358 research outputs found

    Social-Aware Stateless Forwarding in Pocket Switched Networks

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    Several social-aware routing protocols for pocket switched networks have been recently introduced in the literature. The main idea underlying these protocols is to exploit state information (e.g., history of past encounters) to deduce information on the social structure of the network, and to optimize routing based on this information. While social-aware routing protocols have been shown to have superior performance to social-oblivious, stateless routing protocols such as, e.g., BinarySW, the improvement comes at the cost of considerable storage overhead required on the nodes, which is instead not required for stateless approaches. So, whether the benefits of social-aware routing protocols would still be present when storage capacity at the nodes is constrained is not clear. In this paper we present SANE, the first forwarding mechanism that combines the advantages of both social-aware and stateless approaches. SANE is based on the observation-that we validate on real-world traces-that individuals with similar interests tend to meet more often. In our approach, individuals (network members) are characterized by their interest profile, a compact representation of their interests. By implementing a simple interest profile similarity based forwarding rule, SANE is free of network state information, thus overcoming the storage capacity problem with existing social-aware approaches. Through extensive experiments, we show the superiority of social-aware, stateless forwarding over existing stateful, social-aware and stateless, social-oblivious routing approaches. An important byproduct of our interest-based approach is that it easily enables innovative routing primitives, such as interest-casting. An interest-casting protocol is also introduced in this paper, and extensively evaluated through experiments based on both real-world and synthetic mobility traces

    Optical remote sensing of lakes: an overview on Lake Maggiore

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    Optical satellite remote sensing represents an opportunity to integrate traditional methods for assessing water quality of lakes: strengths of remote sensing methods are the good spatial and temporal coverage, the possibility to monitor many lakes simultaneously and the reduced costs. In this work we present an overview of optical remote sensing techniques applied to lake water monitoring. Then, examples of applications focused on lake Maggiore, the second largest lake in Italy are discussed by presenting the temporal trend of chlorophyll-a (chl-a), suspended particulate matter (SPM), coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and the z90 signal depth (the latter indicating the water depth from which 90% of the reflected light comes from) as estimated from the images acquired by the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) in the pelagic area of the lake from 2003 to 2011. Concerning the chl-a trend, the results are in agreement with the concentration values measured during field surveys, confirming the good status of lake Maggiore, although occasional events of water deterioration were observed (e.g., an average increase of chl-a concentration, with a decrease of transparency, as a consequence of an anomalous phytoplankton occurred in summer 2011). A series of MERIS-derived maps (summer period 2011) of the z90 signal are also analysed in order to show the spatial variability of lake waters, which on average were clearer in the central pelagic zones. We expect that the recently launched (e.g., Landsat-8) and the future satellite missions (e.g., Sentinel-3) carrying sensors with improved spectral and spatial resolution are going to lead to a larger use of remote sensing for the assessment and monitoring of water quality parameters, by also allowing further applications (e.g., classification of phytoplankton functional types) to be developed

    Atezolizumab versus chemotherapy in advanced or metastatic NSCLC with high blood-based tumor mutational burden: primary analysis of BFAST cohort C randomized phase 3 trial

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    Non-small-cell lung cancer; Predictive markersCàncer de pulmó de cèl·lules no petites; Marcadors predictiusCáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas; Marcadores predictivosTumor mutational burden (TMB) is being explored as a predictive biomarker for cancer immunotherapy outcomes in non-small cell lung cancer. BFAST (NCT03178552)—an open-label, global, multicohort trial—evaluated the safety and efficacy of first-line targeted therapies or immunotherapy in patients with unresectable Stage IIIB or IV advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer who were selected for biomarker status using blood-based targeted next-generation sequencing. In the Phase 3 cohort C evaluating blood-based (b)TMB as a biomarker of atezolizumab efficacy, patients with bTMB of ≥10 (N = 471) were randomized 1:1 to receive atezolizumab or platinum-based chemotherapy per local standard of care. Cohort C did not meet its primary endpoint of investigator-assessed progression-free survival in the population with bTMB of ≥16 (hazard ratio, 0.77; 95% confidence interval: 0.59, 1.00; P = 0.053). Adverse events leading to treatment withdrawal occurred in 10% of patients in the atezolizumab arm and 20% in the chemotherapy arm. Adverse events of special interest occurred in 42% of patients in the atezolizumab arm and 26% in the chemotherapy arm. A prespecified exploratory analysis compared the bTMB clinical trial assay with the FoundationOne Liquid Companion Diagnostic assay and showed high concordance between assays. Additional exploration of bTMB to identify optimal cutoffs, confounding factors, assay improvements or cooperative biomarkers is warranted

    Evaluation on the Use of Italian High-Speed Rail to Support Transportation Network for Transplantation Activities

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    Abstract Background One of the main activities connected with transplantation is the rapid and timely transportation of patients, medical teams, and human organs from donation to transplantation centers under the compliance of national guidelines and principles of quality, performance, and safety. High-speed transportation on a railway network is becoming relevant both in terms of performance and extensiveness of the service. Methods and Objectives Our study explores the feasibility of adopting a high-speed rail network for the transportation of those organs with large cold ischemia time and those less influenced by transportation-related perturbations (ie, temperature, speed, vibrations), assessing savings and relative performance improvement. In this study, only kidneys have been considered; the transplantation database has been integrated with the national high-speed railway network and timetables. A function is implemented that allocates to air transportations those records with 1 of the 2 ends situated on islands, remote regions, and abroad, while rail transportation is preferred where constraints on capacity and compliance with cold ischemia time are met. Road transportation is still feasible for those records involving 2 adjacent regions and for intraregional transportation. Results The opportunity of integrated road-rail transportation in place of air or all-road transportation allows users to lower generalized costs and reduce driven distance for personnel and vehicles allocated to a regional transplantation center's fleet and staff. Savings in fleet and staff usage can serve to improve the performances at the local level. Conclusions The knowledge and analysis of transportation alternatives for human organs with less stringent safety and preservation criteria allow a more efficient allocation of resources both at the local and national level—without compromising quality and reliability of the system

    Progetto C51. Problemi e prospettive per l\u27utilizzo delle biocenosi lacustri come indicatori di qualit? ecologica ai sensi della Direttiva Comunitaria 2000/60/CE. Rapporto finale sulla attivit? svolta (anni 2006-2007)

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    No abstract availableIl rapporto descrive l?attivit? svolta sui laghi Viverone e Candia allo scopo di valutare l?applicazione dei metodi di campionamento degli elementi di qualit? biologica individuati dalla Direttiva Comunitaria 2000/60. Nel corso di due anni di attivit? sono stati analizzate le tecniche di prelievo ed analisi previste dalla normativa per fitoplancton, macrofite, macrinvertebrati e fauna ittica lacustre, mettendo in evidenza le principali criticit? applicative e fornendo indicazioni su come effettuare prelievi in campo ed analisi in laboratorio, mimizzando gli errori legati all?utilizzo delle comunit? biotiche come indicatori di qualit? ecologica
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