22 research outputs found


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    Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the marketing strategy of chicken byproducts at UD. Gemilang Sejahtera Jombang. This type of research is quantitative descriptive, which is to determine the company's owner's strategy in marketing chicken byproducts. The method used is unstructured interview techniques and documentation. Interviews were conducted to obtain information in the form of company activities related to sales development. While documentation is done to obtain quantitative data. From quantitative data is then processed using the basic accounting formula. The formula is used to find the number of sales, net income and inventory turnover ratios. The result of this research is that the strategy used by the company owners is to go directly to the large markets in the region. So customers can immediately find out the quality of the product from UD. Gemilang Sejahtera. And company owners use postpaid strategies that can make potential customers increasingly interested in UD products. Gemilang Sejahtera. For the sale of UD. Gemilang Sejahtera was able to sell products on January 27 for 84,062,500. With these sales the company got a profit of 26,651,500. whereas for the analysis of inventory turnover ratio on January 26, it was 11.48x and on January 27 it was 17.35x. The conclusion of the inventory turnover is inventory turnover on January 27, 2019 has increased and has a positive impact on company activity. This indicates that the company does not need to pay excessive product maintenance costs compared to the previous day

    Pulsatility Index as a Diagnostic Parameter of Reciprocating Wall Shear Stress Parameters in Physiological Pulsating Waveforms - Fig 7

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    <p>Scatter plot of <i>min/max</i> versus Reynolds (a), Womersley (b) and PI (c) parameters. Regression between the measured <i>min/max</i> values and predicted <i>min/max</i> values (d), based on the non-linear least-square fit of a second order multi-variable polynomial function <i>f</i>(Re,Wo,PI).</p

    Scatter plot of OSI versus Reynolds (a), Womersley (b) and PI (c) parameters. Regression between the measured OSI values and predicted OSI values (d), based on the non-linear least-square fit of a second order multi-variable polynomial function <i>f</i>(Re,Wo,PI).

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    <p>The cases in the graphs are marked according to their run number (as listed in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0166426#pone.0166426.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>) (see legends at the bottom).</p

    Scatter plot of <i>P[%</i>] versus Reynolds (a), Womersley (b) and PI (c) parameters. Regression between the measured <i>P[%]</i> values and predicted <i>P[%]</i> values (d), based on the non-linear least-square fit of a second order multi-variable polynomial function <i>f</i>(Re,Wo,PI).

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    <p>The cases in the graphs are marked according to their run number (as listed in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0166426#pone.0166426.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>).</p

    PIV measured velocity profiles (symbols) and the corresponding inverse Womersley solution profiles (dashed-lines) for 14 runs at different time phases (color online).

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    <p>PIV measured velocity profiles (symbols) and the corresponding inverse Womersley solution profiles (dashed-lines) for 14 runs at different time phases (color online).</p

    R-square values of the best fit curves of the WSS-based parameters versus the hemodynamic parameter.

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    <p>R-square values of the best fit curves of the WSS-based parameters versus the hemodynamic parameter.</p

    Dimensionless parameters of the 14 runs.

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    <p>Dimensionless parameters of the 14 runs.</p

    Flow rate (dashed black lines, left axis) and the corresponding WSS values (red solid lines, right axis) as simulated for the 14 cases.

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    <p>Flow rate (dashed black lines, left axis) and the corresponding WSS values (red solid lines, right axis) as simulated for the 14 cases.</p

    Feeding kinematics of S. aurata obtained with the 3D system

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    Feeding kinematics of 93 feeding attempts of S. aurata on rotifers, obtained with the 3D system. larval age is in Days Post Hatching (DPH). time to minimal prey distance (MPD) is in units of TTPG cycles

    Feeding kinematics of S. aurata, obtained with the continuous high speed system

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    Feeding kinematics in 246 feeding attempts of S. aurata on rotifers, obtained with the continuous high speed system. larval age is in Days Post Hatching (DPH). viscosity is relative to that of of unmanipulated sea water (at 19 deg C). time to minimal prey distance (MPD) is in units of TTPG cycles