3,477 research outputs found

    The number of graphs and a random graph with a given degree sequence

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    We consider the set of all graphs on n labeled vertices with prescribed degrees D = ( d 1 ,…, d n ). For a wide class of tame degree sequences D we obtain a computationally efficient asymptotic formula approximating the number of graphs within a relative error which approaches 0 as n grows. As a corollary, we prove that the structure of a random graph with a given tame degree sequence D is well described by a certain maximum entropy matrix computed from D . We also establish an asymptotic formula for the number of bipartite graphs with prescribed degrees of vertices, or, equivalently, for the number of 0‐1 matrices with prescribed row and column sums. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Random Struct. Alg., 2013Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/97179/1/20409_ftp.pd

    Potentielle Auswirkung der Genese der Schwerhörigkeit aud die subjektiv empfundene Lebensqualität

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    Die Pilotstudie der Hals-Nasen und Ohrenklinik der Universität Marburg hatte das Ziel den Einfluss der Ursache der Schwerhörigkeit auf die subjektiv empfundene Lebensqualität der Patienten genauer zu beleuchten. Dazu wurden 100 Patienten anhand der objektiven klinischen Daten in vier Gruppen unterteilt ( Hörsturz, chronische Otitis media, M Menière und Otosklerose).Anhand der Königsteiner Richtlinien wurde der objektive Schweregrad bestimmt. Zusätzlich wurden die Patienten mit dem neu entwickelten Fragebogen zur Erfassung der Lebensqualität (FELAS) bezüglich der subjektiven Lebensqualität in den Rubriken Kommunikation, Aktivitätsminderung und emotionale Einbußen eruiert. In einem ersten Schritt wurden die Gruppen unterschiedlicher Genese mittels der multifaktoriellen Varianzanalsyse auf Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen bezüglich der Lebensqualität untersucht. Dabei ließen sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede feststellen. Die Ursache der Schwerhörigkeit scheint demnach keinen Einfluss auf die Lebensqualität schwerhöriger Patienten zu haben. Zur Klärung der Frage, ob die klinischen Einteilungen mit der subjektiven Einschätzung korrelieren wurde eine Rang-Korrelation nach Spearman/Brown durchgeführt. Die dabei berechneten Korrelationen lassen eine Einschätzung der Lebensqualität auf Grund der objektiven Daten der klinischen Einteilung nicht zu

    Strain-aware assembly of genomes from mixed samples using flow variation graphs

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    The goal of strain-aware genome assembly is to reconstruct all individual haplotypes from a mixed sample at the strain level and to provide abundance estimates for the strains

    Linguistic DNA: Investigating Conceptual Change in Early Modern English Discourse

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    This article describes the background and premises of the AHRC-funded project, ‘The Linguistic DNA of Modern Western Thought’. We offer an empirical, encyclopaedic approach to historical semantics regarding ‘conceptual history’, i.e. the history of concepts that shape thought, culture and society in a particular period. We relate the project to traditional work in conceptual and semantic history and define our object of study as the discursive concept, a category of meaning encoded linguistically as a cluster of expressions that co-occur in discourse. We describe our principal data source, EEBO-TCP, and introduce our key research interests, namely, the contexts of conceptual change, the semantic structure of lexical fields and the nature of lexicalisation pressure. We outline our computational processes, which build upon the theoretical definition of discursive concepts, to discover the linguistically encoded forms underpinning the discursive concepts we seek to identify in EEBO-TCP. Finally, we share preliminary results via a worked example, exploring the discursive contexts in which paradigmatic terms of key cultural concepts emerge. We consider the extent to which particular genres, discourses and users in the early modern period make paradigms, and examine the extent to which these contexts determine the characteristics of key concepts

    Schemes of implementation in NMR of quantum processors and Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm by using virtual spin representation

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    Schemes of experimental realization of the main two qubit processors for quantum computers and Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm are derived in virtual spin representation. The results are applicable for every four quantum states allowing the required properties for quantum processor implementation if for qubit encoding virtual spin representation is used. Four dimensional Hilbert space of nuclear spin 3/2 is considered in details for this aimComment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Counter-propagating entangled photons from a waveguide with periodic nonlinearity

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    The conditions required for spontaneous parametric down-conversion in a waveguide with periodic nonlinearity in the presence of an unguided pump field are established. Control of the periodic nonlinearity and the physical properties of the waveguide permits the quasi-phase matching equations that describe counter-propagating guided signal and idler beams to be satisfied. We compare the tuning curves and spectral properties of such counter-propagating beams to those for co-propagating beams under typical experimental conditions. We find that the counter-propagating beams exhibit narrow bandwidth permitting the generation of quantum states that possess discrete-frequency entanglement. Such states may be useful for experiments in quantum optics and technologies that benefit from frequency entanglement.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Bethe Ansatz Equations for General Orbifolds of N=4 SYM

