4,708 research outputs found

    Langevin equation for the extended Rayleigh model with an asymmetric bath

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    In this paper a one-dimensional model of two infinite gases separated by a movable heavy piston is considered. The non-linear Langevin equation for the motion of the piston is derived from first principles for the case when the thermodynamic parameters and/or the molecular masses of gas particles on left and right sides of the piston are different. Microscopic expressions involving time correlation functions of the force between bath particles and the piston are obtained for all parameters appearing in the non-linear Langevin equation. It is demonstrated that the equation has stationary solutions corresponding to directional fluctuation-induced drift in the absence of systematic forces. In the case of ideal gases interacting with the piston via a quadratic repulsive potential, the model is exactly solvable and explicit expressions for the kinetic coefficients in the non-linear Langevin equation are derived. The transient solution of the non-linear Langevin equation is analyzed perturbatively and it is demonstrated that previously obtained results for systems with the hard-wall interaction are recovered.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Forgotten Tribe in ODL Systems: Challenges Faced by Visually Impaired Students in Institutions of Higher Learning

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    This study sought to evaluate the challenges faced by visually impaired students in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Institutions of Higher Learning. This was a case study of the Zimbabwe Open University. Twenty purposefully selected lecturers in the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and ten blind and visually impaired students participated in the research. Data was collected through student interviews and questionnaires for lecturers and thematically analysed. The results indicated that whilst ODL offers flexible learning opportunities to all, there remains a forgotten tribe in the form of blind and visually impaired students. Consequently, visually impaired students face numerous challenges in their effort to become successful college students. These include lack of qualified lectures to teach them, equipment and services to adequately serve their needs. Both lecturers and visually impaired students felt there was need to have qualified professionals designated to the various needs of these students, appropriate resources for their learning environment should be provided, encourage faculty, academic advisors, staff and other students to proactively respond to the needs of students with visual impairment. The greater awareness that exists regarding visual impairment, the more likely it is that ODL institutions will meet the students’ needs. Further studies need to be done on facilitating the smooth inclusion of visually impaired students in ODL institutions of higher learning.Key words: visually impaired students, Braille, special needs students, academic advisors, IT systems, ODL institutions of higher learnin

    The Extended Görtler-HÀmmerlin Model For Linear Instability of Three-Dimensional Incompressible Swept Attachment-Line Boundary Layer Flow

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    A simple extension of the classic Görtler–HĂ€mmerlin (1955) (GH) model, essential for three-dimensional linear instability analysis, is presented. The extended Görtler–HĂ€mmerlin model classifies all three-dimensional disturbances in this flow by means of symmetric and antisymmetric polynomials of the chordwise coordinate. It results in one-dimensional linear eigenvalue problems, a temporal or spatial solution of which, presented herein, is demonstrated to recover results otherwise only accessible to the temporal or spatial partial-derivative eigenvalue problem (the former also solved here) or to spatial direct numerical simulation (DNS). From a numerical point of view, the significance of the extended GH model is that it delivers the three-dimensional linear instability characteristics of this flow, discovered by solution of the partial-derivative eigenvalue problem by Lin & Malik (1996a), at a negligible fraction of the computing effort required by either of the aforementioned alternative numerical methodologies. More significant, however, is the physical insight which the model offers into the stability of this technologically interesting flow. On the one hand, the dependence of three-dimensional linear disturbances on the chordwise spatial direction is unravelled analytically. On the other hand, numerical results obtained demonstrate that all linear three-dimensional instability modes possess the same (scaled) dependence on the wall-normal coordinate, that of the well-known GH mode. The latter result may explain why the three-dimensional linear modes have not been detected in past experiments; criteria for experimental identification of three-dimensional disturbances are discussed. Asymptotic analysis based on a multiple-scales method confirms the results of the extended GH model and provides an alternative algorithm for the recovery of three-dimensional linear instability characteristics, also based on solution of one-dimensional eigenvalue problems. Finally, the polynomial structure of individual three-dimensional extended GH eigenmodes is demonstrated using three-dimensional DNS, performed here under linear conditions

    Conference Report on the 2012 Hermes Summer School "Literature and Intervention. The Relevance of Literature in a Changing World"

