14 research outputs found

    Effective Chorin–Temam algebraic splitting schemes for the steady Navier–stokes equations

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    This paper continues some recent work on the numerical solution of the steady incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. We present a new method, similar to the one presented in Rebholz et al., but with superior convergence and numerical properties. The method is efficient as it allows one to solve the same symmetric positive‐definite system for the pressure at each iteration, allowing for the simple preconditioning and the reuse of preconditioners. We also demonstrate how one can replace the Schur complement system with a diagonal matrix inversion while maintaining accuracy and convergence, at a small fraction of the numerical cost. Convergence is analyzed for Newton and Picard‐type algorithms, as well as for the Schur complement approximation

    Assessing the spatio-temporal spread of COVID-19 via compartmental models with diffusion in Italy, USA, and Brazil

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    The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 has led to a surge in interest in the mathematical modeling of infectious diseases. Such models are usually defined as compartmental models, in which the population under study is divided into compartments based on qualitative characteristics, with different assumptions about the nature and rate of transfer across compartments. Though most commonly formulated as ordinary differential equation (ODE) models, in which the compartments depend only on time, recent works have also focused on partial differential equation (PDE) models, incorporating the variation of an epidemic in space. Such research on PDE models within a Susceptible, Infected, Exposed, Recovered, and Deceased (SEIRD) framework has led to promising results in reproducing COVID-19 contagion dynamics. In this paper, we assess the robustness of this modeling framework by considering different geometries over more extended periods than in other similar studies. We first validate our code by reproducing previously shown results for Lombardy, Italy. We then focus on the U.S. state of Georgia and on the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, one of the most impacted areas in the world. Our results show good agreement with real-world epidemiological data in both time and space for all regions across major areas and across three different continents, suggesting that the modeling approach is both valid and robust.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figure

    Delay differential equations for the spatially resolved simulation of epidemics with specific application to COVID-19

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    In the wake of the 2020 COVID-19 epidemic, much work has been performed on the development of mathematical models for the simulation of the epidemic and of disease models generally. Most works follow the susceptible-infected-removed (SIR) compartmental framework, modeling the epidemic with a system of ordinary differential equations. Alternative formulations using a partial differential equation (PDE) to incorporate both spatial and temporal resolution have also been introduced, with their numerical results showing potentially powerful descriptive and predictive capacity. In the present work, we introduce a new variation to such models by using delay differential equations (DDEs). The dynamics of many infectious diseases, including COVID-19, exhibit delays due to incubation periods and related phenomena. Accordingly, DDE models allow for a natural representation of the problem dynamics, in addition to offering advantages in terms of computational time and modeling, as they eliminate the need for additional, difficult-to-estimate, compartments (such as exposed individuals) to incorporate time delays. In the present work, we introduce a DDE epidemic model in both an ordinary and partial differential equation framework. We present a series of mathematical results assessing the stability of the formulation. We then perform several numerical experiments, validating both the mathematical results and establishing model's ability to reproduce measured data on realistic problems

    Dynamic mode decomposition in adaptive mesh refinement and coarsening simulations

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    Dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) is a powerful data-driven method used to extract spatio-temporal coherent structures that dictate a given dynamical system. The method consists of stacking collected temporal snapshots into a matrix and mapping the nonlinear dynamics using a linear operator. The classical procedure considers that snapshots possess the same dimensionality for all the observable data. However, this often does not occur in numerical simulations with adaptive mesh refinement/coarsening schemes (AMR/C). This paper proposes a strategy to enable DMD to extract features from observations with different mesh topologies and dimensions, such as those found in AMR/C simulations. For this purpose, the adaptive snapshots are projected onto the same reference function space, enabling the use of snapshot-based methods such as DMD. The present strategy is applied to challenging AMR/C simulations: a continuous diffusion-reaction epidemiological model for COVID-19, a density-driven gravity current simulation, and a bubble rising problem. We also evaluate the DMD efficiency to reconstruct the dynamics and some relevant quantities of interest. In particular, for the SEIRD model and the bubble rising problem, we evaluate DMD's ability to extrapolate in time (short-time future estimates)

    Coupled and uncoupled dynamic mode decomposition in multi-compartmental systems with applications to epidemiological and additive manufacturing problems

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    Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) is an unsupervised machine learning method that has attracted considerable attention in recent years owing to its equation-free structure, ability to easily identify coherent spatio-temporal structures in data, and effectiveness in providing reasonably accurate predictions for certain problems, particularly over short-to-medium time frames. Despite these successes, the application of DMD to certain problems featuring highly nonlinear transient dynamics remains challenging. In such cases, DMD may not only fail to provide acceptable predictions but may indeed fail to recreate the data in which it was trained, restricting its application to diagnostic purposes (i.e., feature identification and extraction). For many such problems in the biological and physical sciences, the structure of the system obeys a compartmental framework, in which the transfer of mass, energy, or some other quantity of interest within the system moves across states. In these cases, the behavior of the system may not be accurately recreated by applying DMD to a single quantity within the system, as proper knowledge of the system dynamics, even for a single compartment, requires that the behavior of other compartments is taken into account in the DMD process. In the present work, we demonstrate, theoretically and numerically, that, when performing DMD on a fully coupled PDE system with compartmental structure, one may recover useful predictive behavior, even when DMD performs poorly when acting compartment-wise. We also establish that important physical quantities, such as mass conservation, are maintained in the coupled-DMD extrapolation. The mathematical and numerical analysis suggests that DMD, properly applied, may be a powerful tool for this common class of problems In particular, we show interesting numerical applications to a continuous delayed-SIRD model for Covid-19, and to a problem from additive manufacturing considering a nonlinear temperature field and the resulting change of material phase from powder, liquid, and solid states. Published by Elsevier B.V

    Modeling nonlocal behavior in epidemics via a reaction-diffusion system incorporating population movement along a network

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    The outbreak of COVID-19, beginning in 2019 and continuing through the time of writing, has led to renewed interest in the mathematical modeling of infectious disease. Recent works have focused on partial differential equation (PDE) models, particularly reaction-diffusion models, able to describe the progression of an epidemic in both space and time. These studies have shown generally promising results in describing and predicting COVID-19 progression. However, people often travel long distances in short periods of time, leading to nonlocal transmission of the disease. Such contagion dynamics are not well-represented by diffusion alone. In contrast, ordinary differential equation (ODE) models may easily account for this behavior by considering disparate regions as nodes in a network, with the edges defining nonlocal transmission. In this work, we attempt to combine these modeling paradigms via the introduction of a network structure within a reaction-diffusion PDE system. This is achieved through the definition of a population-transfer operator, which couples disjoint and potentially distant geographic regions, facilitating nonlocal population movement between them. We provide analytical results demonstrating that this operator does not disrupt the physical consistency or mathematical well-posedness of the system, and verify these results through numerical experiments. We then use this technique to simulate the COVID-19 epidemic in the Brazilian region of Rio de Janeiro, showcasing its ability to capture important nonlocal behaviors, while maintaining the advantages of a reaction-diffusion model for describing local dynamics