6,260 research outputs found

    Supermembrane limit of Yang-Mills theory

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    We consider Yang-Mills theory with N=1N{=}1 super translation group in eleven auxiliary dimensions as the structure group. The gauge theory is defined on a direct product manifold Σ3×S1\Sigma_3\times S^1, where Σ3\Sigma_3 is a three-dimensional Lorentzian manifold and S1S^1 is a circle. We show that in the infrared limit, when the metric on S1S^1 is scaled down, the Yang-Mills action supplemented by a Wess-Zumino-type term reduces to the action of an M2-brane.Comment: 1+6 page

    Explicit Non-Abelian Monopoles and Instantons in SU(N) Pure Yang-Mills Theory

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    It is well known that there are no static non-Abelian monopole solutions in pure Yang-Mills theory on Minkowski space R^{3,1}. We show that such solutions exist in SU(N) gauge theory on the spaces R^2\times S^2 and R^1\times S^1\times S^2 with Minkowski signature (-+++). In the temporal gauge they are solutions of pure Yang-Mills theory on T^1\times S^2, where T^1 is R^1 or S^1. Namely, imposing SO(3)-invariance and some reality conditions, we consistently reduce the Yang-Mills model on the above spaces to a non-Abelian analog of the \phi^4 kink model whose static solutions give SU(N) monopole (-antimonopole) configurations on the space R^{1,1}\times S^2 via the above-mentioned correspondence. These solutions can also be considered as instanton configurations of Yang-Mills theory in 2+1 dimensions. The kink model on R^1\times S^1 admits also periodic sphaleron-type solutions describing chains of n kink-antikink pairs spaced around the circle S^1 with arbitrary n>0. They correspond to chains of n static monopole-antimonopole pairs on the space R^1\times S^1\times S^2 which can also be interpreted as instanton configurations in 2+1 dimensional pure Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature (thermal time circle). We also describe similar solutions in Euclidean SU(N) gauge theory on S^1\times S^3 interpreted as chains of n instanton-antiinstanton pairs.Comment: 16 pages; v2: subsection on topological charges added, title expanded, some coefficients corrected, version to appear in PR

    Integrable vortex-type equations on the two-sphere

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    We consider the Yang-Mills instanton equations on the four-dimensional manifold S^2xSigma, where Sigma is a compact Riemann surface of genus g>1 or its covering space H^2=SU(1,1)/U(1). Introducing a natural ansatz for the gauge potential, we reduce the instanton equations on S^2xSigma to vortex-type equations on the sphere S^2. It is shown that when the scalar curvature of the manifold S^2xSigma vanishes, the vortex-type equations are integrable, i.e. can be obtained as compatibility conditions of two linear equations (Lax pair) which are written down explicitly. Thus, the standard methods of integrable systems can be applied for constructing their solutions. However, even if the scalar curvature of S^2xSigma does not vanish, the vortex equations are well defined and have solutions for any values of the topological charge N. We show that any solution to the vortex equations on S^2 with a fixed topological charge N corresponds to a Yang-Mills instanton on S^2xSigma of charge (g-1)N.Comment: 14 pages; v2: clarifying comments added, published versio

    String theories as the adiabatic limit of Yang-Mills theory

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    We consider Yang-Mills theory with a matrix gauge group GG on a direct product manifold M=Σ2×H2M=\Sigma_2\times H^2, where Σ2\Sigma_2 is a two-dimensional Lorentzian manifold and H2H^2 is a two-dimensional open disc with the boundary S1=H2S^1=\partial H^2. The Euler-Lagrange equations for the metric on Σ2\Sigma_2 yield constraint equations for the Yang-Mills energy-momentum tensor. We show that in the adiabatic limit, when the metric on H2H^2 is scaled down, the Yang-Mills equations plus constraints on the energy-momentum tensor become the equations describing strings with a worldsheet Σ2\Sigma_2 moving in the based loop group ΩG=C(S1,G)/G\Omega G=C^\infty (S^1, G)/G, where S1S^1 is the boundary of H2H^2. By choosing G=Rd1,1G=R^{d-1, 1} and putting to zero all parameters in ΩRd1,1\Omega R^{d-1, 1} besides Rd1,1R^{d-1, 1}, we get a string moving in Rd1,1R^{d-1, 1}. In arXiv:1506.02175 it was described how one can obtain the Green-Schwarz superstring action from Yang-Mills theory on Σ2×H2\Sigma_2\times H^2 while H2H^2 shrinks to a point. Here we also consider Yang-Mills theory on a three-dimensional manifold Σ2×S1\Sigma_2\times S^1 and show that in the limit when the radius of S1S^1 tends to zero, the Yang-Mills action functional supplemented by a Wess-Zumino-type term becomes the Green-Schwarz superstring action.Comment: 11 pages, v3: clarifying remarks added, new section on embedding of the Green-Schwarz superstring into d=3 Yang-Mills theory include

    Polarizability and dynamic structure factor of the one-dimensional Bose gas near the Tonks-Girardeau limit at finite temperatures

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    Correlation functions related to the dynamic density response of the one-dimensional Bose gas in the model of Lieb and Liniger are calculated. An exact Bose-Fermi mapping is used to work in a fermionic representation with a pseudopotential Hamiltonian. The Hartree-Fock and generalized random phase approximations are derived and the dynamic polarizability is calculated. The results are valid to first order in 1/\gamma where \gamma is Lieb-Liniger coupling parameter. Approximations for the dynamic and static structure factor at finite temperature are presented. The results preclude superfluidity at any finite temperature in the large-\gamma regime due to the Landau criterion. Due to the exact Bose-Fermi duality, the results apply for spinless fermions with weak p-wave interactions as well as for strongly interacting bosons.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, the journal versio

