3,487 research outputs found

    TriPeaks Montessori

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    Blending architecture with landscape is not a new feature in design. For the Montessori schooling system, directly relating the natural world into the school’s methods of teaching is crucial for the development of the children. This thesis connects the two ideas in an investigational method catering to the child’s memory, experience, and the ability to explore freely within limits of safety and ingenuity. The project is designed for children ages 3 to 12, set up in multiage groupings for peer learning, uninterrupted blocks of work time, and guided choice of work activity, as the Montessori system adopts. Dr. Maria Montessori believed that teacher, child, and environment create a learning circle for the child, prepared by the teacher, while encouraging the independence they need to prepare themselves for the world of adolescences. By creating artificial space for a Montessori school, the designer must be aware of the needs of the people occupying the volume and the needs around them. The program, though, changes culturally and locally. In Alexandria, MN, the specific site was chosen to indulge the needs for this region giving children the ability to maneuver through the site’s landscapes in a very real and experimental way

    Characterization and Application of Hard X-Ray Betatron Radiation Generated by Relativistic Electrons from a Laser-Wakefield Accelerator

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    The necessity for compact table-top x-ray sources with higher brightness, shorter wavelength and shorter pulse duration has led to the development of complementary sources based on laser-plasma accelerators, in contrast to conventional accelerators. Relativistic interaction of short-pulse lasers with underdense plasmas results in acceleration of electrons and in consequence in the emission of spatially coherent radiation, which is known in the literature as betatron radiation. In this article we report on our recent results in the rapidly developing field of secondary x-ray radiation generated by high-energy electron pulses. The betatron radiation is characterized with a novel setup allowing to measure the energy, the spatial energy distribution in the far-field of the beam and the source size in a single laser shot. Furthermore, the polarization state is measured for each laser shot. In this way the emitted betatron x-rays can be used as a non-invasive diagnostic tool to retrieve very subtle information of the electron dynamics within the plasma wave. Parallel to the experimental work, 3D particle-in-cell simulations were performed, proved to be in good agreement with the experimental results.Comment: 38 pages, 19 figures, submitted to the Journal of Plasma Physic

    The Cryogenic Pumping Section of the KATRIN Experiment - Design Studies and Experiments for the Commissioning

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    The aim of the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment is the determination of the neutrino mass with a sensitivity of 200 meV/c2 (90 %C.L.), by high precision tritium beta spectroscopy. The experimental setup requires ultra-high vacuum conditions. This thesis investigates the pumping properties of one of the key components namely the cryogenic pumping section. It focuses on the pumping with argon frost, the preparation of an active argon frost layer, as well as on NEG pumping

    Phase Separation Prevents the Synthesis of VBi<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>4</sub> by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

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    Intrinsic magnetic topological insulators (IMTIs) have a non-trivial band topology in combination with magnetic order. This potentially leads to fascinating states of matter, such as quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) insulators and axion insulators. One of the theoretically predicted IMTIs is VBi2Te4, but experimental evidence of this material is lacking so far. Here, we report on our attempts to synthesise VBi2Te4 by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). X-ray diffraction reveals that in the thermodynamic phase space reachable by MBE, there is no region where VBi2Te4 is stably synthesised. Moreover, scanning transmission electron microscopy shows a clear phase separation to Bi2Te3 and VTe2 instead of the formation of VBi2Te4. We suggest the phase instability to be due to either the large lattice mismatch between VTe2 and Bi2Te3 or the unfavourable valence state of vanadium.</p

    Trimming of Graphs, with Application to Point Labeling

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    For t,g>0t,g>0, a vertex-weighted graph of total weight WW is (t,g)(t,g)-trimmable if it contains a vertex-induced subgraph of total weight at least (1−1/t)W(1-1/t)W and with no simple path of more than gg edges. A family of graphs is trimmable if for each constant t>0t>0, there is a constant g=g(t)g=g(t) such that every vertex-weighted graph in the family is (t,g)(t,g)-trimmable. We show that every family of graphs of bounded domino treewidth is trimmable. This implies that every family of graphs of bounded degree is trimmable if the graphs in the family have bounded treewidth or are planar. Based on this result, we derive a polynomial-time approximation scheme for the problem of labeling weighted points with nonoverlapping sliding labels of unit height and given lengths so as to maximize the total weight of the labeled points. This settles one of the last major open questions in the theory of map labeling


