28 research outputs found

    Chemical front propagation in periodic flows: FKPP vs G

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    We investigate the influence of steady periodic flows on the propagation of chemical fronts in an infinite channel domain. We focus on the sharp front arising in Fisher--Kolmogorov--Petrovskii--Piskunov (FKPP) type models in the limit of small molecular diffusivity and fast reaction (large P\'eclet and Damk\"ohler numbers, Pe\mathrm{Pe} and Da\mathrm{Da}) and on its heuristic approximation by the G equation. We introduce a variational formulation that expresses the two front speeds in terms of periodic trajectories minimizing the time of travel across the period of the flow, under a constraint that differs between the FKPP and G equations. This formulation shows that the FKPP front speed is greater than or equal to the G equation front speed. We study the two front speeds for a class of cellular vortex flows used in experiments. Using a numerical implementation of the variational formulation, we show that the differences between the two front speeds are modest for a broad range of parameters. However, large differences appear when a strong mean flow opposes front propagation; in particular, we identify a range of parameters for which FKPP fronts can propagate against the flow while G fronts cannot. We verify our computations against closed-form expressions derived for Daâ‰ȘPe\mathrm{Da}\ll \mathrm{Pe} and for Da≫Pe\mathrm{Da}\gg \mathrm{Pe}

    Front propagation in cellular flows for fast reaction and small diffusivity

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    We investigate the influence of fluid flows on the propagation of chemical fronts arising in FKPP type models. We develop an asymptotic theory for the front speed in a cellular flow in the limit of small molecular diffusivity and fast reaction, i.e., large P\'eclet (PePe) and Damk\"ohler (DaDa) numbers. The front speed is expressed in terms of a periodic path -- an instanton -- that minimizes a certain functional. This leads to an efficient procedure to calculate the front speed, and to closed-form expressions for (log⁥Pe)−1â‰ȘDaâ‰ȘPe(\log Pe)^{-1}\ll Da\ll Pe and for Da≫PeDa\gg Pe. Our theoretical predictions are compared with (i) numerical solutions of an eigenvalue problem and (ii) simulations of the advection--diffusion--reaction equation

    Diffusion in arrays of obstacles: beyond homogenisation

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    We revisit the classical problem of diffusion of a scalar (or heat) released in a two-dimensional medium with an embedded periodic array of impermeable obstacles such as perforations. Homogenisation theory provides a coarse-grained description of the scalar at large times and predicts that it diffuses with a certain effective diffusivity, so the concentration is approximately Gaussian. We improve on this by developing a large-deviation approximation which also captures the non-Gaussian tails of the concentration through a rate function obtained by solving a family of eigenvalue problems. We focus on cylindrical obstacles and on the dense limit, when the obstacles occupy a large area fraction and non-Gaussianity is most marked. We derive an asymptotic approximation for the rate function in this limit, valid uniformly over a wide range of distances. We use finite-element implementations to solve the eigenvalue problems yielding the rate function for arbitrary obstacle area fractions and an elliptic boundary-value problem arising in the asymptotics calculation. Comparison between numerical results and asymptotic predictions confirm the validity of the latter

    FKPP fronts in cellular flows: the large-PĂ©clet regime

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