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    We consider the Bethe Ansatz Equations for orbifolds of N =4 SYM w.r.t. an arbitrary discrete group. Techniques used for the Abelian orbifolds can be extended to the generic non-Abelian case with minor modifications. We show how to make a transition between the different notations in the quiver gauge theory.Comment: LaTeX, 66 pages, 9 eps figures, minor corrections, references adde

    Combinatorial Alexander Duality -- a Short and Elementary Proof

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    Let X be a simplicial complex with the ground set V. Define its Alexander dual as a simplicial complex X* = {A \subset V: V \setminus A \notin X}. The combinatorial Alexander duality states that the i-th reduced homology group of X is isomorphic to the (|V|-i-3)-th reduced cohomology group of X* (over a given commutative ring R). We give a self-contained proof.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure; v3: the sign function was simplifie

    Prevalencia de mastitis subclínica en sistemas de producción bovina doble propósito de la vereda Matepiña del municipio de Arauca

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    In Arauca Department, specifically in the town of Arauca, have not done enough research on mastitis in cattle production systems, it is necessary that the region of the state and hears milk quality as this directly affects the health and status of livestock in general, for this reason this research was conducted in Matepiña path, which consists of 10 farms that have been implementing major technological packages strengthening livestock in the region. This trail has 2810 head of cattle of which 830 are females and 240 are in production. Proof of California Mastitis Test (CMT) was performed, it was determined that the prevalence of mastitis is 54.6% plus etiologic agents in the positive to the CMT test udders were isolated. It was established that the principal agent of the 247 positive mammary quarters isolated in the laboratory was Staphylococcus aureus with 43.72% corresponding to 108 infected mammary quarters. The second pathogen was Staphylococcus epidermis 82/4 with 33.20%, followed by Corynebacterium bovis was found in 19 quarters being 7.70% of the positive samples. Subsequently, at 17 quarters Streptococcus agalactiae (6.89%), Corynebacterium pyogenes in 11 quarters (4.45%) and isolated lesser proportion Streptococcus disgalactiae and Escherichia coli of seven and three quarters which corresponds to 2.83% and 1.21% respectively. It could stipulate as in other research that farms with a high prevalence of subclinical mastitis, have great management problems. Mastitis is a disease to prevent, not to try, since you can control considering that it is primarily a management problem, so that should make great efforts to avoid it, by sanitary measures in the phases of pre-milking, milking and post-milking, because they are critical of the process by high risk of infection among animals affected and healthy, reducing the number of cases of clinical mastitis in a herd sub ​​clinical.En el Departamento de Arauca y específicamente en el municipio de Arauca, no se han realizado los suficientes trabajos de investigación sobre mastitis en sistemas de producción bovina, es necesario que la región se entere del estado y calidad de la leche ya que esto afecta directamente la salud y el estado de la ganadería en general, por esta razón se realizó esta investigación en la vereda Matepiña, la cual está conformada por 10 fincas que han venido implementando importantes paquetes tecnológicos fortaleciendo la ganadería de la región. Esta vereda cuenta con 2810 cabezas de ganado de las cuales 830 son hembras y 240 se encuentran en producción. Se realizó la prueba de California Mastitis Test (CMT), se determinó que la prevalencia de mastitis es de 54.6% además se aislaron los agentes etiológicos presentes en las ubres positivas a la prueba CMT. Se estableció que el principal agente patógeno de los 247 cuartos mamarios positivos aislados en el laboratorio fue Staphylococcus aureus con 43.72% correspondiente a 108 cuartos mamarios infectados. El segundo agente patógeno en 82 cuartos fue Staphylococcus epidermis con 33.20%, le sigue Corynebacterium bovis con 19 cuartos siendo 7.70% de las muestras positivas. Posteriormente en 17 cuartos se observó Streptococos agalactiae (6.89%) en 11 cuartos Corynebacterium pyogenes (4.45%) y se aislaron en menor proporción Streptococos disgalactiae (2.83%) y Escherichia coli en siete y tres cuartos respectivamente. Se pudo estipular al igual que en otras investigaciones que las fincas con alta prevalencia de mastitis subclínica, tienen grandes problemas de manejo. La mastitis es una enfermedad para prevenir, no para tratar, puesto que se puede controlar, teniendo en cuenta que es primordialmente un problema de manejo, por lo que se deben hacer grandes esfuerzos para evitarla, mediante medidas sanitarias en las fases de pre-ordeño, ordeño y post-ordeño, debido a que son puntos críticos del proceso por el alto riesgo de contagio entre animales afectados y sanos, reduciendo el número de casos de mastitis clínica o sub clínica en un hato