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    Gallium gradients in chalcopyrite thin films: Depth profile analyses of films grown at different temperatures

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    The following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 110.9 (2011): 093509 and may be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/110/9/10.1063/1.3656986Cu(In,Ga)Se2 films are used as absorber layers in chalcopyrite thin film solar cells. As the gallium concentration in the absorber can be used to control the band gap, there have been many efforts to vary the gallium concentration in depth to gain an optimum balance of light absorption, carrier collection, and recombination at different depths of the absorber film, leading to improved quantum efficiency. In this study, we investigate the effect of the maximum substrate temperature during film growth on the depth dependent gallium concentration. For the in-depth gallium concentration analyses, we use two techniques, covering complementary depth ranges. Angle dependent soft x-ray emission spectroscopy provides access to information depths between 20 and 470 nm, which covers the depth range of the space charge region, where most of the photoexcited carriers are generated. Therefore, this depth range is of particular interest. To complement this investigation we use secondary neutral mass spectrometry, which destructively probes the whole thickness of the absorber (≈2 ”m). The two methods show increasingly pronounced gallium and indium gradients with decreasing maximum substrate temperature. The probing of the complementary depth ranges of the absorbers gives a consistent picture of the in-depth gallium distribution, which provides a solid basis for a comprehensive discussion about the effect of a reduced substrate temperature on the formation of gallium gradients in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 and the device performance of the corresponding reference solar cells.The authors acknowledge the support of the European Commission in the framework of the ATHLET-project (Project No. 019670)

    RASSF10 Promoter Hypermethylation Is Frequent in Malignant Melanoma of the Skin but Uncommon in Nevus Cell Nevi

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    The Ras association domain family (RASSF) consists of several tumor suppressor genes, which are frequently silenced in human cancers. We analyzed the epigenetic inactivation of RASSF2 and RASSF10 in malignant melanoma (MM) of the skin, including 5 MM cell lines, 28 primary MM, 33 metastases of MM, 47 nevus cell nevi (NCN), and 22 control tissues. The RASSF2 promoter was epigenetically downregulated in two MM cell lines only, but not in any of the investigated tumor samples. In contrast, hypermethylation of the RASSF10 promoter was found in all investigated cell lines, 19/28 (68%) of the primary MM and 30/33 (91%) of the MM metastases, 2/18 (11%) of the dysplastic NCN, and 0/29 (0%) of the non-dysplastic NCN (difference between MM and all nevi, P<0.001). RASSF10 promoter hypermethylation correlated with a reduced RASSF10 mRNA expression in 3/4 MM cell lines, and treatment with a DNA methylation inhibitor reactivated RASSF10 transcription. Furthermore, immunohistological RASSF10 expression corresponds negatively to its promoter methylation state. In summary, RASSF10 proved to be a characteristically epigenetically silenced tumor suppressor in melanomagenesis, and analysis of RASSF10 methylation status represents a new candidate tool to assist in discrimination between MM and NCN

    Assessment of Chemical and Electronic Surface Properties of the Cu2ZnSn(SSe)4 after Different Etching Procedures by Synchrotron-based Spectroscopies

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    Kesterite Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 absorber layers with different [S]/([S]+[Se]) ratios were studied using XPS, UPS, Hard X-ray (HIKE) photoemission and the Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure spectroscopy (NEXAFS). The samples were prepared by IREC using sequentially sputtered metallic precursor stacks with metal ratios of [Cu]/([Zn]+[Sn])=0.80, [Zn]/[Sn]=1.20 followed by annealing under S+Se+Sn atmosphere. Different etching procedures were used depending on the sample's composition. It is shown that the surface composition varies from that of the bulk, especially for the Se-rich samples. Contamination with sulfur is detected after using a Na2S etching solution for the pure Se kesterite. A Cu-depleted surface was found for all samples before and after etching. HIKE measurements show a higher [Zn]/[Sn] ratio in the near surface region than on the very surface. This is explained by the fact, the etching procedure removes secondary phases from the very few surface layers, while some of ZnS(e) is still buried underneath. In order to investigate the band gap transition from the pure sulfide (1.5 eV) to the pure selenide (1eV), the valence and conduction band of the respective absorbers were probed. According to UPS and HIKE measurements, the relative distance between Fermi level (Ef) and valance band maximum (VBM) for sulfide sample was 130 meV larger than for selenide. Using NEXAFS on the copper, zinc and tin edges, the development of the conduction band with increasing [S]/([S]+[Se]) ratios was studied. Stoichiometric powder samples were used as reference materials. © 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The RNA interference pathway affects midgut infection- and escape barriers for Sindbis virus in Aedes aegypti

