142 research outputs found

    Soledad Cruz: la otredad militante

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    Lo testimonial y la novela-testimonio

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    Electroencephalography (EEG)-Derived Markers to Measure Components of Attention Processing

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    Although extensively studied for decades, attention system remains an interesting challenge in neuroscience field. The Attention Network Task (ANT) has been developed to provide a measure of the efficiency for the three attention components identified in the Posner’s theoretical model: alerting, orienting and executive control. Here we propose a study on 15 healthy subjects who performed the ANT. We combined advanced methods for connectivity estimation on electroencephalographic (EEG) signals and graph theory with the aim to identify neuro-physiological indices describing the most important features of the three networks correlated with behavioral performances. Our results provided a set of band-specific connectivity indices able to follow the behavioral task performances among subjects for each attention component as defined in the ANT paradigm. Extracted EEG-based indices could be employed in future clinical applications to support the behavioral assessment or to evaluate the influence of specific attention deficits on Brain Computer Interface (BCI) performance and/or the effects of BCI training in cognitive rehabilitation applications

    Análisis de los tipos de argumentos utilizados en los editoriales del diario El Comercio entre los meses de junio, 2017 y marzo, 2018

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    Esta investigación giró en torno al análisis de los tipos de argumentos en los editoriales del diario El Comercio. Se planteó como objetivos analizar los tipos de argumentos utilizados en los editoriales de El Comercio. Asimismo, clasificar los tipos de editoriales del diario y determinar su línea temática. La investigación tuvo un enfoque cualitativo de modelo hermenéutico y la técnica de recolección de datos utilizada fue la revisión documental con la matriz de documentación y datos como instrumento. Tras la investigación, se concluyó que el argumento que aparece con mayor frecuencia es el de causa y consecuencia, con 42 argumentos en 14 editoriales y el de menor uso es el argumento de dilema. Dentro de los tipos de editoriales, El Comercio frecuentemente recurre al explicativo para fundamentar su tesis. Asimismo, El Comercio redacta sus editoriales siguiendo las estructuras clásicas de conclusión-argumento y argumento-conclusión. Por otro lado, la línea temática sobre la que más se escribe es la política

    Ricerca sapienza. dal passato nel futuro

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    Il repertorio più aggiornato dei principali progetti di ricerca di Sapienza Università di Roma in tutti gli ambiti dello scibile umano: dalla storia antica all'astronautica, dalla medicina alla paleontologia, dall'informatica alle scienze umane, aggiornato alla fine del 2015. Ogni ricerca è illustrata attraverso un'intervista al docente responsabile del team, corredata di foto inedite e grafici esplicativi ed arricchita da un'ampia bibliografia

    Molecular phenotyping and biomarker development: Are we on our way towards targeted therapy for severe asthma?

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    Although different phenotypes of severe asthma can be identified, all are characterized by common symptoms. Due to their heterogeneity, they exhibit differences in pathogenesis, etiology and clinical responses to therapeutic approaches. The identification of distinct molecular phenotypes to define severe asthmatic patients will allow us to better understand the pathophysiology of the disease and thus to more precisely target the treatment for each patient. To achieve this goal, a systematic search for new, reliable and stable biomarkers specific for each phenotype is essential. This review focuses on the current known molecular phenotypes of severe asthma and highlights the need for biomarkers that could (either alone or in combination) be predictive of the treatment outcome

    Human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs): isolation, enrichment and comparative differentiation of two sub-populations

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    Human dental pulp represents a suitable alternative source of stem cells for the purpose of cell-based therapies in regenerative medicine, because it is relatively easy to obtain it, using low invasive procedures. This study characterized and compared two subpopulations of adult stem cells derived from human dental pulp (hDPSCs). Human DPSCs, formerly immune-selected for STRO-1 and c-Kit, were separated for negativity and positivity to CD34 expression respectively, and evaluated for cell proliferation, stemness maintenance, cell senescence and multipotency

    Use of a 3D floating sphere culture system to maintain the neural crest-related properties of human dental pulp stem cells

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    Human dental pulp is considered an interesting source of adult stem cells, due to the low-invasive isolation procedures, high content of stem cells and its peculiar embryological origin from neural crest. Based on our previous findings, a dental pulp stem cells sub-population, enriched for the expression of STRO-1, c-Kit, and CD34, showed a higher neural commitment. However, their biological properties were compromised when cells were cultured in adherent standard conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of three dimensional floating spheres to preserve embryological and biological properties of this sub-population. In addition, the expression of the inwardly rectifying potassium channel Kir4.1, Fas and FasL was investigated in 3D-sphere derived hDPSCs. Our data showed that 3D sphere-derived hDPSCs maintained their fibroblast-like morphology, preserved stemness markers expression and proliferative capability. The expression of neural crest markers and Kir4.1 was observed in undifferentiated hDPSCs, furthermore this culture system also preserved hDPSCs differentiation potential. The expression of Fas and FasL was observed in undifferentiated hDPSCs derived from sphere culture and, noteworthy, FasL was maintained even after the neurogenic commitment was reached, with a significantly higher expression compared to osteogenic and myogenic commitments. These data demonstrate that 3D sphere culture provides a favorable micro-environment for neural crest-derived hDPSCs to preserve their biological properties