327 research outputs found

    Advances in the Rehabilitation of Hemispatial Inattention

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    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: There continue to be a plethora of approaches to the rehabilitation of hemispatial inattention, from different forms of sensory stimulation (visual, auditory and somatosensory feedback), through all major modes of non-invasive brain stimulation to drug therapies. Here we summarise trials published in the years 2017-2022 and tabulate their effect sizes, with the aim of drawing on common themes that may serve to inform future rehabilitative studies. RECENT FINDINGS: Immersive virtual reality approaches to visual stimulation seem well tolerated, although they have yet to yield any clinically relevant improvements. Dynamic auditory stimulation looks very promising and has high potential for implementation. Robotic interventions are limited by their cost and are perhaps best suited to patients with a co-occurring hemiparesis. Regarding brain stimulation, rTMS continues to demonstrate moderate effects but tDCS studies have yielded disappointing results so far. Drugs, primarily aimed at the dopaminergic system, often demonstrate beneficial effects of a medium size, but as with many of the approaches, it seems difficult to predict responders and non-responders. Our main recommendation is that researchers consider incorporating single-case experimental designs into their studies as rehabilitation trials are likely to remain small in terms of patient numbers, and this is the best way to deal with all the factors that cause large between-subject heterogeneity

    What do people with aphasia want from the Queen Square Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programme and do they achieve it? A quantitative and qualitative analysis of their short, medium, long-term and economic goals

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    Background: The most effective model for achieving therapist-delivered, high-dose SLT for People with Aphasia (PWA) is through Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programmes (ICAPs). ICAPs are often assessed using standardised outcome measures; however, as SLT is personalised, it is of interest to examine individualised goal-based outcome measures as well. In the Queen Square ICAP, we use a goal-setting approach (Goal Attainment Setting [GAS]) where the PWA and their therapist negotiate which goals to work on and over what timescales. This process involves recording and scoring the agreed goals, which makes them amenable to formal quantitative and qualitative analysis. Aims: The aim of this study was twofold. Firstly, to test the hypothesis that a pre- versus post- ICAP analysis of individual’s goal scores would show statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvements. Secondly, to better understand what PWA wanted to achieve from the ICAP service, we performed a qualitative analysis across all agreed goals. Methods & Procedures: Forty-four PWA who varied in aphasia severity from mild to severe took part. PWA jointly set goals with their therapists using the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound). The goals were split into four categories: short (3 weeks), medium (3-6 months), long-term (12 months) and economic, (defined as any outcome that will improve, either directly or indirectly, the economic system that the PWA lives within). Quantitative scores were obtained for each PWA both pre- and post- ICAP and were analysed using paired t-tests, with subsequent ANOVAs to investigate possible confounding factors. The qualitative analysis was carried out by two researchers not involved in delivering the ICAP. Data was collapsed across all goal categories and analysed using thematic analysis. Outcomes & Results: Quantitatively, statistically significant gains were made across all four goal categories (ps < 0.001). Unstandardized effect-sizes were clinically significant (ΔGAS ~16). Qualitatively, we identified five main themes: staying connected with the world, understanding aphasia better, raising awareness, the importance of having a work identity and managing personal relationships. Conclusions: Quantitative goal-setting for PWA in the context of an ICAP provides robust evidence that PWA can achieve a variety of aspirational goals given high enough doses of specialist input from SLTs and a clinical psychologist. Although the ICAP only spanned 3 weeks, PWA continued to reach medium, long-term and even economic goals up to a year post-recruitment. This is the first time that economic goals have been captured in PWA using GAS. The qualitative analysis describes what the PWA wanted to achieve from participating in our ICAP, while the quantitative analyses demonstrate how much they succeeded in doing so

    Neural patterns of conscious visual awareness in the Riddoch syndrome

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    The Riddoch syndrome is one in which patients blinded by lesions to their primary visual cortex can consciously perceive visual motion in their blind field, an ability that correlates with activity in motion area V5. Our assessment of the characteristics of this syndrome in patient ST, using multimodal MRI, showed that: 1. ST's V5 is intact, receives direct subcortical input, and decodable neural patterns emerge in it only during the conscious perception of visual motion; 2. moving stimuli activate medial visual areas but, unless associated with decodable V5 activity, they remain unperceived; 3. ST's high confidence ratings when discriminating motion at chance levels, is associated with inferior frontal gyrus activity. Finally, we report that ST's Riddoch Syndrome results in hallucinatory motion with hippocampal activity as a correlate. Our results shed new light on perceptual experiences associated with this syndrome and on the neural determinants of conscious visual experience

