26 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kadar Carcinoembryonic Antigen (Cea) Dan Albumin Serum Dengan Lokasi Kanker Kolorektal Studi Kasus Di Rsup Dr. Kariadi

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    Latar belakang : Kolonoskopi masih menjadi alat deteksi utama untuk mengetahui lokasi kanker kolorektal. Diperlukan pemantuan petanda yang tidak invasif untuk membantu mengetahui lokasi kanker kolorektal. Kadar Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) dan albumin pada pasien kanker kolorektal dapat digunakan sebagai petanda lokasi dan prognosis.Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) dan albumin serum dengan lokasi kanker kolorektal.Metode Penelitian : ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain belah lintang. Data didapatkan dari rekam medik pasien kanker kolorektal di RSUP Dr. Kariadi dari Januari 2012-Desember 2015. Sejumlah 63 pasien menjadi subyek penelitian. Kadar CEA dan albumin dilihat dari hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium darah sebelum terapi. Lokasi tumor diketahui setelah pasien menjalani prosedur sigmoidoskopi atau kolonoskopi. Uji hipotesis yang digunakan adalah uji korelasi Spearman.Hasil : Subyek penelitian rerata berusia 50,50±13,69 tahun, dengan 49,2% pasien pria dan 50,8% wanita. Sebanyak 55,6% subyek penelitian mengalami peningkatan kadar CEA (>5 ng/mL). Sebanyak 52,4% subyek penelitian memiliki kadar albumin rendah, 46,0% memiliki kadar albumin normal, dan 1,6% memiliki kadar albumin tinggi. Lokasi tumor tersering berada di rektum (77,8%). Kadar CEA tidak berhubungan dengan lokasi tumor(rs = -0,019). Kadar albumin tidak berhubungan dengan lokasi tumor(rs= -0,060). Kadar CEA dan albumin tidak berhubungan dengan lokasi tumor(rs = -0,048).Kesimpulan : Tidak terdapat hubungan kadar CEA dan albumin dengan lokasi kanker kolorektal

    Supplementary Figure S1 from Muskuloskeletal modelling under an evolutionary perspective: deciphering the role of single muscle regions in closely related insects

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    Raw bite curves for all measured species. As mentioned in the main text, this raw data was subsequently filtered and selected. Please refer to the material and methods section for further information on bite selection

    Arnold Schönberg - Professor des Moskauer Konservatoriums? Auf den Spuren des Briefwechsels mit Alexander Weprik

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    Der Aufsatz gibt Überblick über den Briefwechsel Arnold Schönbergs mit dem sowjetischen Komponisten und Musikschriftsteller Alexander Weprik. Einige von den in The Library of Congress aufbewahrten und in die Zeit zwischen 1925 und 1927 fallenden Briefen sind erstmals veröffentlicht. Diese Publikation ermöglicht es, einen Einblick in das nicht zur Ausführung gekommene Vorhaben Schönbergs zu gewinnen, 1925 nach Moskau zu übersiedeln, um dort ein neues musikalisches Institut zu gründen und am Moskauer Konservatorium russische Studenten in Komposition zu unterrichten

    Dataset_S3_matrix_3.txt from Computational biomechanics changes our view on insect head evolution

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    Despite large-scale molecular attempts, the relationships of the basal winged insect lineages dragonflies, mayflies and neopterans, are still unresolved. Other data sources, such as morphology, suffer from unclear functional dependencies of the structures considered, which might mislead phylogenetic inference. Here, we assess this problem by combining for the first time biomechanics with phylogenetics using two advanced engineering techniques, multibody dynamics analysis and finite-element analysis, to <i>objectively</i> identify functional linkages in insect head structures which have been used traditionally to argue basal winged insect relationships. With a biomechanical model of unprecedented detail, we are able to investigate the mechanics of morphological characters under biologically realistic load, i.e. biting. We show that a range of head characters, mainly ridges, endoskeletal elements and joints, are indeed mechanically linked to each other. An analysis of character state correlation in a morphological data matrix focused on head characters shows a highly significant correlation of these mechanically linked structures. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction under different data exclusion schemes based on the correlation analysis unambiguously supports a sistergroup relationship of dragonflies and mayflies. The combination of biomechanics and phylogenetics as it is proposed here could be a promising approach to assess functional dependencies in many organisms to increase our understanding of phenotypic evolution

    Figure S6 from Computational biomechanics changes our view on insect head evolution

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    Despite large-scale molecular attempts, the relationships of the basal winged insect lineages dragonflies, mayflies and neopterans, are still unresolved. Other data sources, such as morphology, suffer from unclear functional dependencies of the structures considered, which might mislead phylogenetic inference. Here, we assess this problem by combining for the first time biomechanics with phylogenetics using two advanced engineering techniques, multibody dynamics analysis and finite-element analysis, to <i>objectively</i> identify functional linkages in insect head structures which have been used traditionally to argue basal winged insect relationships. With a biomechanical model of unprecedented detail, we are able to investigate the mechanics of morphological characters under biologically realistic load, i.e. biting. We show that a range of head characters, mainly ridges, endoskeletal elements and joints, are indeed mechanically linked to each other. An analysis of character state correlation in a morphological data matrix focused on head characters shows a highly significant correlation of these mechanically linked structures. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction under different data exclusion schemes based on the correlation analysis unambiguously supports a sistergroup relationship of dragonflies and mayflies. The combination of biomechanics and phylogenetics as it is proposed here could be a promising approach to assess functional dependencies in many organisms to increase our understanding of phenotypic evolution

