30 research outputs found

    Propuesta de mejora en el sistema de gesti贸n de residuos s贸lidos municipales en un distrito de Lima Norte aplicando herramientas de investigaci贸n de operaciones

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    La gesti贸n de residuos es uno de los problemas cr铆ticos para las municipalidades debido a que genera elevados costos log铆sticos y requiere de mucho tiempo para poder ser gestionado de manera adecuada, por ello es com煤n que se contrate a empresas para realizar este servicio, aun cuando ello signifique tener costos m谩s elevados En el presente estudio se desarroll贸 un modelo matem谩tico que permite mejorar la gesti贸n de residuos de un distrito cambiando el sistema de recolecci贸n, de puerta a puerta a contenedores, con el objetivo de que se disminuya los costos y las emisiones de gases generadas por los residuos. El modelo matem谩tico se aplic贸 a uno de los distritos que mayores problemas presenta para poder desarrollar una gesti贸n de residuos 贸ptima, esto porque es uno de los m谩s poblados del pa铆s y no cuenta con ingresos suficientes para asegurar un servicio de gesti贸n de residuos de calidad. Primero se desarroll贸 una proyecci贸n de poblaci贸n para el horizonte de planeamiento para la propuesta, luego se agrup贸 las casas en cl煤sters y se procedi贸 a asignarles una generaci贸n diaria de residuos reciclables y generales, despu茅s se determin贸 puntos potenciales donde localizar contenedores y finalmente se obtuvo las distancias de cada cl煤ster a todos los puntos potenciales. Una vez obtenidas dichas distancias se procedi贸 a obtener los lugares 贸ptimos donde localizar los contenedores para la recolecci贸n de residuos generales y reciclables resolviendo el problema de programaci贸n lineal usando el software CPLEX con el lenguaje de programaci贸n AMPL. Luego de obtener los puntos donde localizar los contenedores se procedi贸 a obtener las distancias entre todos y cada uno de los contenedores generales y entre todos y cada uno de los contenedores reciclables y las cargas de cada uno de los contenedores tanto reciclables como generales. Despu茅s se ingresaron estos datos al programa MATLAB y por medio de una heur铆stica se obtuvieron las rutas de recojo tanto para los contenedores reciclables como para los contenedores generales. Finalmente se evalu贸 la viabilidad de la propuesta por medio de un an谩lisis ambiental, desarrollado con el software SimaPro, y un an谩lisis econ贸mico, los cuales fueron comparados con la situaci贸n actual de gesti贸n de residuos del distrito.Tesi

    Bisphenol A Activates Calcium Influx in Immortalized GnRH Neurons

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the most widely used chemicals worldwide, e.g., as a component of plastic containers for food and water. It is considered to exert an estrogenic effect, by mimicking estradiol (E2) action. Because of this widespread presence, it has attracted the interest and concern of researchers and regulators. Despite the vast amount of related literature, the potential adverse effects of environmentally significant doses of BPA are still object of controversy, and the mechanisms by which it can perturb endocrine functions, and particularly the neuroendocrine axis, are not adequately understood. One of the ways by which endocrine disruptors (EDCs) can exert their effects is the perturbation of calcium signaling mechanisms. In this study, we addressed the issue of the impact of BPA on the neuroendocrine system with an in vitro approach, using a consolidated model of immortalized Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) expressing neurons, the GT1−7 cell line, focusing on the calcium signals activated by the endocrine disruptor. The investigation was limited to biologically relevant doses (nM−µM range). We found that BPA induced moderate increases in intracellular calcium concentration, comparable with those induced by nanomolar doses of E2, without affecting cell survival and with only a minor effect on proliferation

    Spatial Wavelet Analysis of Calcium Oscillations in Developing Neurons

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    <div><p>Calcium signals play a major role in the control of all key stages of neuronal development, and in particular in the growth and orientation of neuritic processes. These signals are characterized by high spatial compartmentalization, a property which has a strong relevance in the different roles of specific neuronal regions in information coding. In this context it is therefore important to understand the structural and functional basis of this spatial compartmentalization, and in particular whether the behavior at each compartment is merely a consequence of its specific geometry or the result of the spatial segregation of specific calcium influx/efflux mechanisms. Here we have developed a novel approach to separate geometrical from functional differences, regardless on the assumptions on the actual mechanisms involved in the generation of calcium signals. First, spatial indices are derived with a wavelet-theoretic approach which define a measure of the oscillations of cytosolic calcium concentration in specific regions of interests (ROIs) along a cell, in our case developing chick ciliary ganglion neurons. The resulting spatial profile demonstrates clearly that different ROIs along the neuron are characterized by specific patterns of calcium oscillations. Next we have investigated whether this inhomogeneity is due just to geometrical factors, namely the surface to volume ratio in the different subcompartments (e.g. soma vs. growth cone) or it depends on their specific biophysical properties. To this aim correlation functions are computed between the activity indices and the surface/volume ratio along the cell: the data thus obtained are validated by a statistical analysis on a dataset of different cells. This analysis shows that whereas in the soma calcium dynamics is highly correlated to the surface/volume ratio, correlations drop in the growth cone-neurite region, suggesting that in this latter case the key factor is the expression of specific mechanisms controlling calcium influx/efflux.</p></div

    Image of a cell with ROIs superimposed to show space parametrization.

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    <p>The image was obtained from a cell loaded with the calcium indicator Fura-2 at nm after excitation at nm.</p