392 research outputs found

    Integro-Difference Equation for a correlation function of the spin-12{1\over2} Heisenberg XXZ chain

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    We consider the Ferromagnetic-String-Formation-Probability correlation function (FSFP) for the spin-121\over 2 Heisenberg XXZ chain. We construct a completely integrable system of integro-difference equations (IDE), which has the FSFP as a Ï„\tau-function. We derive the associated Riemann-Hilbert problem and obtain the large distance asymptotics of the FSFP correlator in some limiting cases.Comment: 14 pages, latex+epsf, 1 figur

    Field-linked States of Ultracold Polar Molecules

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    We explore the character of a novel set of ``field-linked'' states that were predicted in [A. V. Avdeenkov and J. L. Bohn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 043006 (2003)]. These states exist at ultralow temperatures in the presence of an electrostatic field, and their properties are strongly dependent on the field's strength. We clarify the nature of these quasi-bound states by constructing their wave functions and determining their approximate quantum numbers. As the properties of field-linked states are strongly defined by anisotropic dipolar and Stark interactions, we construct adiabatic surfaces as functions of both the intermolecular distance and the angle that the intermolecular axis makes with the electric field. Within an adiabatic approximation we solve the 2-D Schrodinger equation to find bound states, whose energies correlate well with resonance features found in fully-converged multichannel scattering calculations

    Strong resonant tunneling, level repulsion and spectral type for one-dimensional adiabatic quasi-periodic Schr\"{o}dinger operators

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    In this paper, we consider one dimensional adiabatic quasi-periodic Schr\"{o}dinger operators in the regime of strong resonant tunneling. We show the emergence of a level repulsion phenomenon which is seen to be very naturally related to the local spectral type of the operator: the more singular the spectrum, the weaker the repulsion

    DNA methylation at birth and lateral ventricular volume in childhood:a neuroimaging epigenetics study

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    Background: Lateral ventricular volume (LVV) enlargement has been repeatedly linked to schizophrenia; yet, what biological factors shape LVV during early development remain unclear. DNA methylation (DNAm), an essential process for neurodevelopment that is altered in schizophrenia, is a key molecular system of interest. Methods:In this study, we conducted the first epigenome-wide association study of neonatal DNAm in cord blood with LVV in childhood (measured using T1-weighted brain scans at 10 years), based on data from a large population-based birth cohort, the Generation R Study (N = 840). Employing both probe-level and methylation profile score (MPS) approaches, we further examined whether epigenetic modifications identified at birth in cord blood are: (a) also observed cross-sectionally in childhood using peripheral blood DNAm at age of 10 years (Generation R, N = 370) and (b) prospectively associated with LVV measured in young adulthood in an all-male sample from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC, N = 114). Results: At birth, DNAm levels at four CpGs (annotated to potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 3, KCTD3; SHH signaling and ciliogenesis regulator, SDCCAG8; glutaredoxin, GLRX) prospectively associated with childhood LVV after genome-wide correction; these genes have been implicated in brain development and psychiatric traits including schizophrenia. An MPS capturing a broader epigenetic profile of LVV – but not individual top hits – showed significant cross-sectional associations with LVV in childhood in Generation R and prospectively associated with LVV in early adulthood within ALSPAC. Conclusions: This study finds suggestive evidence that DNAm at birth prospectively associates with LVV at different life stages, albeit with small effect sizes. The prediction of MPS on LVV in a childhood sample and an independent male adult sample further underscores the stability and reproducibility of DNAm as a potential marker for LVV. Future studies with larger samples and comparable time points across development are needed to further elucidate how DNAm associates with this clinically relevant brain structure and risk for neuropsychiatric disorders, and what factors explain the identified DNAm profile of LVV at birth.</p

    On the structure of eigenfunctions corresponding to embedded eigenvalues of locally perturbed periodic graph operators

