7,180 research outputs found

    The Neuroleptic Treatment of Schizophrenia: Dosing Strategies, Depot Preparations and Novel Medications

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    Significant progress has been made over the past decade in the use of antipsychotic medication. An improved understanding of neuroleptic side effects has led to the development of new clinical strategies for dosing traditional medications. Traditional medications have become widely used in depot preparations. Risperidone, a new medication with an improved side effect profile, has recently become available. Clozapine, a novel medication, has entered widespread use. The use of these new clinical technologies is briefly discussed, along with the implications they have for the role of the psychiatrist in community mental health settings

    Late time evolution of brane gas cosmology and compact internal dimensions

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    We study the late-time behavior of a universe in the framework of brane gas cosmology. We investigate the evolution of a universe with a gas of supergravity particles and a gas of branes. Considering the case when different dimensions are anisotropically wrapped by various branes, we have derived Friedman-like equations governing the dynamics of wrapped and unwrapped subvolumes. We point out that the compact internal dimensions are wrapped by three or higher dimensional branes.Comment: 16 pages, typos, references, comment on the possibility of stabilizing the internal dimensions with fluxe

    Populations of solutions to cyclotomic Bethe equations

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    We study solutions of the Bethe Ansatz equations for the cyclotomic Gaudin model of arXiv:1409.6937. We give two interpretations of such solutions: as critical points of a cyclotomic master function, and as critical points with cyclotomic symmetry of a certain "extended" master function. In finite types, this yields a correspondence between the Bethe eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the cyclotomic Gaudin model and those of an "extended" non-cyclotomic Gaudin model. We proceed to define populations of solutions to the cyclotomic Bethe equations, in the sense of arXiv:math/0209017, for diagram automorphisms of Kac-Moody Lie algebras. In the case of type A with the diagram automorphism, we associate to each population a vector space of quasi-polynomials with specified ramification conditions. This vector space is equipped with a Z_2-gradation and a non-degenerate bilinear form which is (skew-)symmetric on the even (resp. odd) graded subspace. We show that the population of cyclotomic critical points is isomorphic to the variety of isotropic full flags in this space.Peer reviewe

    Radion effective potential in brane gas cosmology

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    We consider a cosmological solution which can explain anisotropic evolution of spatial dimensions and the stabilization of extra dimensions in brane gas formalism. We evaluate the effective potentials, induced by brane gas, bulk flux and supergravity particles, which govern the sizes of the observed three and the extra dimensions. It is possible that the wrapped internal volume can oscillate between two turning points or sit at the minimum of the potential while the unwrapped three dimensional volume can expand monotonically. Including the supergravity particles makes the effective potential steeper as the internal volume shrinks.Comment: reference added, a note about the validity of the approach, typo

    Coastal cliff ground motions and response to extreme storm waves

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    Coastal cliff erosion from storm waves is observed worldwide, but the processes are notoriously difficult to measure during extreme storm wave conditions when most erosion normally occurs, limiting our understanding of cliff processes. Over January–February 2014, during the largest Atlantic storms in at least 60 years with deepwater significant wave heights of 6–8 m, cliff-top ground motions showed vertical ground displacements in excess of 50–100 µm; an order of magnitude larger than observations made previously. Repeat terrestrial laser scanner surveys over a 2 week period encompassing the extreme storms gave a cliff face volume loss of 2 orders of magnitude larger than the long-term erosion rate. The results imply that erosion of coastal cliffs exposed to extreme storm waves is highly episodic and that long-term rates of cliff erosion will depend on the frequency and severity of extreme storm wave impacts