12,073 research outputs found

    The Source Size Dependence on the M_hadron Applying Fermi and Bose Statistics and I-Spin Invariance

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    The emission volume sizes of pions and Kaons, r_{\pi^\pm \pi^\pm} and r_{K^\pm K^\pm}, measured in the hadronic Z^0 decays via the Bose-Einstein Correlations (BEC), and the recent measurements of r_{\Lambda\Lambda} obtained by through the Pauli exclusion principle are used to study the r dependence on the hadron mass. A clear r_{\pi^\pm \pi^\pm} > r_{K^\pm K^\pm} > r_{\Lambda \Lambda} hierarchy is observed which seems to disagree with the basic string (LUND) model expectation. An adequate description of r(m) is obtained via the Heisenberg uncertainty relations and also by Local Parton Hadron Duality approach using a general QCD potential. These lead to a relation of the type r(m) ~ Constant/sqrt{m}. The present lack of knowledge on the f_o(980) decay rate to the K^0\bar{K}^0 channel prohibits the use of the r_{K^0_SK^0_S} in the r(m) analysis. The use of a generalised BEC and I-spin invariance, which predicts an BEC enhancement also in the K^{\pm}K^0 and \pi^{\pm}\pi^0 systems, should in the future help to include the r_{K^0_SK^0_S} in the r(m) analysis.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Based on an invited talk given by G. Alexander at the XXIX Int. Symp. on Multiparticle Dynamics, 9-13 August 1999, Providence RI, USA. (to be published in the proceedings of this conference

    Characteristic varieties of arrangements

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    The k-th Fitting ideal of the Alexander invariant B of an arrangement A of n complex hyperplanes defines a characteristic subvariety, V_k(A), of the complex algebraic n-torus. In the combinatorially determined case where B decomposes as a direct sum of local Alexander invariants, we obtain a complete description of V_k(A). For any arrangement A, we show that the tangent cone at the identity of this variety coincides with R^1_k(A), one of the cohomology support loci of the Orlik-Solomon algebra. Using work of Arapura and Libgober, we conclude that all positive-dimensional components of V_k(A) are combinatorially determined, and that R^1_k(A) is the union of a subspace arrangement in C^n, thereby resolving a conjecture of Falk. We use these results to study the reflection arrangements associated to monomial groups.Comment: LaTeX2e, 20 pages. A reference to Libgober's recent work in math.AG/9801070 is added. Several points are clarified, a new example is include

    Alexander Invariants of Complex Hyperplane Arrangements

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    Let A be an arrangement of complex hyperplanes. The fundamental group of the complement of A is determined by a braid monodromy homomorphism from a finitely generated free group to the pure braid group. Using the Gassner representation of the pure braid group, we find an explicit presentation for the Alexander invariant of A. From this presentation, we obtain combinatorial lower bounds for the ranks of the Chen groups of A. We also provide a combinatorial criterion for when these lower bounds are attained.Comment: 26 pages; LaTeX2e with amscd, amssymb package

    Semilinear response for the heating rate of cold atoms in vibrating traps

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    The calculation of the heating rate of cold atoms in vibrating traps requires a theory that goes beyond the Kubo linear response formulation. If a strong "quantum chaos" assumption does not hold, the analysis of transitions shows similarities with a percolation problem in energy space. We show how the texture and the sparsity of the perturbation matrix, as determined by the geometry of the system, dictate the result. An improved sparse random matrix model is introduced: it captures the essential ingredients of the problem, and leads to a generalized variable range hopping picture.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, improved version to be published in Europhysics Letter

    The boundary manifold of a complex line arrangement

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    We study the topology of the boundary manifold of a line arrangement in CP^2, with emphasis on the fundamental group G and associated invariants. We determine the Alexander polynomial Delta(G), and more generally, the twisted Alexander polynomial associated to the abelianization of G and an arbitrary complex representation. We give an explicit description of the unit ball in the Alexander norm, and use it to analyze certain Bieri-Neumann-Strebel invariants of G. From the Alexander polynomial, we also obtain a complete description of the first characteristic variety of G. Comparing this with the corresponding resonance variety of the cohomology ring of G enables us to characterize those arrangements for which the boundary manifold is formal.Comment: This is the version published by Geometry & Topology Monographs on 22 February 200

    Translated tori in the characteristic varieties of complex hyperplane arrangements

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    We give examples of complex hyperplane arrangements for which the top characteristic variety contains positive-dimensional irreducible components that do not pass through the origin of the character torus. These examples answer several questions of Libgober and Yuzvinsky. As an application, we exhibit a pair of arrangements for which the resonance varieties of the Orlik-Solomon algebra are (abstractly) isomorphic, yet whose characteristic varieties are not isomorphic. The difference comes from translated components, which are not detected by the tangent cone at the origin.Comment: Revised and expanded; 16 pages, 10 figures; to appear in Topology and its Application

    A central limit theorem for the sample autocorrelations of a L\'evy driven continuous time moving average process

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    In this article we consider L\'evy driven continuous time moving average processes observed on a lattice, which are stationary time series. We show asymptotic normality of the sample mean, the sample autocovariances and the sample autocorrelations. A comparison with the classical setting of discrete moving average time series shows that in the last case a correction term should be added to the classical Bartlett formula that yields the asymptotic variance. An application to the asymptotic normality of the estimator of the Hurst exponent of fractional L\'evy processes is also deduced from these results
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