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The RNA interference (RNAi) pathway acts as an innate antiviral immune response in <it>Aedes aegypti</it>, modulating arbovirus infection of mosquitoes. Sindbis virus (SINV; family: <it>Togaviridae</it>, genus: <it>Alphavirus</it>) is an arbovirus that infects <it>Ae. aegypti </it>in the laboratory. SINV strain TR339 encounters a midgut escape barrier (MEB) during infection of <it>Ae. aegypti</it>. The nature of this barrier is not well understood. To investigate the role of the midgut as the central organ determining vector competence for arboviruses, we generated transgenic mosquitoes in which the RNAi pathway was impaired in midgut tissue of bloodfed females. We used these mosquitoes to reveal effects of RNAi impairment in the midgut on SINV replication, midgut infection and dissemination efficiencies, and mosquito longevity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>As a novel tool for studying arbovirus-mosquito interactions, we engineered a transgenic mosquito line with an impaired RNAi pathway in the midgut of bloodfed females by silencing expression of the <it>Aa</it>-<it>dcr2 </it>gene. In midgut tissue of the transgenic Carb/dcr16 line, <it>Aa</it>-<it>dcr2 </it>expression was reduced ~50% between 1-7 days post-bloodmeal (pbm) when compared to the recipient mosquito strain. After infection with SINV-TR339EGFP, <it>Aa</it>-<it>dcr2 </it>expression levels were enhanced in both mosquito strains. In the RNAi pathway impaired mosquito strain SINV titers and midgut infection rates were significantly higher at 7 days pbm. There was also a strong tendency for increased virus dissemination rates among the transgenic mosquitoes. Between 7-14 days pbm, SINV was diminished in midgut tissue of the transgenic mosquitoes. Transgenic impairment of the RNAi pathway and/or SINV infection did not affect longevity of the mosquitoes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We showed that RNAi impaired transgenic mosquitoes are a useful tool for studying arbovirus-mosquito interactions at the molecular level. Following ingestion by <it>Ae. aegypti</it>, the recombinant SINV-TR339EGFP was confronted with both MEB and a midgut infection barrier (MIB). Impairment of the RNAi pathway in the midgut strongly reduced both midgut barriers for the virus. This confirms that the endogenous RNAi pathway of <it>Ae. aegypti </it>modulates vector competence for SINV in the midgut. The RNAi pathway acts as a gatekeeper to the incoming virus by affecting infection rate of the midgut, intensity of infection, and dissemination from the midgut to secondary tissues.</p

    Spherically Symmetric and Rotating Wormholes Produced by Lightlike Branes

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    Lightlike p-branes (LL-branes) with dynamical (variable) tension allow simple and elegant Polyakov-type and dual to it Nambu-Goto-like world-volume action formulations. Here we first briefly describe the dynamics of LL-branes as test objects in various physically interesting gravitational backgrounds of black hole type, including rotating ones. Next we show that LL-branes are the appropriate gravitational sources that provide proper matter energy momentum tensors in the Einstein equations of motion needed to generate traversable wormhole solutions, in particular, self-consistent cylindrical rotating wormholes, with the LL-branes occupying their throats. Here a major role is being played by the dynamical LL-brane tension which turns out to be negative but may be of arbitrary small magnitude. As a particular solution we obtain traversable wormhole with Schwarzschild geometry generated by a LL-brane positioned at the wormhole throat, which represents the correct consistent realization of the original Einstein-Rosen "bridge" manifold.Comment: 27 pages; important clarifications regarding the meaning of the original Einstein-Rosen "bridge" construction; an important addition to the Appendix; acknowledgments adde
