5,444 research outputs found

    Cν\nuB damping of primordial gravitational waves and the fine-tuning of the Cγ\gammaB temperature anisotropy

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    Damping of primordial gravitational waves due to the anisotropic stress contribution owing to the cosmological neutrino background (Cν\nuB) is investigated in the context of a radiation-to-matter dominated Universe. Besides its inherent effects on the gravitational wave propagation, the inclusion of the Cν\nuB anisotropic stress into the dynamical equations also affects the tensor mode contribution to the anisotropy of the cosmological microwave background (Cγ\gammaB) temperature. Given that the fluctuations of the Cν\nuB temperature in the (ultra)relativistic regime are driven by a multipole expansion, the mutual effects on the gravitational waves and on the Cγ\gammaB are obtained through a unified prescription for a radiation-to-matter dominated scenario. The results are confronted with some preliminary results for the radiation dominated scenario. Both scenarios are supported by a simplified analytical framework, in terms of a scale independent dynamical variable, kηk \eta, that relates cosmological scales, kk, and the conformal time, η\eta. The background relativistic (hot dark) matter essentially works as an effective dispersive medium for the gravitational waves such that the damping effect is intensified for the Universe evolving to the matter dominated era. Changes on the temperature variance owing to the inclusion of neutrino collision terms into the dynamical equations result into spectral features that ratify that the multipole expansion coefficients ClTC_{l}^{T}'s die out for l100l \sim 100.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Organizational Interaction Mechanisms Affecting Strategic Decision-Making During Cybercrime Investigations

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    Antud lõputöö eesmärk on mõista ja selgitada organisatsioonide vahelist suhtlust õiguskorra tagamisel otsuste langetamise valdkondades kui nähtust, mis hõlmab koostöö ja teabe jagamise kontseptsioone ning viise, mis mõjutavad küberkuritegevuse uurimise protsesse. Uurimisobjekti probleem tuleneb ebapiisavast interdistsiplinaarsest tööst ja teoreetilistest sotsiaalteaduste arengutest tehnika vallas ning täpsemalt kavandatud lahenduste puudumisest, mis võiks suunata küberkuritegevuse uurimisega seotud juhtimisfunktsioone. Selle tulemusena seisavad õiguskaitsebürood (ÕKBd) silmitsi üha kasvavate raskustega, mis puudutavad nii protsesse, kommunikatsiooni kui koostööd, mis tulenevad keerulise teabe jagamise vajadusest. Eelkõige tekitavad raskusi küsimusi õigeaegne teabevahetus ja usaldamatus. Lõputöös on liigitatud takistused, mis võivad pidurdada uurimisprotsesse ja mõju strateegiliste otsuste langetamisel. Samuti püüab lõputöö sõnastada tingimused, mis on vajalikud optimaalse ja koostööl põhineva teabevahetuskeskkonna loomiseks, et võidelda küberkuritegevuse vastu.\n\rMetoodiline lähenemine hõlmab kvalitatiivset sisuanalüüsi, uuringud, juhtumikirjeldust ja teiseste andmete kasutamist. Esiteks, määratleb töö terminid ja eristab mõisted tõlgenduste kaudu, et aidata luua täpne olukorra kaardistus küberkuritegevuse ökosüsteemis. Antud kaardistus hõlmab ökosüsteemi sidusrühmade vaatepunktist ja määratleb nende koostoime mehhanismid. Seejärel määratletakse lõputöös põhilised takistused ja vajadused, mille uuriv protsess paljastab, ja tehakse ettepanek uue optimeeritud küberkuritegevuse uurimise analüüsi mudeliks. See analüütiline tööriist saab teavitada ja raporteerida protsessi etappidest, mis vajaks suuremat uurimist. Viimasena uuritakse Kolumbia politsei küberkuritegevuskeskuse (KKT) juhtumit, et näitlikustada, kuidas uuritud perspektiive saaks rakendada. \n\rTöö tulemused soovitavad, et funktsionaalseid aspekte saaks parandada, kui lisada juhtimise elemente uurimisprotsessi ettevalmistavasse järku. Ühtlasi saab hõlbustada kriminaalmenetluse uurimisel ka suhtlust sidusrühmadega ja teabe varustamisega. Veelgi enam, läbi haldusmenetlusprotsesside saab parandada nii usaldussuhteid kui teabe liikumise mustreid ja lõpuks suurendada organisatsioonide tõhusust võitluses küberkuritegevusega.