation

    Construção de gaiola para abelhas Apis mellifera iberiensis em laboratório

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     Diversos estudos têm sido desenvolvidos para obtenção de um ambiente laboratorial adequado, que permita a elaboração de experimentos in vitro com abelhas Apis mellifera, de forma a reproduzir o seu ambiente natural e avaliar diferentes variáveis que interferem no seu ciclo de vida. No entanto, desenvolver uma metodologia padronizada adequada ainda é um grande obstáculo a ser superado. Diversos materiais e métodos são utilizados para fins de pesquisa, mas ainda apresentam algumas limitações. Assim, este trabalho teve como principal objetivo propor uma metodologia de elaboração de gaiolas e alimentadores com material reciclável, possíveis de ser autoclavados a 130ºC por 30 minutos sendo a pressão de acordo com o protocolo do laboratório) e reutilizados. O material utilizado para a confecção das gaiolas foi o copo plástico transparente de 300 ml, com perfurações nas laterais (12 furos) e na parte superior (4 furos) para permitir a ventilação dentro da estufa. Para a alimentação foi utilizado 14suplementos foram distribuídas da seguinte forma 8 com suplementos energéticos e 4 com suplementos proteicos e um a gaiola com mel e outra somente com água potável. Como objetivo de simular o ambiente da colônia foi introduzida uma tira de cera laminada no centro da gaiola, para permitir a agregação das abelhas e acesso aos alimentadores. Para o manejo de retirada das abelhas mortas foi confeccionada uma abertura na tampa inferior da gaiola, com um dispositivo que permitiu a abertura e o fechamento do mesmo. Essas modificações auxiliam na condução de estudos in vitro de forma prática e segura para os operadores, sem causar fatores de estresse nas abelhas e reproduzir mais fielmente o ambiente natural das colônias. Este estudo utilizou 14 gaiolas com 50 abelhas que alcançaram 22 dias de longevidade com isso demostrou otimizar os trabalhos realizados em laboratório, neste caso direcionado ao estudo das abelhas Apis mellifera, mas que poderá, em fases posteriores, ser devidamente adaptado a outros insetos sociais


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    Glandora prostrata, típica da Europa e Cuphea carthagenensis típica de Santa Catarina, são plantas com aplicações na medicina popular e com alto poder farmacológico, desta forma, este trabalho visou realizar revisão bibliográfica e divulgações virtuais, com estudos de análises de extratos das plantas mencionadas. Com os dados coletados analisou-se que a planta Glandora prostrata e Cuphea carthagenensis apresentam aplicações farmacológicas e atividades antimicrobianas. As discussões e os seminários realizados nos encontros foram importantes para aprofundamento do assunto, e as postagens no Instagram contribuíram para levar a linguagem científica à comunidade local e regional, além de trazer esclarecimentos sobre as plantas

    Using SERVPERF model to assess service quality: case study in bookstores

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    Since 2013, the services sector, together with the trade sector, has had the greatest influence on the Brazilian gross domestic product. This increase in the importance given to services makes it necessary to assess quality in this context. Thus, many tools have been developed for this. In this work, the SERVPERF model was used, in order to measure the quality of the bookstore service in the Metropolitan Region of Recife (RMR). Data on customers' perceptions of the service offered were collected through internet research. A sample of 271 participants was analyzed with respect to various aspects of the service. The results show that the worst aspects are related to the capacity of bookstore employees to understand and satisfy their customers' specific needs. Through a binary logistic regression, it was also possible to identify that improvements in communication between customers and bookstores, in innovation and promotion of reading incentive activities have the greatest chances of resulting in greater customer satisfaction.Since 2013, the services sector, together with the trade sector, has had the greatest influence on the Brazilian gross domestic product. This increase in the importance given to services makes it necessary to assess quality in this context. Thus, many tools have been developed for this. In this work, the SERVPERF model was used, in order to measure the quality of the bookstore service in the Metropolitan Region of Recife (RMR). Data on customers' perceptions of the service offered were collected through internet research. A sample of 271 participants was analyzed with respect to various aspects of the service. The results show that the worst aspects are related to the capacity of bookstore employees to understand and satisfy their customers' specific needs. Through a binary logistic regression, it was also possible to identify that improvements in communication between customers and bookstores, in innovation and promotion of reading incentive activities have the greatest chances of resulting in greater customer satisfaction

