809 research outputs found

    Disorder induced Dirac-point physics in epitaxial graphene from temperature-dependent magneto-transport measurements

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    We report a study of disorder effects on epitaxial graphene in the vicinity of the Dirac point by magneto-transport. Hall effect measurements show that the carrier density increases quadratically with temperature, in good agreement with theoretical predictions which take into account intrinsic thermal excitation combined with electron-hole puddles induced by charged impurities. We deduce disorder strengths in the range 10.2 \sim 31.2 meV, depending on the sample treatment. We investigate the scattering mechanisms and estimate the impurity density to be 3.09.1×10103.0 \sim 9.1 \times 10^{10} cm2^{-2} for our samples. An asymmetry in the electron/hole scattering is observed and is consistent with theoretical calculations for graphene on SiC substrates. We also show that the minimum conductivity increases with increasing disorder potential, in good agreement with quantum-mechanical numerical calculations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Transfer-free graphene passivation of sub 100 nm thin Pt and Pt–Cu electrodes for memristive devices

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    Memristive switches are among the most promising building blocks for future neuromorphic computing. These devices are based on a complex interplay of redox reactions on the nanoscale. Nanoionic phenomena enable non-linear and low-power resistance transition in ultra-short programming times. However, when not controlled, the same electrochemical reactions can result in device degradation and instability over time. Two-dimensional barriers have been suggested to precisely manipulate the nanoionic processes. But fabrication-friendly integration of these materials in memristive devices is challenging.Here we report on a novel process for graphene passivation of thin platinum and platinum/copper electrodes. We also studied the level of defects of graphene after deposition of selected oxides that are relevant for memristive switching

    Buried graphene heterostructures for electrostatic doping of low-dimensional materials

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    The fabrication and characterization of steep slope transistor devices based on low-dimensional materials requires precise electrostatic doping profiles with steep spatial gradients in order to maintain maximum control over the channel. In this proof-of-concept study we present a versatile graphene heterostructure platform with three buried individually addressable gate electrodes. The platform is based on a vertical stack of embedded titanium and graphene separated by an intermediate oxide to provide an almost planar surface. We demonstrate the functionality and advantages of the platform by exploring transfer and output characteristics at different temperatures of carbon nanotube field-effect transistors with different electrostatic doping configurations. Furthermore, we back up the concept with finite element simulations to investigate the surface potential. The presented heterostructure is an ideal platform for analysis of electrostatic doping of low-dimensional materials for novel low-power transistor devices

    Talc-dominated seafloor deposits reveal a new class of hydrothermal system

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    The Von Damm Vent Field (VDVF) is located on the flanks of the Mid-Cayman Spreading Centre, 13?km west of the axial rift, within a gabbro and peridotite basement. Unlike any other active vent field, hydrothermal precipitates at the VDVF comprise 85–90% by volume of the magnesium silicate mineral, talc. Hydrothermal fluids vent from a 3-m high, 1-m diameter chimney and other orifices at up to 215?°C with low metal concentrations, intermediate pH (5.8) and high concentrations (667?mmol?kg?1) of chloride relative to seawater. Here we show that the VDVF vent fluid is generated by interaction of seawater with a mafic and ultramafic basement which precipitates talc on mixing with seawater. The heat flux at the VDVF is measured at 487±101?MW, comparable to the most powerful magma-driven hydrothermal systems known, and may represent a significant mode of off-axis oceanic crustal cooling not previously recognized or accounted for in global models

    Determination of the QCD color factor ratio CA/CF from the scale dependence of multiplicity in three jet events

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    I examine the determination of the QCD color factor ratio CA/CF from the scale evolution of particle multiplicity in e+e- three jet events. I fit an analytic expression for the multiplicity in three jet events to event samples generated with QCD multihadronic event generators. I demonstrate that a one parameter fit of CA/CF yields the expected result CA/CF=2.25 in the limit of asymptotically large energies if energy conservation is included in the calculation. In contrast, a two parameter fit of CA/CF and a constant offset to the gluon jet multiplicity, proposed in a recent study, does not yield CA/CF=2.25 in this limit. I apply the one parameter fit method to recently published data of the DELPHI experiment at LEP and determine the effective value of CA/CF from this technique, at the finite energy of the Z0 boson, to be 1.74+-0.03+-0.10, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic.Comment: 20 pages including 6 figures Version 2 corrects typographical error in equation (2

    Graphene-passivated nickel as an efficient hole-injecting electrode for large area organic semiconductor devices

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    Efficient injection of charge from metal electrodes into semiconductors is of paramount importance to obtain high performance optoelectronic devices. The quality of the interface between the electrode and the semiconductor must, therefore, be carefully controlled. The case of organic semiconductors presents specific problems: ambient deposition techniques, such as solution processing, restrict the choice of electrodes to those not prone to oxidation, limiting potential applications. Additionally, damage to the semiconductor in sputter coating or high temperature thermal evaporation poses an obstacle to the use of many device-relevant metals as top electrodes in vertical metal–semiconductor–metal structures, making it preferable to use them as bottom electrodes. Here, we propose a possible solution to these problems by implementing graphene-passivated nickel as an air stable bottom electrode in vertical devices comprising organic semiconductors. We use these passivated layers as hole-injecting bottom electrodes, and we show that efficient charge injection can be achieved into standard organic semiconducting polymers, owing to an oxide free nickel/graphene/polymer interface. Crucially, we fabricate our electrodes with low roughness, which, in turn, allows us to produce large area devices (of the order of millimeter squares) without electrical shorts occurring. Our results make these graphene-passivated ferromagnetic electrodes a promising approach for large area organic optoelectronic and spintronic devices.We acknowledge funding from EPSRC (EP/P005152/1, EP/M005143/1). R.M. and K.N. acknowledges funding from the EPSRC Cambridge NanoDTC (Grant No. EP/G037221/1). J.A.-W. acknowledges the support of his Research Fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, and Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship. R. S. W. acknowledges support from a CAMS-UK fellowship

    Recurrence Plot Based Measures of Complexity and its Application to Heart Rate Variability Data

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    The knowledge of transitions between regular, laminar or chaotic behavior is essential to understand the underlying mechanisms behind complex systems. While several linear approaches are often insufficient to describe such processes, there are several nonlinear methods which however require rather long time observations. To overcome these difficulties, we propose measures of complexity based on vertical structures in recurrence plots and apply them to the logistic map as well as to heart rate variability data. For the logistic map these measures enable us not only to detect transitions between chaotic and periodic states, but also to identify laminar states, i.e. chaos-chaos transitions. The traditional recurrence quantification analysis fails to detect the latter transitions. Applying our new measures to the heart rate variability data, we are able to detect and quantify the laminar phases before a life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia occurs thereby facilitating a prediction of such an event. Our findings could be of importance for the therapy of malignant cardiac arrhythmias