1,611 research outputs found

    Multicriterial Assessment of RES- and Energy-Efficiency Promoting Policy Mixes for Russian Federation

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    We focus on assessing RES- and energy-efficiency promoting policy mixes for Russia from multicriteria perspective with emphasis on GHG emission reduction. We start from two surveys: the first one studies country’s energy saving and RES potential to determine possible range of outcomes for policy mixes in question; the second one reviews corpus of relevant official documents to formulate policy alternatives, which the policymakers are facing. Our findings are then blended with forecasts of government and international agencies to obtain three scenarios, describing possible joint paths of development for Russian energy sector in the context of demographic, economic and climatic trends, as well as regulatory impact from three policy portfolios, for period from 2010 (baseline year) till 2050. Scenarios are modeled in Long-Range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP) environment, and the output in the form of GHG emissions projections for 2010-2050 is obtained. We then assess three policy portfolios with multi-criteria climate change policies evaluation method AMS. Our analysis suggests that optimistic scenario is most environmentally friendly, pessimistic one is easier to implement, and business-as-usual balances interests of all stakeholders in charge. This might be interpreted as an evidence of lack of governmental regulation and motivation to intervene in energy sector to make it greener and more sustainable

    Риторичний ідеал викладача технічного університету: сутність, зміст і структура

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    The article describes the modern rhetorical ideal of a teacher of technical university on the base of analysis of rhetorical and pedagogical concepts of ideal and academic eloquence of the prominent representatives of the native higher technical education. Rhetorical ideal of a teacher is defined as historically formed system of requirements to the speech and speech behavior, which embodiment raises the rhetorical pedagogical activity to the perfect level; as a pattern that is a reference point and stimulus for self-perfection in pedagogical rhetorical activity. The content of studied notion is elucidated using binary opposition ‘ideal – anti-ideal” and is structured by the parameters: 1)pedagogical directionality (humanitarian directionality, subordination of technical creativity to the human imperatives against the egocentric and technocratic directionality); 2)the energy of intellect (productivity of scientific thinking (“the culture of open questions”) against stereotype thinking (“the culture of ready answers”); 3) the energy of academic word (correctness, richness, expression, effectiveness of speech, introduction of audience into the searches for truth against the lack of speech culture, artificial pathos, compilation character of learning material); 4) the energy of person (dignity, pedagogical tact in ability to affect, sincerity and nobleness of feelings and words against the vanity, self-confidence; vulgarity of feelings and words); 5) citizenship (fidelity to principles, social activity “ harmony of knowledge and morality” against the unscrupulousness, social indifference, lack of moral responsibility). On the base of analysis of the results of empirical studies the author makes the conclusion that the notions of professional rhetorical ideal are the necessary pedagogical condition of the formation of rhetorical culture in future teachers of technical universities and in first turn, its motivational-value componentУ статті представлено авторське бачення сучасного риторичного ідеалу викладача технічного університету, яке сформоване на основі аналізу риторичних і педагогічних концепцій ідеалу й академічного красномовства видатних представників вітчизняної технічної освіти. Зміст досліджуваного явища розкрито через бінарну опозицію «ідеал – антиідеал» і структуровано 5-ма показниками: педагогічна спрямованість; енергія інтелекту; енергія академічного слова; енергія особистості; громадянськіст

    Innovations as factor of absorptive capacity of FDI spillovers across regions of Russian Federation

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    We study how innovations affect increase of regional total factor productivity (TFP) as a result of productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment (FDI), and confirm the presence of phenomenon in Russian data. TFP is modeled using data envelopment analysis (DEA) with the human capital, energy and capital as inputs, and the gross regional product as output. We develop innovations index for the regions of the RF, proxying for regional absorptive capacity, based on 17 variables, characterizing economic, social and infrastructural aspects of regional development. FDI variable accounts for spatial distribution of FDI flows. We confirm the presence of FDI spillovers in Russia and moderating role of innovations

    Productivity Spillovers in the Russian Federation: The Case of Chemical Market

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    Over the last decades, much attention has been drawn to the question of productivity variation across countries. The differences in cross-country productivity could be explained by both foreign and domestic innovation. In order to estimate the influence of the former, the international transfer of technology should be considered. Foreign direct investment (FDI) and international trade are suggested to be major conduits of international technology transfer. The present paper aims to extend the current empirical literature by determining the effect and the source of productivity spillover in Russia on the example of chemical industry. In order to find out the existence of FDI and international trade productivity spillover we applied the methodology developed by Ericson and Pakes (1995) and Olley and Pakes (1996). The econometric model was tested on the companies from chemical industry for the period 2007-2012. The empirical results show that FDI and international trade productivity spillovers are present in Russian chemical industry. The size of FDI spillovers is economically more important than imports-related spillovers. Based on the empirical results, we may predict that Russian accession to the World Trade Organization in 2012 should result in productivity growth. However, further research on this topic will be possible when the statistical data is available for several years after annexation