    Design Innovation for Engaging and Accessible Digital Aphasia Therapies: Framework Analysis of the iReadMore App Co-Design Process

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    Background: iReadMore is a digital therapy for people with acquired reading impairments (known as alexia) caused by brain injury or neurodegeneration. A phase II clinical trial demonstrated the efficacy of the digital therapy research prototype for improving reading speed and accuracy in people with poststroke aphasia (acquired language impairment) and alexia. However, it also highlighted the complexities and barriers to delivering self-managed therapies at home. Therefore, in order to translate the positive study results into real-world benefits, iReadMore required subsequent design innovation. Here, we present qualitative findings from the co-design process as well as the methodology. / Objective: We aimed to present a methodology for inclusive co-design in the redesign of a digital therapy prototype, focusing on elements of accessibility and user engagement. We used framework analysis to explore the themes of the communications and interactions from the co-design process. / Methods: This study included 2 stages. In the first stage, 5 in-person co-design sessions were held with participants living with poststroke aphasia (n=22) and their carers (n=3), and in the second stage, remote one-to-one beta-testing sessions were held with participants with aphasia (n=20) and their carers (n=5) to test and refine the final design. Data collection included video recordings of the co-design sessions in addition to participants’ written notes and drawings. Framework analysis was used to identify themes within the data relevant to the design of digital aphasia therapies in general. / Results: From a qualitative framework analysis of the data generated in the co-design process, 7 key areas of consideration for digital aphasia therapies have been proposed and discussed in context. The themes generated were agency, intuitive design, motivation, personal trajectory, recognizable and relatable content, social and sharing, and widening participation. This study enabled the deployment of the iReadMore app in an accessible and engaging format. Conclusions: Co-design is a valuable strategy for innovating beyond traditional therapy designs to utilize what is achievable with technology-based therapies in user-centered design. The co-designed iReadMore app has been publicly released for use in the rehabilitation of acquired reading impairments. This paper details the co-design process for the iReadMore therapy app and provides a methodology for how inclusive co-design can be conducted with people with aphasia. The findings of the framework analysis offer insights into design considerations for digital therapies that are important to people living with aphasia

    Functional near infrared spectroscopy as a probe of brain function in people with prolonged disorders of consciousness

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    Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a non-invasive technique which measures changes in brain tissue oxygenation. NIRS has been used for continuous monitoring of brain oxygenation during medical procedures carrying high risk of iatrogenic brain ischemia and also has been adopted by cognitive neuroscience for studies on executive and cognitive functions. Until now, NIRS has not been used to detect residual cognitive functions in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness (pDOC). In this study we aimed to evaluate the brain function of patients with pDOC by using a motor imagery task while recording NIRS. We also collected data from a group of age and gender matched healthy controls while they carried out both real and imagined motor movements to command. We studied 16 pDOC patients in total, split into two groups: five had a diagnosis of Vegetative state/Unresponsive Wakefulness State, and eleven had a diagnosis of Minimally Conscious State. In the control subjects we found a greater oxy-haemoglobin (oxyHb) response during real movement compared with imagined movement. For the between group comparison, we found a main effect of hemisphere, with greater depression of oxyHb signal in the right > left hemisphere compared with rest period for all three groups. A post-hoc analysis including only the two pDOC patient groups was also significant suggesting that this effect was not just being driven by the control subjects. This study demonstrates for the first time the feasibility of using NIRS for the assessment of brain function in pDOC patients using a motor imagery task

    The expression of VvMYBPA1 in tobacco remodulates the phenylpropanoid pathway and diverts the synthesis of anthocyanins into condensed tannins in flowers

