565 research outputs found

    Measurement of calcium isotopes (δ44Ca) using a multicollector TIMS technique

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    We propose a new“multicollector technique” for the thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS) measurement of calcium (Ca) isotope ratios improving average internal statistical uncertainty of the 44Ca/40Ca measurements by a factor of 2–4 and average sample throughput relative to the commonly used “peak jumping method” by a factor of 3. Isobaric interferences with potassium (40K+) and titanium (48Ti+) or positively charged molecules like 24Mg19F+, 25Mg19F+, 24Mg16O+ and 27Al16O+ can either be corrected or are negligible. Similar, peak shape defects introduced by the large dispersion of the whole Ca isotope mass range from 40–48 atomic mass units (amu) do not influence Ca-isotope ratios. We use a 43Ca/48Ca double spike with an iterative double spike correction algorithm for precise isotope measurement

    Table-based formal specification approaches for control engineers—empirical studies of usability

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    The dependability characteristic of the control software of manufacturing systems is highlighted more than before, going through repeated changes to cope with various and varying requirements. Formal methods are researched to be applied to automation system engineering to obtain a more effective and efficient quality assurance. One of the approaches, a formal specification language named Generalised Test Tables has been developed with the aim of intuitiveness and accessibility for automation application developers. The result of the experiments conducted to assess the usability of this language is presented here. Focussing on evaluating effectiveness and user satisfaction, three paper-based experiments have been conducted with students at the bachelor and master level. The evaluation results point to positive usability in both comparative effectiveness to conventional language, that is, Petri Nets, and subjective perception of user satisfaction

    The Schwarzhorn Amphibolite (Eastern Ratikon, Austria): an Early Cambrian intrusion in the Lower Austroalpine basement

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    The Alpine nappe stack in the Penninic-Austroalpine boundary zone in the Ratikon (Austria) contains a 4x1 km tectonic sliver of meta-diorite, known as the Schwarzhorn Amphibolite. It was deformed and metamorphosed in the amphibolite facies and is unconformably overlain by unmetamorphic Lower Triassic sandstone, indicating pre-Triassic metamorphism. Cataclastic deformation and brecciation of the amphibolite is related to normal faulting and block tilting during Jurassic rifting. Zircon dating of the Schwarzhorn Amphibolite using LA-ICP-MS gave a U-Pb age of 529+9/-8 Ma, interpreted as the crystallization age of the protolith. Geochemical characteristics indicate formation of the magmatic protolith in a supra-subduction zone setting. The Cambrian protolith age identifies the Schwarzhorn Amphibolite as a pre-Variscan element within the Austroalpine basement. Similar calc-alkaline igneous rocks of Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian age are found in the Upper Austroalpine Silvretta Nappe nearby and in several other Variscan basement units of the Alps, interpreted to have formed in a peri-Gondwanan active-margin or island-arc setting

    An Adaptive Virtual Training System Based on Universal Design

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    The increasing complexity of manufacturing environments requires effective training systems to prepare the operation personnel for their tasks. Several training systems have been proposed. A common approach is the application of virtual environments to train interactions with an industrial machine in a safe, attractive, and efficient way. However, these training systems cannot adapt to the requirements of an increasingly diversified workforce. This paper introduces an approach for the design of an adaptive virtual training system based on the idea of universal design. The system is based on a two-step approach that consists of an initial adaptation to the user capabilities and real-time adaptations during training based on measurements of the user. The adaptations concern the use of different representations of lessons with different complexity and interaction modalities. The proposed approach provides a flexible training system that can adapt to the needs of a broad group of users

    Regression Verification for Programmable Logic Controller Software

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    Automated production systems are usually driven by Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). These systems are long-living - yet have to adapt to changing requirements over time. This paper presents a novel method for regression verification of PLC code, which allows one to prove that a new revision of the plant\u27s software does not break existing intended behavior. Our main contribution is the design, implementation, and evaluation of a regression verification method for PLC code. We also clarify and define the notion of program equivalence for reactive PLC code. Core elements of our method are a translation of PLC code into the SMV input language for model checkers, the adaptation of the coupling invariants concept to reactive systems, and the implementation of a toolchain using a model checker supporting invariant generation. We have successfully evaluated our approach using the Pick-and-Place Unit benchmark case study
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