1,718 research outputs found

    A simple and efficient route towards improved energetics within the framework of density-corrected density functional theory

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    The crucial step in density-corrected Hartree-Fock density functional theory (DC(HF)-DFT) is to decide whether the density produced by the density functional for a specific calculation is erroneous and hence should be replaced by, in this case, the HF density. We introduce an indicator, based on the difference in non-interacting kinetic energies between DFT and HF calculations, to determine when the HF density is the better option. Our kinetic energy indicator directly compares the self-consistent density of the analysed functional with the HF density, is size-intensive, reliable, and most importantly highly efficient. Moreover, we present a procedure that makes best use of the computed quantities necessary for DC(HF)-DFT by additionally evaluating a related hybrid functional and, in that way, not only "corrects" the density but also the functional itself; we call that procedure corrected Hartree-Fock density functional theory (C(HF)-DFT)

    Optimised Baranyai partitioning of the second quantised Hamiltonian

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    Simultaneous measurement of multiple Pauli strings (tensor products of Pauli matrices) is the basis for efficient measurement of observables on quantum computers by partitioning the observable into commuting sets of Pauli strings. We present the implementation and optimisation of the Baranyai grouping method for second quantised Hamiltonian partitioning in molecules up to CH4_4 (cc-pVDZ, 68 qubits) and efficient construction of the diagonalisation circuit in O(N)O(N) quantum gates, compared to O(N2)O(N^2), where NN is the number of qubits. We show that this method naturally handles sparsity in the Hamiltonian and produces a O(1)O(1) number of groups for linearly scaling Hamiltonians, such as those formed by molecules in a line; rising to O(N3)O(N^3) for fully connected two-body Hamiltonians. While this is more measurements than some other schemes it allows for the flexibility to move Pauli strings and optimise the variance. We also present an explicit optimisation for spin-symmetry which reduces the number of groups by a factor of 88, without extra computational effort

    Diagrammatic Coupled Cluster Monte Carlo

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    We propose a modified coupled cluster Monte Carlo algorithm that stochastically samples connected terms within the truncated Baker--Campbell--Hausdorff expansion of the similarity transformed Hamiltonian by construction of coupled cluster diagrams on the fly. Our new approach -- diagCCMC -- allows propagation to be performed using only the connected components of the similarity-transformed Hamiltonian, greatly reducing the memory cost associated with the stochastic solution of the coupled cluster equations. We show that for perfectly local, noninteracting systems, diagCCMC is able to represent the coupled cluster wavefunction with a memory cost that scales linearly with system size. The favorable memory cost is observed with the only assumption of fixed stochastic granularity and is valid for arbitrary levels of coupled cluster theory. Significant reduction in memory cost is also shown to smoothly appear with dissociation of a finite chain of helium atoms. This approach is also shown not to break down in the presence of strong correlation through the example of a stretched nitrogen molecule. Our novel methodology moves the theoretical basis of coupled cluster Monte Carlo closer to deterministic approaches.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figure

    A hybrid stochastic configuration interaction-coupled cluster approach for multireference systems

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    The development of multireference coupled cluster (MRCC) techniques has remained an open area of study in electronic structure theory for decades due to the inherent complexity of expressing a multi-configurational wavefunction in the fundamentally single-reference coupled cluster framework. The recently developed multireference coupled cluster Monte Carlo (mrCCMC) technique uses the formal simplicity of the Monte Carlo approach to Hilbert space quantum chemistry to avoid some of the complexities of conventional MRCC, but there is room for improvement in terms of accuracy and, particularly, computational cost. In this paper we explore the potential of incorporating ideas from conventional MRCC - namely the treatment of the strongly correlated space in a configuration interaction formalism - to the mrCCMC framework, leading to a series of methods with increasing relaxation of the reference space in the presence of external amplitudes. These techniques offer new balances of stability and cost against accuracy, as well as a means to better explore and better understand the structure of solutions to the mrCCMC equations.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 3 table
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