    Ocorrência de afecções podais em bovinos atendidos pela Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns: aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, terapêuticos e econômicos

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    Objetivou-se estudar a ocorrência das afecções podais em bovinos atendidos na Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, Campus da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, no intervalo de 1999 a 2021. Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo dos prontuários, com total 334 casos, dos quais foram diagnosticadas 613 lesões digitais. Foi realizada a distribuição de frequência, média simples e desvio padrão para avaliação dos dados. A dermatite interdigital foi a mais frequente, sendo observada em 12,4% (76/613) dos casos, seguida por sola dupla 9,79% (60/613), laminite crônica 8,81% (54/613), úlcera de sola 7,83% (48/613) e a hiperplasia interdigital 7,24% (45/613). A laminite e suas consequências representaram 45% do total de lesões identificadas, acompanhadas por 36% das injúrias de causa secundárias ou incertas e de doenças infecciosas com 19%. A distribuição das lesões entre os membros foi de 68% nos pélvicos e 32% nos torácicos. As fêmeas criadas em sistema semi-intensivo, holandesas, com escore corporal III e porte grande eram mais acometidas. A claudicação estava presente em 78% dos animais, enquanto 10% não claudicavam. As taxas de letalidade e recuperação foram de 9% (31/334) e 73 % (243/334), respectivamente. No período chuvoso foram 51% dos casos e 49% na época seca. Os principais municípios de origem foram Bom Conselho 22,75% (76/334), Garanhuns 18, 86% (63/334) e Brejão 12,57% (42/334). O custo estimado com tratamento foi de US$ 150,13/caso. Provavelmente falhas de manejo nas propriedades foram importantes fatores de risco para as doenças. Sugere-se a implementação de medidas profiláticas para evitar as perdas econômicas associadas às enfermidades podais. Palavras-chave: doenças de casco; podologia bovina; afecções digitais; estojo córneo digita

    Modeling the impact of school reopening and contact tracing strategies on COVID-19 dynamics in different epidemiologic settings in Brazil

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    This study was funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) - Process # 402834/2020-8 (request for proposals MCTIC/CNPq/FNDCT/MS/SCTIE/Decit Number 07/2020). The funding sources played no role in the study design; collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data; writing the report, or decision to submit the paper for publication. MEB received a technological and industrial scholarship from CNPq (grant number 315854/2020-0). LSF received a masters scholarship from Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement (CAPES) (finance code 001). SP was supported by Sao Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP) (grant number: 2018/24037-4). CF was supported by FAPESP (grant number: 2019/26310-2 and 2017/26770-8). RAK has been supported by CNPq (grant number: 311832/2017-2) and FAPESP (contract number: 2016/01343-7). PIP has been supported by CNPq (grant number: 313055/2020-3). RSK has been supported by CNPq (proc. 312378/2019-0). MQMR received a postdoctoral scholarship from CAPES (grant number 305269/2020-8). CMT has been supported by CNPq productivity fellowship and the National Institute of Science and Technology for Health Technology Assessment (IATS) (proc: 465518/2014-1). AMB received a technological and industrial scholarship from CNPq (grant number 402834/2020-8). LMS received a technological and industrial scholarship from CNPq (grant number 315866/2020-9). JAFD-F has been supported by CNPq productivity fellowship and the National Institutes for Science and Technology in Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity Conservation (INCT-EEC), supported by MCTIC/CNPq (proc. 465610/2014-5) and FAPEG (proc. 201810267000023).Preprin