    Table_S3_p_values_pairwise_correlation_all_chars.txt from Computational biomechanics changes our view on insect head evolution

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    Despite large-scale molecular attempts, the relationships of the basal winged insect lineages dragonflies, mayflies and neopterans, are still unresolved. Other data sources, such as morphology, suffer from unclear functional dependencies of the structures considered, which might mislead phylogenetic inference. Here, we assess this problem by combining for the first time biomechanics with phylogenetics using two advanced engineering techniques, multibody dynamics analysis and finite-element analysis, to <i>objectively</i> identify functional linkages in insect head structures which have been used traditionally to argue basal winged insect relationships. With a biomechanical model of unprecedented detail, we are able to investigate the mechanics of morphological characters under biologically realistic load, i.e. biting. We show that a range of head characters, mainly ridges, endoskeletal elements and joints, are indeed mechanically linked to each other. An analysis of character state correlation in a morphological data matrix focused on head characters shows a highly significant correlation of these mechanically linked structures. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction under different data exclusion schemes based on the correlation analysis unambiguously supports a sistergroup relationship of dragonflies and mayflies. The combination of biomechanics and phylogenetics as it is proposed here could be a promising approach to assess functional dependencies in many organisms to increase our understanding of phenotypic evolution


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    keecorn nlarynxlarynxPRINTED ITEM DNE-cit DNE-citG.M.Story June 1961Used IUsed IUsed I[see 'cacorne, kechhorn, etc.] ; cacorne, kechhorn, kee chorn, kilcorn, kingcorn, kinkhorn, kinkornChecked by Raji Sreeni on Wed 24 Jun 201

    Figure S1 from Computational biomechanics changes our view on insect head evolution

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    Despite large-scale molecular attempts, the relationships of the basal winged insect lineages dragonflies, mayflies and neopterans, are still unresolved. Other data sources, such as morphology, suffer from unclear functional dependencies of the structures considered, which might mislead phylogenetic inference. Here, we assess this problem by combining for the first time biomechanics with phylogenetics using two advanced engineering techniques, multibody dynamics analysis and finite-element analysis, to <i>objectively</i> identify functional linkages in insect head structures which have been used traditionally to argue basal winged insect relationships. With a biomechanical model of unprecedented detail, we are able to investigate the mechanics of morphological characters under biologically realistic load, i.e. biting. We show that a range of head characters, mainly ridges, endoskeletal elements and joints, are indeed mechanically linked to each other. An analysis of character state correlation in a morphological data matrix focused on head characters shows a highly significant correlation of these mechanically linked structures. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction under different data exclusion schemes based on the correlation analysis unambiguously supports a sistergroup relationship of dragonflies and mayflies. The combination of biomechanics and phylogenetics as it is proposed here could be a promising approach to assess functional dependencies in many organisms to increase our understanding of phenotypic evolution

    Table_S1_full_matrix.xls from Computational biomechanics changes our view on insect head evolution

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    Despite large-scale molecular attempts, the relationships of the basal winged insect lineages dragonflies, mayflies and neopterans, are still unresolved. Other data sources, such as morphology, suffer from unclear functional dependencies of the structures considered, which might mislead phylogenetic inference. Here, we assess this problem by combining for the first time biomechanics with phylogenetics using two advanced engineering techniques, multibody dynamics analysis and finite-element analysis, to <i>objectively</i> identify functional linkages in insect head structures which have been used traditionally to argue basal winged insect relationships. With a biomechanical model of unprecedented detail, we are able to investigate the mechanics of morphological characters under biologically realistic load, i.e. biting. We show that a range of head characters, mainly ridges, endoskeletal elements and joints, are indeed mechanically linked to each other. An analysis of character state correlation in a morphological data matrix focused on head characters shows a highly significant correlation of these mechanically linked structures. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction under different data exclusion schemes based on the correlation analysis unambiguously supports a sistergroup relationship of dragonflies and mayflies. The combination of biomechanics and phylogenetics as it is proposed here could be a promising approach to assess functional dependencies in many organisms to increase our understanding of phenotypic evolution

    Figure S2 from Computational biomechanics changes our view on insect head evolution

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    Despite large-scale molecular attempts, the relationships of the basal winged insect lineages dragonflies, mayflies and neopterans, are still unresolved. Other data sources, such as morphology, suffer from unclear functional dependencies of the structures considered, which might mislead phylogenetic inference. Here, we assess this problem by combining for the first time biomechanics with phylogenetics using two advanced engineering techniques, multibody dynamics analysis and finite-element analysis, to <i>objectively</i> identify functional linkages in insect head structures which have been used traditionally to argue basal winged insect relationships. With a biomechanical model of unprecedented detail, we are able to investigate the mechanics of morphological characters under biologically realistic load, i.e. biting. We show that a range of head characters, mainly ridges, endoskeletal elements and joints, are indeed mechanically linked to each other. An analysis of character state correlation in a morphological data matrix focused on head characters shows a highly significant correlation of these mechanically linked structures. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction under different data exclusion schemes based on the correlation analysis unambiguously supports a sistergroup relationship of dragonflies and mayflies. The combination of biomechanics and phylogenetics as it is proposed here could be a promising approach to assess functional dependencies in many organisms to increase our understanding of phenotypic evolution