\n\rSee lõputöö panustab teoreetilise baasi arendamisse, selgitab põhimõisted, mis tulenevad interdistsiplinaarsest kontseptsioonide ja teooriate integratsioonist. Samuti esitleb lõputöö praktilisi vahendeid, mida saab kohaldada juhtimisorganisatsioonide koostoimemehhanismidele küberkuritegevuse uurimisel. Töös esitletakse vajaduste analüüsi tulemusi, parimate praktikate rakendamise suuniseid ning ettepanekut optimeeritud uurimismudeli ellurakendamiseks, mis lähtub organisatsiooni suhtluse vajadustest. Eelnimetatud moodustavad tööriistkasti praktilistest vahenditest, mida rakendada juhtimistehnikates, et suurendada tõhusust ja toetada otsuste tegemist võitluses küberkuritegevusega.The aim of this thesis is to understand and explain organizational interaction in law enforcement decision-making spheres, as a phenomenon that involves the concepts of collaboration, cooperation and information sharing, and the way that these affect cybercrime investigation processes. The problem research steams from the insufficient interdisciplinary work and theoretical developments of social sciences within technical fields and more specifically the lack of conceptualizations that could guide managerial functions related to cyber crime investigations. As a result, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) face increasing difficulties concerning processes, communication, and collaboration derived from complex information sharing needs, and in particular, issues of timely delivery and mistrust. The thesis is concerned with a classification of impediments that may obstruct investigation processes and impact strategic decision-making, and with the formulation of the necessary conditions to generate an optimal and collaborative information-sharing environment for fighting against cybercrime. \n\r\n\rThe methodological approach includes qualitative content analysis, surveys, a case study and the use of secondary data. First, the work defines terms and differentiates concepts via interpretation, to help to establish an accurate mapping of the current situation within a cybercrime ecosystem from the stakeholders’ point of view and determine their interaction mechanisms. Then, it progresses onto the identification of the main obstacles and needs that the investigative process reveals, and proposes a new optimized model of cybercrime investigations analysis. This analytical tool can inform and report on the stages of the process that would require greater intervention. Last, the case of the Police Cybercrime Center (CCP) of Colombia is studied; to illustrate how these perspectives may apply.\n\r\n\rThe results of this work suggest that by including management elements at the preparatory stage of the investigative process, functional aspects could be improved, and the interaction with stakeholders and the provision of information to support the criminal investigation can be facilitated. Furthermore, that via administrative procedures, trust relationships can be improved as well as information flow patterns and ultimately increase organizational efficiency in the fight against cybercrime. \n\r\n\rThis thesis contributes with theoretical development, clarification of key terms resulting from the interdisciplinary integration of concepts and theories, and practical instruments applicable to guide managerial organizational interaction mechanisms in cybercrime investigations. Other contributions of meaningful implications are the results of the analysis of needs, the guidelines for the implementation of best practices, and the proposal of implementation of an optimized model of investigation based on the need of organizational interaction. Those conform a toolbox of practical instruments for the implementation of managerial techniques to enhance effectiveness and support decision-making in combating cybercrime

