215 research outputs found

    Anomalous drift of spiral waves in heterogeneous excitable media

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    We study the drift of spiral waves in a simple model of heterogeneous excitable medium, having gradients in local excitability or cellular coupling. For the first time, we report the anomalous drift of spiral waves towards regions having higher excitability, in contrast to all earlier observations in reaction-diffusion models of excitable media. Such anomalous drift can promote the onset of complex spatio-temporal patterns, e.g., those responsible for life-threatening arrhythmias in the heart.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    GEMS: A Fully Integrated PETSc-Based Solver for Coupled Cardiac Electromechanics and Bidomain Simulations

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    Cardiac contraction is coordinated by a wave of electrical excitation which propagates through the heart. Combined modeling of electrical and mechanical function of the heart provides the most comprehensive description of cardiac function and is one of the latest trends in cardiac research. The effective numerical modeling of cardiac electromechanics remains a challenge, due to the stiffness of the electrical equations and the global coupling in the mechanical problem. Here we present a short review of the inherent assumptions made when deriving the electromechanical equations, including a general representation for deformation-dependent conduction tensors obeying orthotropic symmetry, and then present an implicit-explicit time-stepping approach that is tailored to solving the cardiac mono- or bidomain equations coupled to electromechanics of the cardiac wall. Our approach allows to find numerical solutions of the electromechanics equations using stable and higher order time integration. Our methods are implemented in a monolithic finite element code GEMS (Ghent Electromechanics Solver) using the PETSc library that is inherently parallelized for use on high-performance computing infrastructure. We tested GEMS on standard benchmark computations and discuss further development of our software

    Chiral selection and frequency response of spiral waves in reaction-diffusion systems under a chiral electric field

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    Chirality is one of the most fundamental properties of many physical, chemical and biological systems. However, the mechanisms underlying the onset and control of chiral symmetry are largely understudied. We investigate possibility of chirality control in a chemical excitable system (the BZ reaction) by application of a chiral (rotating) electric field using the Oregonator model. We find that unlike previous findings, we can achieve the chirality control not only in the field rotation direction, but also opposite to it, depending on the field rotation frequency. To unravel the mechanism, we further develop a comprehensive theory of frequency synchronization based on the response function approach. We find that this problem can be described by the Adler equation and show phase-locking phenomena, known as the Arnold tongue. Our theoretical predictions are in good quantitative agreement with the numerical simulations and provide a solid basis for chirality control in excitable media.Comment: 21 pages with 9 figures; update references; to appear in J. Chem. Phy

    New Mechanism of Spiral Wave Initiation in a Reaction-Diffusion-Mechanics System

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    Spiral wave initiation in the heart muscle is a mechanism for the onset of dangerous cardiac arrhythmias. A standard protocol for spiral wave initiation is the application of a stimulus in the refractory tail of a propagating excitation wave, a region that we call the “classical vulnerable zone.” Previous studies of vulnerability to spiral wave initiation did not take the influence of deformation into account, which has been shown to have a substantial effect on the excitation process of cardiomyocytes via the mechano-electrical feedback phenomenon. In this work we study the effect of deformation on the vulnerability of excitable media in a discrete reaction-diffusion-mechanics (dRDM) model. The dRDM model combines FitzHugh-Nagumo type equations for cardiac excitation with a discrete mechanical description of a finite-elastic isotropic material (Seth material) to model cardiac excitation-contraction coupling and stretch activated depolarizing current. We show that deformation alters the “classical,” and forms a new vulnerable zone at longer coupling intervals. This mechanically caused vulnerable zone results in a new mechanism of spiral wave initiation, where unidirectional conduction block and rotation directions of the consequently initiated spiral waves are opposite compared to the mechanism of spiral wave initiation due to the “classical vulnerable zone.” We show that this new mechanism of spiral wave initiation can naturally occur in situations that involve wave fronts with curvature, and discuss its relation to supernormal excitability of cardiac tissue. The concept of mechanically induced vulnerability may lead to a better understanding about the onset of dangerous heart arrhythmias via mechano-electrical feedback

