9 research outputs found

    Improvement of LOD in Fluorescence Detection with Spectrally Nonuniform Background by Optimization of Emission Filtering

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    The limit-of-detection (LOD) in analytical instruments with fluorescence detection can be improved by reducing noise of optical background. Efficiently reducing optical background noise in systems with spectrally nonuniform background requires complex optimization of an emission filter–the main element of spectral filtration. Here, we introduce a filter-optimization method, which utilizes an expression for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as a function of (i) all noise components (dark, shot, and flicker), (ii) emission spectrum of the analyte, (iii) emission spectrum of the optical background, and (iv) transmittance spectrum of the emission filter. In essence, the noise components and the emission spectra are determined experimentally and substituted into the expression. This leaves a single variable–the transmittance spectrum of the filter–which is optimized numerically by maximizing SNR. Maximizing SNR provides an accurate way of filter optimization, while a previously used approach based on maximizing a signal-to-background ratio (SBR) is the approximation that can lead to much poorer LOD specifically in detection of fluorescently labeled biomolecules. The proposed filter-optimization method will be an indispensable tool for developing new and improving existing fluorescence-detection systems aiming at ultimately low LOD

    Accurate Kd via Transient Incomplete Separation

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    Current methods for finding the equilibrium dissociation constant, Kd, of protein-small molecule complexes have inherent sources of inaccuracy.We introduce “Accurate Kd via Transient Incomplete Separation” (AKTIS), an approach that is free of known sources of inaccuracy. Conceptually, in AKTIS, a short plug of the pre-equilibrated protein-small molecule mixture is pressure-propagated in a capillary, causing transient incomplete separation of the complex from the unbound small molecule. A superposition of signals from these two components is measured near the capillary exit as a function of time, for different concentrations of the protein and a constant concentration of the small molecule. Finally, a classical binding isotherm is built and used to find accurate Kd value. Here we prove AKTIS validity theoretically and by computer simulation, present a fluidic system satisfying AKTIS requirements, and demonstrate practical application of AKTIS to finding Kd of protein-small molecule complexes.</div

    Photosensitized Singlet Oxygen Luminescence from the Protein Matrix of Zn-Substituted Myoglobin

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    A nanosecond laser near-infrared spectrometer was used to study singlet oxygen (<sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub>) emission in a protein matrix. Myoglobin in which the intact heme is substituted by Zn-protoporphyrin IX (ZnPP) was employed. Every collision of ground state molecular oxygen with ZnPP in the excited triplet state results in <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> generation within the protein matrix. The quantum yield of <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> generation was found to be equal to 0.9 ± 0.1. On the average, six from every 10 <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> molecules succeed in escaping from the protein matrix into the solvent. A kinetic model for <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> generation within the protein matrix and for a subsequent <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> deactivation was introduced and discussed. Rate constants for radiative and nonradiative <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> deactivation within the protein were determined. The first-order radiative rate constant for <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> deactivation within the protein was found to be 8.1 ± 1.3 times larger than the one in aqueous solutions, indicating the strong influence of the protein matrix on the radiative <sup>1</sup>O<sub>2</sub> deactivation. Collisions of singlet oxygen with each protein amino acid and ZnPP were assumed to contribute independently to the observed radiative as well as nonradiative rate constants

    Achieving Single-Nucleotide Specificity in Direct Quantitative Analysis of Multiple MicroRNAs (DQAMmiR)

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    Direct quantitative analysis of multiple miRNAs (DQAMmiR) utilizes CE with fluorescence detection for fast, accurate, and sensitive quantitation of multiple miRNAs. Here we report on achieving single-nucleotide specificity and, thus, overcoming a principle obstacle on the way of DQAMmiR becoming a practical miRNA analysis tool. In general, sequence specificity is reached by raising the temperature to the level at which the probe-miRNA hybrids with mismatches melt while the matches remain intact. This elevated temperature is used as the hybridization temperature. Practical implementation of this apparently trivial approach in DQAMmiR has two major challenges. First, melting temperatures of all mismatched hybrids should be similar to each other and should not reach the melting temperature of any of the matched hybrids. Second, the elevated hybridization temperature should not deteriorate CE separation of the hybrids from the excess probes and the hybrids from each other. The second problem is further complicated by the reliance of separation in DQAMmiR on single-strand DNA binding protein (SSB) whose native structure and binding properties may be drastically affected by the elevated temperature. These problems were solved by two approaches. First, locked nucleic acid (LNA) bases were incorporated into the probes to normalize the melting temperatures of all target miRNA hybrids allowing for a single hybridization temperature; binding of SSB was not affected by LNA bases. Second, a dual-temperature CE was developed in which separation started with a high capillary temperature required for proper hybridization and continued at a low capillary temperature required for quality electrophoretic separation of the hybrids from excess probes and the hybrids from each other. The developed approach was sufficiently robust to allow its integration with sample preconcentration by isotachophoresis to achieve a limit of detection below 10 pM

    Accurate MicroRNA Analysis in Crude Cell Lysate by Capillary Electrophoresis-Based Hybridization Assay in Comparison with Quantitative Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    Accurate quantitation of microRNA (miRNA) in tissue samples is required for validation and clinical use of miRNA-based disease biomarkers. Since sample processing, such as RNA extraction, introduces undesirable biases, it is advantageous to measure miRNA in a crude cell lysate. Here, we report on accurate miRNA quantitation in crude cell lysate by a CE-based hybridization assay termed direct quantitative analysis of multiple miRNAs (DQAMmiR). Accuracy and precision of miRNA quantitation were determined for miRNA samples in a crude cell lysate, RNA extract from the lysate, and a pure buffer. The results showed that the measurements were matrix-independent with inaccuracies of below 13% from true values and relative standard deviations of below 11% from the mean values in a miRNA concentration range of 2 orders of magnitude. We compared DQAMmiR-derived results with those obtained by a benchmark miRNA-quantitation method–quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). qRT-PCR-based measurements revealed multifold inaccuracies and relative standard deviations of up to 70% in crude cell lysate. Robustness of DQAMmiR to changes in sample matrix makes it a perfect candidate for validation and clinical use of miRNA-based disease biomarkers