    Coordination of actors and relational resources in innovation ecosystems

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    As economias mais bem sucedidas de hoje não são mais aquelas baseadas em bens, mas sim em ideias e conhecimento. Portanto, a inovação torna-se de suma importância para o desenvolvimento regional e local. Os ecossistemas de inovação (EIs) se destacam como ambientes com o objetivo de promover a inovação nas empresas, cidades e regiões. Esses EIs passam por diferentes estágios em seu ciclo de vida e devem adotar estratégias de coordenação dos atores e recursos interdependentes e interrelacionados que os compõem, de modo a serem bem sucedidos. Assim, os EIs podem ser analisados por meio da Visão Baseada em Recursos (VBR). A VBR destaca os recursos valiosos, raros, difíceis de imitar e difíceis de substituir (VRIN), bem como sua organização (O) para a obtenção de vantagem competitiva sustentável (Barney, 1991; 1995). Um dos principais desenvolvimentos da VBR é a Visão Relacional, a qual argumenta que a vantagem competitiva sustentável pode resultar de relações entre uma rede de atores e considera os benefícios gerados conjuntamente e de propriedade de atores parceiros (Dyer e Singh, 1998; Lavie, 2006). Na Visão Relacional, a criação de valor depende de quatro determinantes: recursos e capacidades complementares; ativos específicos da relação; rotinas de compartilhamento de conhecimento; e governança eficaz (Dyer, Singh, e Hesterly, 2018). Essas parcerias são essenciais nos EIs, compostos por atores da academia, empresas, governo e sociedade, cujo objetivo é fornecer os meios e condições necessários para gerar valor por meio da inovação. Assim, em um contexto de incerteza e interesses difusos, a coordenação de atores e recursos relacionais pode gerar valor e inovação, resultando, consequentemente, em melhor desempenho e vantagem competitiva para os atores e o próprio ecossistema. Esta pesquisa contribui para a literatura explorando a dinâmica dos EIs e o papel da coordenação dos atores e recursos relacionais na criação de vantagem competitiva sustentável, contribuindo assim para o desenvolvimento local e regional. Como principais resultados, são propostos um método de mapeamento, análise e desenho de EIs nas cidades, um framework para analisar a orquestração de atores e recursos em ecossistemas de inovação, e o achado de que cada estágio do ciclo de vida de um EI – início, lançamento, crescimento e maturidade – exige diferentes estratégias de coordenação – governança, orquestração, orquestração múltipla ou coreografia.Today's most successful economies are no longer those based on goods, but rather on ideas and knowledge. Therefore, innovation becomes of paramount importance for regional and local development. Innovation ecosystems (IEs) stand out as environments with the objective of promoting innovation at firms, cities, and regions. These ecosystems go through different stages in their life cycle and must adopt strategies to coordinate the networks of interdependent and interrelated actors and resources that compose them, in order to be successful. Thus, innovation ecosystems can be analyzed from the perspective of the Resource-Based View (RBV). RBV highlights the rare, valuable, difficult to imitate and difficult to replace (VRIN) resources, as well as an implemented organization (O) that the firm must possess to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage (Barney, 1991; 1995). One of its main developments is the Relational View, which emphasizes that sustainable competitive advantage can result from relationships between a network of actors and considers the benefits jointly generated and owned by partnered actors (Dyer and Singh, 1998; Lavie, 2006). In the Relational View, the creation of value depends on four determinants: complementary resources and capabilities; specific assets of the relationship; knowledge sharing routines; and effective governance (Dyer, Singh and Hesterly, 2018). These partnerships are essential in innovation ecosystems, which consist of actors from Academia, Business, Government and Society, whose objective is to provide the means and conditions necessary to generate value through innovation. Thus, in a context of uncertainty and diffuse interests, the coordination of actors and relational resources can generate value and innovation, resulting, consequently, in better performance and competitive advantage for the actors and the ecosystem itself. This research contributes to the literature by exploring ecosystem dynamics and the role of the coordination of actors and relational resources in creating sustainable competitive advantage, thus contributing to regional development. As main results, we proposed a method for mapping, analyzing, and designing IEs in cities, a framework for analyzing the orchestration of actors and resources in innovation ecosystems, and we found that each stage of an IE’s life cycle – inception, launching, growth and maturity – demands different coordination strategies – governance, orchestration, multiple orchestration or choreography. These results can serve as a guide for policymakers, managers and other ecosystem leaders interested in fostering innovatio

    A bayesian wavelet shrinkage rule under LINEX loss function

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    This work proposes a wavelet shrinkage rule under asymmetric LINEX loss function and a mixture of a point mass function at zero and the logistic distribution as prior distribution to the wavelet coefficients in a nonparametric regression model with gaussian error. Underestimation of a significant wavelet coefficient can lead to a bad detection of features of the unknown function such as peaks, discontinuities and oscillations. It can also occur under asymmetrically distributed wavelet coefficients. Thus the proposed rule is suitable when overestimation and underestimation have asymmetric losses. Statistical properties of the rule such as squared bias, variance, frequentist and bayesian risks are obtained. Simulation studies are conducted to evaluate the performance of the rule against standard methods and an application in a real dataset involving infrared spectra is provided

    Condições de viabilidade para a regularização fundiária plena: uma problematização a partir da experiência de Juiz de Fora (MG)

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    With a theoretical-practical approach, empirically based on experience in the municipality of Juiz de Fora, in the state of Minas Gerais, through actions of land tenure regularization, this paper, in a contextualized manner, seeks to reflect on the design, process and “post-intervention” moment of the regularization of low-income urban settlements. Although it was assessed that the investigated experience failed to meet the concept of full land tenure regularization, the study was nonetheless able to identify a number of assumptions and lessons that emerged, through which it has been possible to propose some relevant guidelines in order to revise the concept and practices under discussion. Special attention has been given to the beneficiaries of the regularization process, thereby contrasting the recurrent view that they are mere "partners" with the perspective that places them rather as protagonists in the process.A partir de uma abordagem de cunho teórico-prático, cuja empiria se baseia na experiência do município de Juiz de Fora (MG) com ações de regularização fundiária, o artigo busca refletir, de maneira contextualizada, sobre o desenho, o processo e o momento “pós-intervenção” da regularização de assentamentos urbanos de baixa renda. Apesar de avaliar que a experiência estudada ficou aquém do atendimento do conceito de regularização fundiária plena, o trabalho sistematiza pressupostos e lições que dela emergiram, propondo algumas balizas para a atualização do conceito e das práticas em questão. É dada atenção especial aos beneficiários da regularização, contrastando a visão recorrente de que eles são meros "parceiros” com a perspectiva que os situa como protagonistas do processo