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    Patients in Vegetative State (VS), also known as Unresponsive Wakefulness State (UWS) are deemed to be unaware of themselves or their environment. This is different from patients diagnosed with Minimally Conscious state (MCS), who can have intermittent awareness. In both states, there is a severe impairment of consciousness; these disorders are referred to as disorders of consciousness (DOC) and if the state is prolonged, pDOC. There is growing evidence that some patients who are behaviourally in VS/UWS can show neural activation to environmental stimuli and that this response can be detected using functional brain imaging (fMRI/PET) and electroencephalography (EEG). Recently, it has also been suggested that a more reliable detection of brain responsiveness and hence a more reliable differentiation between VS/UWS and MCS requires person-centred and person-specific stimuli, such as the subject's own name stimulus.In this study we obtained event related potential data (ERP) from 12 healthy subjects and 16 patients in pDOC, five of whom were in the VS/UWS and 11 in the Minimally Conscious State (MCS). We used as the ERP stimuli the subjects' own name, others' names and reversed other names. We performed a sensor level analysis using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) software. Using this paradigm in 4 DOC patients (3 in MCS, and 1 in VS/UWS) we detected a statistically significant difference in EEG response to their own name versus other peoples' names with ERP latencies (~300 ms and ~700 ms post stimuli). Some of these differences were similar to those found in a control group of healthy subjects.This study shows the feasibility of using self-relevant stimuli such as a subject's own name for assessment of brain function in pDOC patients. This neurophysiological test is suitable for bed-side/hospital based assessment of pDOC patients. As it does not require sophisticated scanning equipment it can feasibly be used within a hospital or care setting to help professionals tailor medical and psycho-social management for patients

    The left superior temporal gyrus is a shared substrate for auditory short-term memory and speech comprehension: evidence from 210 patients with stroke

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    Competing theories of short-term memory function make specific predictions about the functional anatomy of auditory short-term memory and its role in language comprehension. We analysed high-resolution structural magnetic resonance images from 210 stroke patients and employed a novel voxel based analysis to test the relationship between auditory short-term memory and speech comprehension. Using digit span as an index of auditory short-term memory capacity we found that the structural integrity of a posterior region of the superior temporal gyrus and sulcus predicted auditory short-term memory capacity, even when performance on a range of other measures was factored out. We show that the integrity of this region also predicts the ability to comprehend spoken sentences. Our results therefore support cognitive models that posit a shared substrate between auditory short-term memory capacity and speech comprehension ability. The method applied here will be particularly useful for modelling structure–function relationships within other complex cognitive domains

    Mapping spoken language and cognitive deficits in post-stroke aphasia

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    Aphasia is an acquired disorder caused by damage, most commonly due to stroke, to brain regions involved in speech and language. While language impairment is the defining symptom of aphasia, the co-occurrence of non-language cognitive deficits and their importance in predicting rehabilitation and recovery outcomes is well documented. However, people with aphasia (PWA) are rarely tested on higher-order cognitive functions, making it difficult for studies to associate these functions with a consistent lesion correlate. Broca's area is a particular brain region of interest that has long been implicated in speech and language production. Contrary to classic models of speech and language, cumulative evidence shows that Broca's area and surrounding regions in the left inferior frontal cortex (LIFC) are involved in, but not specific to, speech production. In this study we aimed to explore the brain-behaviour relationships between tests of cognitive skill and language abilities in thirty-six adults with long-term speech production deficits caused by post-stroke aphasia. Our findings suggest that non-linguistic cognitive functions, namely executive functions and verbal working memory, explain more of the behavioural variance in PWA than classical language models imply. Additionally, lesions to the LIFC, including Broca's area, were associated with non-linguistic executive (dys)function, suggesting that lesions to this area are associated with non-language-specific higher-order cognitive deficits in aphasia. Whether executive (dys)function - and its neural correlate in Broca's area - contributes directly to PWA's language production deficits or simply co-occurs with it, adding to communication difficulties, remains unclear. These findings support contemporary models of speech production that place language processing within the context of domain-general perception, action and conceptual knowledge. An understanding of the covariance between language and non-language deficits and their underlying neural correlates will inform better targeted aphasia treatment and outcomes

    An Utterance Verification System for Word Naming Therapy in Aphasia

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    Anomia (word finding difficulties) is the hallmark of aphasia an acquired language disorder, most commonly caused by stroke. Assessment of speech performance using picture naming tasks is therefore a key method for identification of the disorder and monitoring patient’s response to treatment interventions. Currently, this assessment is conducted manually by speech and language therapists (SLT). Surprisingly, despite advancements in ASR and artificial intelligence with technologies like deep learning, research on developing automated systems for this task has been scarce. Here we present an utterance verification system incorporating a deep learning element that classifies ‘correct’/‘incorrect’ naming attempts from aphasic stroke patients. When tested on 8 native British-English speaking aphasics the system’s performance accuracy ranged between 83.6% to 93.6%, with a 10 fold cross validation mean of 89.5%. This performance was not only significantly better than one of the leading commercially available ASRs (Google speech-to-text service) but also comparable in some instances with two independent SLT ratings for the same dataset