2,407 research outputs found

    On the co-orbital asteroids in the solar system: medium-term timescale analysis of the quasi-coplanar objects

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    The focus of this work is the current distribution of asteroids in co-orbital motion with Venus, Earth and Jupiter, under a quasi-coplanar configuration and for a medium-term timescale of the order of 900 years. A co-orbital trajectory is a heliocentric orbit trapped in a 1:1 mean-motion resonance with a given planet. As such, to model it this work considers the Restricted Three-Body Problem in the planar circular case with the help of averaging techniques. The domain of each co-orbital regime, that is, the quasi-satellite motion, the horseshoe motion and the tadpole motion, can be neatly defined by means of an integrable model and a simple two-dimensional map, that is invariant with respect to the mass parameter of the planet, and turns out to be a remarkable tool to investigate the distribution of the co-orbitals objects of interest. The study is based on the data corresponding to the ephemerides computed by the JPL Horizons system for asteroids with a sufficient low orbital inclination with respect to the Sun–planet orbital plane. These objects are cataloged according to their current dynamics, together with the transitions that occur in the given time frame from a given type of co-orbital motion to another. The results provide a general catalog of co-orbital asteroids in the solar system, the first one to our knowledge, and an efficient mean to study transitions

    Electron Beam Ion Source Pre-Injector Diagnostics

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    Alcohol Use Disorder in the Age of Technology: A Review of Wearable Biosensors in Alcohol Use Disorder Treatment

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    Biosensors enable observation and understanding of latent physiological occurrences otherwise unknown or invasively detected. Wearable biosensors monitoring physiological constructs across a wide variety of mental and physical health conditions have become an important trend in innovative research methodologies. Within substance use research, explorations of biosensor technology commonly focus on identifying physiological indicators of intoxication to increase understanding of addiction etiology and to inform treatment recommendations. In this review, we examine the state of research in this area as it pertains to treatment of alcohol use disorders specifically highlighting the gaps in our current knowledge with recommendations for future research. Annually, alcohol use disorders affect approximately 15 million individuals. A primary focus of existing wearable technology-based research among people with alcohol use disorders is identifying alcohol intoxication. A large benefit of wearable biosensors for this purpose is they provide continuous readings in a passive manner compared with the gold standard measure of blood alcohol content (BAC) traditionally measured intermittently by breathalyzer or blood draw. There are two primary means of measuring intoxication with biosensors: gait and sweat. Gait changes have been measured via smart sensors placed on the wrist, in the shoe, and mobile device sensors in smart phones. Sweat measured by transdermal biosensors detects the presence of alcohol in the blood stream correlating to BAC. Transdermal biosensors have been designed in tattoos/skin patches, shirts, and most commonly, devices worn on the ankle or wrist. Transdermal devices were initially developed to help monitor court-ordered sobriety among offenders with alcohol use disorder. These devices now prove most useful in continuously tracking consumption throughout clinical trials for behavioral treatment modalities. More recent research has started exploring the uses for physical activity trackers and physiological arousal sensors to guide behavioral interventions for relapse prevention. While research has begun to demonstrate wearable devices\u27 utility in reducing alcohol consumption among individuals aiming to cutdown on their drinking, monitoring sustained abstinence in studies exploring contingency management for alcohol use disorders, and facilitating engagement in activity-based treatment interventions, their full potential to further aid in understanding of, and treatment for, alcohol use disorders has yet to be explored

    Dynamical System Description of the Solar Radiation Pressure and j2 Phase Space for End-Of-life Design and Frozen Orbit Design

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    n this work we review the effect of solar radiation pressure on the eccentricity of circumterrestrial orbits, perturbed also by the oblateness of the Earth. We compute the equilibrium points of a reduced system of equations describing the time evolution of the eccentricity, the longitude of the ascending node and the argument of pericenter, and their linear stability. This analysis is the basis for understanding how the phase space is organized in terms of central and hyperbolic orbits. The role of the initial phase with respect to the Sun and of the magnitude of the inclination evolution is also examined. The results follow previous investigations performed by the authors, providing a more complete picture of the whole dynamics, that can be applied to design convenient end-of-life strategies for small satellites equipped with a solar sail or to determine quasi stable Sun-following orbits for satellites swarms

    Role of the Recoil Ion in Single-Electron Capture and Single-Ionization Processes for Collisions of Protons with He and Ar Atoms

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    In this work the single-electron capture and single-ionization processes are studied for proton collisions with He and Ar atoms at impact energies in the range 25–100 keV. Classical trajectory Monte Carlo simulations are benchmarked against experimental data obtained at the reaction microscope in Bariloche, Argentina, which employs the cold target recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy technique. Special emphasis is placed on describing the momentum transfer to the recoil ion for these collision systems

    D028 L’expression des gènes PAI-1, tPA et uPA est fortement régulée pendant la différenciation des cellules souches embryonnaires en myocytes et adipocytes

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    PAI-1 est l’inhibiteur physiologique des activateurs du plasminogène uPA et tPA et inhibe le complexe formé entre uPA et son récepteur, et par voie de conséquence, entre la vitronectine et l’intégrine alphav beta3. PAI-1 est impliqué dans l’adhésion et la migration des cellules endothéliales, dans la différenciation adipocytaire et dans la réponse à l’insuline; in vivo, il facilite la thrombose, la fibrose et le remodelage tissulaire. Des taux élevés circulants de PAI-1 représentent un biomarqueur de l’obésité centrale et sont un facteur pronostic du diabète de type 2. Les propriétés biologiques de PAI-1 ont conduit à l’hypothèse que PAI-1 serait impliqué directement dans le développement du tissu adipeux. Notre objectif est d’évaluer les rôles spécifiques des gènes PAI-1, uPA et tPA dans les mécanismes moléculaires de la différenciation des cellules souches embryonnaires (cellules ES) de souris dans différents lignages.Indétectables à l’état indifférencié, les expressions de PAI-1, uPA et tPA et les activités enzymatiques uPA et tPA sont fortement régulées durant la différenciation des cellules ES. Les activités uPA et tPA sont rapidement augmentées durant la phase précoce de détermination du processus, sans expression détectable de PAI-1. Puis, l’expression de PAI-1 augmente progressivement dans les surnageants de culture des cellules bien différenciées, corrélant avec une inhibition concomittante des activités uPA et tPA. Des expériences d’immunohistochimie montrent que PAI-1 est exprimé à la fois dans les myotubes et dans les adipocytes matures.Le rôle potentiel de ces régulations successives est analysé par la construction de lignées de cellules ES surexprimant le cDNA de PAI- 1 dès l’état indifférencié. Les effets d’une surexpression ectopique de PAI-1 à différent temps pendant la différenciation des cellules ES sont recherchés.De plus, le traitement précoce des cellules ES en différenciation par l’amiloride, inhibiteur spécifique d’uPA, provoque une diminution de la myogénèse et une augmentation de la différenciation adipocytaire. Par contre ces effets ne sont pas retrouvés en traitant les cellules par l’EACA, inhibiteur de la plasmine ou le DMA, un dérivé inactif de l’amiloride
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