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    The article is devoted to the following question. Consider a periodic self-adjoint difference (differential) operator on a graph (quantum graph) G with a co-compact free action of the integer lattice Z^n. It is known that a local perturbation of the operator might embed an eigenvalue into the continuous spectrum (a feature uncommon for periodic elliptic operators of second order). In all known constructions of such examples, the corresponding eigenfunction is compactly supported. One wonders whether this must always be the case. The paper answers this question affirmatively. What is more surprising, one can estimate that the eigenmode must be localized not far away from the perturbation (in a neighborhood of the perturbation's support, the width of the neighborhood determined by the unperturbed operator only). The validity of this result requires the condition of irreducibility of the Fermi (Floquet) surface of the periodic operator, which is expected to be satisfied for instance for periodic Schroedinger operators.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    The Rac activator Tiam1 is required for α3β1-mediated laminin-5 deposition, cell spreading, and cell migration

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    The Rho-like guanosine triphosphatase Rac1 regulates various signaling pathways, including integrin-mediated adhesion and migration of cells. However, the mechanisms by which integrins signal toward Rac are poorly understood. We show that the Rac-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor Tiam1 (T-lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1) is required for the integrin-mediated laminin (LN)-5 deposition, spreading, and migration of keratinocytes. In contrast to wild-type keratinocytes, Tiam1-deficient (Tiam1−/−) keratinocytes are unable to adhere to and spread on a glass substrate because they are unable to deposit their own LN5 substrate. Both Tiam1 and V12Rac1 can rescue the defects of Tiam1−/− keratinocytes, indicating that these deficiencies are caused by impaired Tiam1-mediated Rac activation. Tiam1−/− cells are unable to activate Rac upon α3β1-mediated adhesion to an exogenous LN5 substrate. Moreover, Tiam1 deficiency impairs keratinocyte migration in vitro and reepithelialization of excision wounds in mouse skin. Our studies indicate that Tiam1 is a key molecule in α3β1-mediated activation of Rac, which is essential for proper production and secretion of LN5, a requirement for the spreading and migration of keratinocytes

    The sintering behavior of close-packed spheres

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    The sintering behavior and microstructural evolution of a powder compact is influenced strongly by initial properties, such as the relative density, the particle and pore size distribution, and the powder packing. While the influence of the former parameters on the microstructural evolution has been investigated in some detail, the impact of the initial packing of the powder has been mostly overlooked. However, research has shown that the sintering behavior of a powder can be significantly improved if the powder is regularly packed. This has been shown for monodisperse spherical TiO2 particles [1], which sintered 10 times faster and exhibited almost no grain growth compared to ordinary TiO2. Similar observations has been made for homogeneously packed Al2O3 [2], SiO2 [3], as well as a number of other materials [4]. Monodispersed spherical TiO2 particles have been shown to order in face-centered cubic (fcc) arrays, while the SiO2 powder forms stacked planes of hexagonal close-packed (hcp) particles. Close packing of monodispersed silica has also been observed [5]. Sintering of two-dimensional close packing cylinders has also been demonstrated experimentally [6–8] and numerically modeled [9,10], and the sintering of particle clusters in three dimensions has also been studied [11]

    Raman scattering studies of spin, charge, and lattice dynamics in Ca_{2-x}Sr_{x}RuO_{4} (0 =< x < 0.2)

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    We use Raman scattering to study spin, charge, and lattice dynamics in various phases of Ca_{2-x}Sr_{x}RuO_{4}. With increasing substitution of Ca by Sr in the range 0 =< x < 0.2, we observe (1) evidence for an increase of the electron-phonon interaction strength, (2) an increased temperature-dependence of the two-magnon energy and linewidth in the antiferromagnetic insulating phase, and (3) evidence for charge gap development, and hysteresis associated with the structural phase change, both of which are indicative of a first-order metal-insulator transition (T_{MI}) and a coexistence of metallic and insulating components for T < T_{MI}

    Force-Extension Relations for Polymers with Sliding Links

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    Topological entanglements in polymers are mimicked by sliding rings (slip-links) which enforce pair contacts between monomers. We study the force-extension curve for linear polymers in which slip-links create additional loops of variable size. For a single loop in a phantom chain, we obtain exact expressions for the average end-to-end separation: The linear response to a small force is related to the properties of the unstressed chain, while for a large force the polymer backbone can be treated as a sequence of Pincus--de Gennes blobs, the constraint effecting only a single blob. Generalizing this picture, scaling arguments are used to include self-avoiding effects.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; accepted to Phys. Rev. E (Brief Report
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