    Algorithm for calculating the problem of unilateral frictional contact with an increscent external load parameter

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    The subject of the study is the contact interaction of deformable elements of linear complementarity problem (LCP). To solve the linear complementarity problem, the Lemke method with the introduction of an increasing parameter of external loading is used. The proposed approach solves the degenerated matrix in a finite number of steps, while the dimensionality of the problem is limited to the area of contact. To solve the problem, the initial table of the Lemke method is generated using the contact matrix of stiffness and the contact load vector. The unknowns in the problem are mutual displacements and interaction forces of contacting pairs of points of deformable solids. The proposed approach makes it possible to evaluate the change in working schemes as the parameter of external load increases. The features of the proposed formulation of the problem are shown, the criteria for stopping the stepwise process of solving such problems are considered. Model examples for the proposed algorithm are given. The algorithm has shown its efficiency in application, including for complex model problems. Recommendations on the use of the proposed approach are given

    On Explicit Point Multi-Monopoles in SU(2) Gauge Theory

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    It is well known that the Dirac monopole solution with the U(1) gauge group embedded into the group SU(2) is equivalent to the SU(2) Wu-Yang point monopole solution having no Dirac string singularity. We consider a multi-center configuration of m Dirac monopoles and n anti-monopoles and its embedding into SU(2) gauge theory. Using geometric methods, we construct an explicit solution of the SU(2) Yang-Mills equations which generalizes the Wu-Yang solution to the case of m monopoles and n anti-monopoles located at arbitrary points in R^3.Comment: 1+7 pages, LaTe

    Palladium (II) Oxide Nanostructures as Promising Materials for Gas Sensors

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    One of the most important environment monitoring problems is the detection of oxidizing gases in the ambient air. Negative impact of noxious oxidizing gases (ozone and nitrogen oxides) on human health, sensitive vegetation, and ecosystems is very serious. For this reason, palladium (II) oxide nanostructures have been employed for oxidizing gas detection. Thin and ultrathin films of palladium (II) oxide were prepared by thermal oxidation at dry oxygen of previously formed pure palladium layers on polished poly-Al2O3, SiO2/Si (100), optical quality quartz, and amorphous carbon/KCl substrates. At ozone and nitrogen dioxide detection, PdO films prepared by oxidation at T = 870 K have demonstrated good values of sensitivity, signal stability, operation speed, and reproducibility of sensor response. In comparison with other materials, palladium (II) oxide thin and ultrathin films have some advantages at gas sensor fabrication. Firstly, for oxidizing gas detection, PdO films with p-type conductivity are more perspective than the material with n-type conductivity. Secondly, at ambient conditions, palladium (II) oxide is insoluble in water and does not react with it. These facts are favorable for the fabrication of gas detectors because they make possible to minimize the air humidity influence on PdO sensor response values. Thirdly, the synthesis procedure of PdO films is rather simple and is compatible with planar processes of microelectronic industry

    Bounces/Dyons in the Plane Wave Matrix Model and SU(N) Yang-Mills Theory

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    We consider SU(N) Yang-Mills theory on the space R^1\times S^3 with Minkowski signature (-+++). The condition of SO(4)-invariance imposed on gauge fields yields a bosonic matrix model which is a consistent truncation of the plane wave matrix model. For matrices parametrized by a scalar \phi, the Yang-Mills equations are reduced to the equation of a particle moving in the double-well potential. The classical solution is a bounce, i.e. a particle which begins at the saddle point \phi=0 of the potential, bounces off the potential wall and returns to \phi=0. The gauge field tensor components parametrized by \phi are smooth and for finite time both electric and magnetic fields are nonvanishing. The energy density of this non-Abelian dyon configuration does not depend on coordinates of R^1\times S^3 and the total energy is proportional to the inverse radius of S^3. We also describe similar bounce dyon solutions in SU(N) Yang-Mills theory on the space R^1\times S^2 with signature (-++). Their energy is proportional to the square of the inverse radius of S^2. From the viewpoint of Yang-Mills theory on R^{1,1}\times S^2 these solutions describe non-Abelian (dyonic) flux tubes extended along the x^3-axis.Comment: 11 pages; v2: one formula added, some coefficients correcte

    Topological B-Model on Weighted Projective Spaces and Self-Dual Models in Four Dimensions

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    It was recently shown by Witten on the basis of several examples that the topological B-model whose target space is a Calabi-Yau (CY) supermanifold is equivalent to holomorphic Chern-Simons (hCS) theory on the same supermanifold. Moreover, for the supertwistor space CP^{3|4} as target space, it has been demonstrated that hCS theory on CP^{3|4} is equivalent to self-dual N=4 super Yang-Mills (SYM) theory in four dimensions. We consider as target spaces for the B-model the weighted projective spaces WCP^{3|2}(1,1,1,1|p,q) with two fermionic coordinates of weight p and q, respectively - which are CY supermanifolds for p+q=4 - and discuss hCS theory on them. By using twistor techniques, we obtain certain field theories in four dimensions which are equivalent to hCS theory. These theories turn out to be self-dual truncations of N=4 SYM theory or of its twisted (topological) version.Comment: 12 pages; v2: minor clarification, 3 references added, published versio