3,628 research outputs found

    Characterizing B-Lymphocyte Response to Neoantigen Exposure in Early-Stage Pancreatic Cancer

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    From the Washington University Senior Honors Thesis Abstracts (WUSHTA), Spring 2018. Published by the Office of Undergraduate Research. Joy Zalis Kiefer, Director of Undergraduate Research and Associate Dean in the College of Arts & Sciences; Lindsey Paunovich, Editor; Helen Human, Programs Manager and Assistant Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences Mentor: Samath Hegde and David G. De Nard

    The Phenomenon of Dissociation with the Application of Expressive Arts Therapy: A Literature Review

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    As a symptom of pathological disorder, dissociation is commonly seen as detrimental; yet dissociation is also frequently referenced as a typical occurrence for most people on a regular basis. This paper aimed to investigate and clarify definitions of dissociation as a phenomenon in mental health counseling treatment, and to examine the application of the modality of expressive arts therapy where dissociation is present. Dissociation was found to be widely regarded as a spectrum of phenomena within the subjective experiences of an individual, ranging from average to debilitating in severity. Research and expressive arts therapies were found to reflect theory informing treatment of dissociation as a response to traumatic events and circumstances. Some researchers questioned the etiology of dissociation. Expressive arts therapies were found to be valuable for success in treatment for dissociation and trauma. To improve efficacy of theory and treatment models, more research is needed to determine what differentiates dissociation from other disorders and to explore if the widely accepted average dissociations are as benign as they are regarded in the literature

    Beliefs in advance care planning among Chinese Americans: Similarities and differences between the younger and older generations

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    The purpose of this research is to explore behavioral, normative, and control beliefs in the discussion of advance care planning (ACP) among older and younger Chinese Americans. Ethnic minority groups have been identified as less engaged in ACP and this represents an ethnic and cultural gap. Older Chinese American adults often have different beliefs and values compared to the younger generation who are more acculturated to American mainstream culture. These differences may hinder the discussion of ACP with Chinese older adults. A qualitative design was used. The Theory of Planned Behavior guided the development of the interview guide. We recruited 60 Chinese Americans. Prior experience was identified as a theme that influenced attitudes about ACP. We found that older and younger Chinese participants had different beliefs in the norm and control related to ACP discussions, but not in the belief of attitudes about ACP discussions. Both younger and older Chinese American participants believed that ACP was important and necessary. Participants in both clusters expressed that they were ready and willing to engage in ACP discussions with their family members but hesitant to initiate these discussions. The reluctance in discussing ACP with Chinese older adults may be related to the expectations and obligations of Xiao (filial piety) in Chinese culture. This study describes the similarities and differences of beliefs in ACP between older and younger Chinese Americans. We identified barriers and facilitators in behavioral, normative, and control beliefs that can be used to promote ACP for Chinese Americans

    Personalizing the Wedding: A Cross-Cultural Study of Wedding Motivations in the Keralite Indian and Southern American Communities

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    The purpose of this senior thesis project was to qualitatively analyze weddings and bridal motivations within the Southern culture of America and the Keralite culture of India to better explore the role the wedding ceremony and its many components may play. As two undergraduate students of the University of South Carolina, we used contacts within our familial units and university organizations to explore our interests within these wedding cultures. Having had personal experiences as a guest to weddings within our own cultures, we observed the widely changing wedding culture which sparked in us a desire to explore more about the cross-cultural divergences and/or commonalities with our individual cultures. As we conversed over our experiences within our individual communities regarding their wedding cultures, we were motivated to explore more about these two very variant, yet merging cultures. The two cultures we explored were the Southern American community and the Keralite Indian community, cultures we were raised in individually. Observations, questionnaire responses, and anecdotal conversations ultimately allowed us to draw conclusions on common themes which consistently developed in our analysis. Our findings develop many common literature review concepts. Some of the findings we developed using our analysis were trends of personalization within the weddings, appropriation of more responsibility by the couple, existence of consistent stress exchanged for ultimate relief, and familial involvement. These findings ultimately led us to develop our understanding of the culminating role of the wedding: validation of the couple’s relationship by family and friends

    On a Generalization of the Frobenius Number

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    We consider a generalization of the Frobenius Problem where the object of interest is the greatest integer which has exactly jj representations by a collection of positive relatively prime integers. We prove an analogue of a theorem of Brauer and Shockley and show how it can be used for computation.Comment: 5 page

    Das Amerikanische Arbeitsrecht aus der Perspektive Historischer und Zukünftiger Entwicklungen

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    In den vergangenen 15 Jahren ließen sich im amerikanischen Kollektiv- und Individualarbeitsrecht sowohl eine Fortsetzung der früheren Trends als auch die Entstehung neuer Themenfelder beobachten.Das System des kollektiven Arbeitsrechts, das die gewerkschaftliche Interessenvertretung und die Beziehungen zwischen den Beschäftigten und dem Management regelt, hat sich in seiner grundlegenden, auf die Zeit der Great Depression und die Jahre unmittelbar nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zurückgehenden Rechtsstruktur kaum verändert. Das amerikanische Individualarbeitsrecht hat dagegen mit der Einführung zusätzlicher individueller Arbeitnehmerrechte eine beträchtliche Dynamik entwickelt. Die Veränderungen in der Arbeitsorganisation und die Entwicklung neuer Formen von Arbeitsverträgen bedeuten eine zusätzliche Herausforderung für die traditionelle Sicht der Arbeitsbeziehungen, auf denen ein beträchtlicher Teil des amerikanischen Arbeitsrechts basiert. Schließlich wurden auch durch den Globalisierungsprozess und den Beitritt der Vereinigten Staaten zu neuen Handelsabkommen neue arbeitsrechtliche Fragen aufgeworfen.Durch diese Entwicklungen ergeben sich große Probleme für die derzeitige, im amerikanischen Arbeitsrecht verankerte, Struktur der kollektiven Interessenvertretung

    Effects of zinc oxide filler on the curing and mechanical response of alkyd coatings

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    The mechanical properties of an alkyd resin filled with zinc oxide pigment were studied at different concentrations over a wide range of time scales using dynamic mechanical analysis, quartz crystal rheometry and nanoindentation. The motivation for this work stems from the interest in accessing the long-term properties of paint coatings by studying the mechanical properties of historic paints. In this foundational work, we compare three different modalities of mechanical measurements and systematically determine the effect of pigment filler loading on the measured properties. Quantitative agreement between the methods is obtained when the characteristic time scales of each of the methods is taken into account. While nanoindentation is the technique most readily applied to historic paint samples, the rheometric quartz crystal microbalance (rheo-QCM) is the best suited for obtaining mechanistic information from measurements of paint properties over time, provided that appropriate thin-film samples can be produced. In these studies we find that ZnO increases the rate of oxidation of the alkyd during the initial stages of cure by an amount that depends on the ZnO content