    Myocyte Remodeling Due to Fibro-Fatty Infiltrations Influences Arrhythmogenicity

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    The onset of cardiac arrhythmias depends on the electrophysiological and structural properties of cardiac tissue. Electrophysiological remodeling of myocytes due to the presence of adipocytes constitutes a possibly important pathway in the pathogenesis of atrial fibrillation. In this paper we perform an in-silico study of the effect of such myocyte remodeling on the onset of atrial arrhythmias and study the dynamics of arrhythmia sources—spiral waves. We use the Courtemanche model for atrial myocytes and modify their electrophysiological properties based on published cellular electrophysiological measurements in myocytes co-cultered with adipocytes (a 69–87 % increase in APD90 and an increase of the RMP by 2.5–5.5 mV). In a generic 2D setup we show that adipose tissue remodeling substantially affects the spiral wave dynamics resulting in complex arrhythmia and such arrhythmia can be initiated under high frequency pacing if the size of the remodeled tissue is sufficiently large. These results are confirmed in simulations with an anatomically accurate model of the human atria

    Measurement and structure of spiral wave response functions

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    The rotating spiral waves that emerge in diverse natural and man-made systems typically exhibit a particle-like behaviour since their adjoint critical eigenmodes (response functions) are often seen to be localised around the spiral core. We present a simple method to numerically compute response functions for circular-core and meandering spirals by recording their drift response to many elementary perturbations. Although our method is computationally more expensive than solving the adjoint system, our technique is fully parallellisable, does not suffer from memory limitations and can be applied to experiments. For a cardiac tissue model with the linear spiral core, we find that the response functions are localised near the turning points of the trajectory

    Directed graph mapping shows rotors maintain non-terminating and focal sources maintain self-terminating Torsade de Pointes in canine model

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    Torsade de Pointes is a polymorphic ventricular tachycardia which is as yet incompletely understood. While the onset of a TdP episode is generally accepted to be caused by triggered activity, the mechanisms for the perpetuation is still under debate. In this study, we analysed data from 54 TdP episodes divided over 5 dogs (4 female, 1 male) with chronic atrioventricular block. Previous research on this dataset showed both reentry and triggered activity to perpetuate the arrhythmia. 13 of those TdP episodes showed reentry as part of the driving mechanism of perpetuating the episode. The remaining 41 episodes were purely ectopic. Reentry was the main mechanism in long-lasting episodes (>14 beats), while focal sources were responsible for maintaining shorter episodes. Building on these results, we re-analysed the data using directed graph mapping This program uses principles from network theory and a combination of positional data and local activation times to identify reentry loops and focal sources within the data. The results of this study are twofold. First, concerning reentry loops, we found that on average non-terminating (NT) episodes (≥10 s) show significantly more simultaneous reentry loops than self-terminating (ST) TdP (<10 s). Non-terminating episodes have on average 2.72 ± 1.48 simultaneous loops, compared to an average of 1.33 ± 0.66 for self-terminating episodes. In addition, each NT episode showed a presence of (bi-)ventricular loops between 10.10% and 69.62% of their total reentry duration. Compared to the ST episodes, only 1 in 4 episodes (25%) showed (bi-)ventricular reentry, lasting only 7.12% of its total reentry duration. This suggests that while focal beats trigger TdP, macro-reentry and multiple simultaneous localized reentries are the major drivers of long-lasting episodes. Second, using heatmaps, we found focal sources to occur in preferred locations, instead of being distributed randomly. This may have implications on treatment if such focal origins can be disabled reliably

    Spatial patterns of excitation at tissue and whole organ level due to early afterdepolarizations

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    Early after depolarizations (EAD) occur in many pathological conditions, such as congenital or acquired channelopathies, drug induced arrhythmias, and several other situations that are associated with increased arrhythmogenicity. In this paper we present an overview of the relevant computational studies on spatial EAD dynamics in 1D, 2D, and in 3D anatomical models and discuss the relation of EADs to cardiac arrhythmias. We also discuss unsolved problems and highlight new lines of research in this area