    Обгрунтування педагогічних умов розвитку військово-спеціальної компетентності офіцерів-прикордонників у процесі магістерської підготовки

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    The pedagogical conditions of the development of military-special competence of officers-border guards were discovered in the article. The topicality of the solution of problem of improvement of professional training of officers of border administration is caused by the series of factors, the one of which is a growth of the military component in professional activity of officers-border guards and also the difficult military-political situation in the East of Ukraine. The article grounds that the effectiveness of development of this competence during the master training will grow at the expanse of provision of the selection of content of the learning material in special disciplines taking into account the results of system analysis of the threats of border safety. The great importance is also inherent to the modeling and solution of practical situations of professional activity according to the problem principles. It is important for the formation and development of the officers’ abilities to making managerial decisions on organization of state border defense under special conditions and at special operations. The formation of communicative and pedagogical skills in officers on the base of andragogical model of interactive study is also the important pedagogical condition of the development of military-special competence of the officers of State border service of Ukraine. It is indicated by the results of analysis of scientific sources and the author’s experience. The solution of problem of the improvement of professional training of the officers of border administration depends on correct organization of their self-education. This process must be aimed at formation and development of the skills of work with different information sources, improvement of analytic and creative skills and increase of the level of masters’ independenceУ статті розкрито основні педагогічні умови ефективного розвитку військово-спеціальної компетентності офіцерів Державної прикордонної служби України у процесі магістерської підготовки. Йдеться про відбір змісту навчального матеріалу зі спеціальних дисциплін, моделювання та вирішення практичних ситуацій оперативної та службової діяльності, формування в офіцерів комунікативних та педагогічних умінь на основі андрагогічної моделі інтерактивного навчанн

    Application of Ensemble Learning for Views Generation in Meucci Portfolio Optimization Framework

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    Modern Portfolio Theory assumes that decisions are made by individual agents. In reality most investors are involved in group decision-making. In this research we propose to realize group decision-making process by application of Ensemble Learning algorithm, in particular Random Forest. Predicting accurate asset returns is very important in the process of asset allocation. Most models are based on weak predictors. Ensemble Learning algorithms could significantly improve prediction of weak learners by combining them into one model, which will have superiority in performance. We combine technical fundamental and sentiment analysis in order to generate views on different asset classes. Purpose of the research is to build the model for Meucci Portfolio Optimization under views generated by Random Forest Ensemble Learning algorithm. The model was backtested by comparing with results obtained from other portfolio optimization frameworks

    Innovations as factor of absorptive capacity of FDI spillovers across regions of Russian Federation

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    We study how innovations affect increase of regional total factor productivity (TFP) as a result of productivity spillovers from foreign direct investment (FDI), and confirm the presence of phenomenon in Russian data. TFP is modeled using data envelopment analysis (DEA) with the human capital, energy and capital as inputs, and the gross regional product as output. We develop innovations index for the regions of the RF, proxying for regional absorptive capacity, based on 17 variables, characterizing economic, social and infrastructural aspects of regional development. FDI variable accounts for spatial distribution of FDI flows. We confirm the presence of FDI spillovers in Russia and moderating role of innovations

    Application of Ensemble Learning for Views Generation in Meucci Portfolio Optimization Framework

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    Modern Portfolio Theory assumes that decisions are made by individual agents. In reality most investors are involved in group decision-making. In this research we propose to realize group decision-making process by application of Ensemble Learning algorithm, in particular Random Forest. Predicting accurate asset returns is very important in the process of asset allocation. Most models are based on weak predictors. Ensemble Learning algorithms could significantly improve prediction of weak learners by combining them into one model, which will have superiority in performance. We combine technical fundamental and sentiment analysis in order to generate views on different asset classes. Purpose of the research is to build the model for Meucci Portfolio Optimization under views generated by Random Forest Ensemble Learning algorithm. The model was backtested by comparing with results obtained from other portfolio optimization frameworks

    Productivity Spillovers in the Russian Federation: The Case of Chemical Market

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    Over the last decades, much attention has been drawn to the question of productivity variation across countries. The differences in cross-country productivity could be explained by both foreign and domestic innovation. In order to estimate the influence of the former, the international transfer of technology should be considered. Foreign direct investment (FDI) and international trade are suggested to be major conduits of international technology transfer. The present paper aims to extend the current empirical literature by determining the effect and the source of productivity spillover in Russia on the example of chemical industry. In order to find out the existence of FDI and international trade productivity spillover we applied the methodology developed by Ericson and Pakes (1995) and Olley and Pakes (1996). The econometric model was tested on the companies from chemical industry for the period 2007-2012. The empirical results show that FDI and international trade productivity spillovers are present in Russian chemical industry. The size of FDI spillovers is economically more important than imports-related spillovers. Based on the empirical results, we may predict that Russian accession to the World Trade Organization in 2012 should result in productivity growth. However, further research on this topic will be possible when the statistical data is available for several years after annexation