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    Abstrak – Distiribusi ikan cakalang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi oseanografi secara spasial (keberadaan tempatnya). Suhu Permukaan Laut dan Klorofil-a adalah parameter osenaografi yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan ikan target tangkapan. Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) merupakan komod- iti utama hasil tangkapan dari alat tangkap pole and line. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasi dan menggunakan penerapan teknologi Citra Aqua MODIS level 3 di wilayah Taman Nasional Perairan Laut Sawu. Data lapangan diambil selama 6 kali trip penangkapan terhitung bulan Juli, Agustus dan September tahun 2020. Distribusi SPL dan Klorofil-a cukup berfluktuatif pada setiap daerah penangka- pan ikan, kisaran Klorofil-aberada pada angka (0.42 - 0,46 mg/m³), dan SPL(27,22 - 28,65ºC)hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebaran kedua parameter mengalami perubahan pada setiap bulan. Hasil tangkapan ikan terendah berada pada trip I bulan Juli 3.761 Kg dan tertinggi pada trip VI bulan septem- ber 6.886 Kg, total keseluruhan hasil tangkapan ikan adalah 31.284 Kg. Hasil pengujian statistik ko- relasi berganda memperlihatkan adanya hubungan secara simultan antara SPL dan klorofil-a terhadap tangkapan ikan tuna cakalang dengan nilai Sig. F Change sebesar 0.281 dan R (koefisien korelasi) sebe- sar 0.756, sehingga disimpulkan kedalam kelas kategori berhubungan (korelasi kuat). Kata Kunci : Katsuwonus pelamis, Suhu Permukaan Laut, Klorofil-a, Fishing Ground, MODIS Aqua &nbsp; Abstract – The distribution of skipjack tuna is influenced by spatial oceanographic conditions (the exist- ence of its place). Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll-a are oceanographic parameters used to detect the presence of target fish catches. Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) is the main commodity caught from pole and line fishing gear. This research uses the observation method and uses the applica- tion of Aqua MODIS level 3 technology in the area of the Savu Sea National Park. Field data was taken for 6 fishing trips starting in July, August and September 2020. The distribution of SST and Chloro- phyll-a was quite fluctuating in each fishing area, the range of Chlorophyll-a was in the number (0.42 -0.46 mg/m³ ), and SPL (27.22 - 28.65ºC) it can be concluded that the distribution of the two parameters changes every month. The lowest fish catch was on trip I in July 3,761 kg and the highest on trip VI in September was 6,886 kg, the total fish catch was 31,284 kg. The results of the multiple correlation sta- tistical test showed that there was a simultaneous relationship between SST and chlorophyll-a on skip- jack tuna catches with a Sig value. F Change is 0.281 and R (coefficient of correlation) is 0.756, so it can be concluded that it belongs to the related category (strong correlation). Keywords : Katsuwonus pelamis, Sea Surface Temperature, Chlorophyll-a, Fishing Ground, MODIS Aqu

    Three-dimensional tumour microenvironment reconstruction and tumour-immune interactions' analysis

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    Tumours arise within complex 3D microenvironments, but the routine 2D analysis of tumours often underestimates the spatial heterogeneity. In this paper, we present a methodology to reconstruct and analyse 3D tumour models from routine clinical samples allowing 3D interactions to be analysed at cellular resolution. Our workflow involves cutting thin serial sections of tumours followed by labelling of cells using markers of interest. Serial sections are then scanned, and digital multiplexed data are created for computational reconstruction. Following spectral unmixing, a registration method of the consecutive images based on a pre-alignment, a parametric and a non-parametric image registration step is applied. For the segmentation of the cells, an ellipsoidal model is proposed and for the 3D reconstruction, a cubic interpolation method is used. The proposed 3D models allow us to identify specific interaction patterns that emerge as tumours develop, adapt and evolve within their host microenvironment. We applied our technique to map tumour-immune interactions of colorectal cancer and preliminary results suggest that 3D models better represent the tumor-immune cells interaction revealing mechanisms within the tumour microenvironment and its heterogeneity

    Changes in fruit and vegetable consumption in relation to changes in sleep characteristics over a 3-month period among young adults

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether increases in fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption were associated with concomitant changes in insomnia symptoms, sleep duration, and quality. DESIGN: Secondary longitudinal analysis of a randomized trial, baseline to 3 months. SETTING: Integrated health care systems in Detroit, Michigan and Danville, Pennsylvania. PARTICIPANTS: About 1165 young adults who were low consumers of FV (/day) at baseline. INTERVENTION: Online 3-arm program designed to increase FV consumption. MEASUREMENTS: We categorized FV changes into 4 categories: no change or decrease, 1 serving increase, 2 serving increase, and 3 or more serving increase. We then compared the changes in chronic insomnia classification (yes or no), sleep duration, quality, and time to fall asleep (all self-reported) across the FV change categories. Analyses were both overall and stratified by gender, adjusting for potential confounders (depression, physical activity, education, children, and study site). RESULTS: Average age ± SD was 26 ± 2.8 years (71% women). At 3-month follow-up, participants on average increased FV intake by 1.2 ± 1.4 servings. Women who increased FV intake by 3+ servings showed improvements in insomnia symptoms (2-fold higher odds of improvement; 95% CI 1.1 to 3.6), sleep quality (0.2-point higher sleep quality score; 95% CI -0.01, 0.3), and time to fall asleep (4.2 minutes; 95% CI -8, 0) compared to women who did not change or decreased their FV intake. Associations were not as apparent among men. CONCLUSION: Young women with low consumption of FV may experience improvements in insomnia-related sleep difficulties by increasing their consumption of FV
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