31 research outputs found


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    Esta pesquisa buscou compreender a percepção de policiais sobre Direitos Humanos, em especial aqueles que compõem grupos táticos, para que o Estado e a sociedade, em geral, possam estar informados sobre essa questão tão importante para a promoção da Segurança Pública. Este trabalho se caracteriza por ser uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva e de campo, utilizando informações e dados coletados em grupos táticos das cidades de Petrolina/PE - BIESPE (Batalhão Integrado Especializado de Policiamento) - e de Juazeiro/BA - CIPE CAATINGA (Companhia Independente de Policiamento Especializado na Caatinga). Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram para a compreensão da vivência com uma constante dualidade entre a legalidade e a violação dos Direitos Humanos, representando um liame extremamente tênue entre a prática da Lei e a violação desta, ou seja, ao mesmo tempo em que o policial deve ser o guardião das garantias e direitos, a própria sociedade acaba enxergando estes como verdadeiros algozes. A conclusão se destacou, surpreendentemente, pela postura de conhecimento da necessidade da existência dos Direitos Humanos, reconhecendo-os como legitimadores, reguladores e limitadores das ações policiais numa perspectiva atualizada, evidenciando a evolução institucional da polícia ao longo do tempo

    Conhecimento de idosos de uma comunidade rural do semiárido sobre plantas medicinais / Knowledge of elderly of a rural community of semi-arid on medicinal plants

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    O Brasil tem um grande potencial em termos de biodiversidade nos diversos biomas brasileiros, inclusive na caatinga, que se traduz em grande potencial farmacológico. A população idosa é detentora de conhecimentos tradicionais sobre o uso medicinal das plantas, o que contribui de forma significativa para pesquisas relacionadas à etnobotânica. O objetivo desse trabalho foi registrar o conhecimento de uma comunidade rural do semiárido baiano sobre as plantas da caatinga utilizadas como medicinais. O estudo foi realizado com realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas (ou informais), com idosos da comunidade rural de Carnaíba do Sertão, sede do distrito rural de Carnaíba no município de Juazeiro-BA. Foi empregada a técnica “bola de neve” para selecionar idosos informantes. A amostra foi constituída de 14 idosos que se declararam conhecedores de plantas medicinais e que declararam que desejavam participar da pesquisa. Foram registradas 53 plantas indicadas como medicinais, com 215 citações de indicação de uso. Os usos terapêuticos das plantas estavam relacionados com o tratamento de doenças ou sintomas relacionados com o sistema nervoso, cardiorespiratório, geniturinário, digestivo, osteomuscular, tegumentar. Dentre as plantas citadas 11 delas tiveram confirmação de uso com base em levantamento bibliográfico, são elas: alecrim, alecrim-pimenta, aroeira, barbatimão, babosa, carqueja, goiabeira, juazeiro, macela, melão de são Caetano e quebra-pedra

    Atividade antioxidante, citotóxica e antimicrobiana de Annona vepretorum Mart. (Annonaceae)

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    Annona vepretorum Mart. é uma espécie endêmica do bioma Caatinga, conhecida no Nordeste do Brasil como "araticum". Neste trabalho, o conteúdo de fenóis totais foi determinado pelo método de Folin-Ciocalteu. O teor de flavonoides totais também foi medido. A atividade antioxidante dos extratos foi analisada pelos métodos do sequestro do radical DPPH e inibição da auto-oxidação do β-caroteno, e comparada com o ácido ascórbico, BHA e BHT, utilizados como compostos de referência. A análise de citotoxidade foi realizada frente a linhagens de células HCT-116, OVCAR-8 e SF-295. O efeito antibacteriano foi avaliado pelo método de microdiluição. O conteúdo de fenóis totais do extrato etanólico (Av-EtOH) foi de 76,60 ± 5,57 mg de equivalente de ácido gálico/g. O conteúdo de flavonoides foi de 194,50 ± 11,72 mg de equivalente de catequina/g para o extrato hexânico. O extrato EtOH exibiu boa atividade antioxidante (IC50 = 98,87 ± 11,24 mg/mL) no método do DPPH. Os extratos mostraram atividade citotóxica e antibacteriana contra a maior parte das células e microrganismos testados. Pesquisas adicionais serão realizadas para o isolamento e a identificação dos principais constituintes fenólicos dos extratos

    Acaricidal activity of Amburana cearensis on the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus

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    ABSTRACT: This experiment was carried out to study the bioacaricidal activity of Amburana cearensis against engorged females of Rhipicephalus ( Boophilus ) microplus . The crude ethanolic extract from the leaves of A. cearensis was submitted to partition with organic solvents (hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate) in order of increasing polarity; and evaluated using three treatments at concentrations of 5, 10 and 25mg ml-1. To evaluate the acaricidal activity, engorged females were submitted to the adult immersion test. Parameters analyzed were the weight of females; weight of egg mass; percentage of hatch; reproductive efficiency; expected rate of reproduction; and efficacy. For each extract and concentrating fraction, tests were performed in triplicate. Among all fractions, the hexane (2.5%) achieved the best results in all parameters analyzed: 52.7% of inhibition of oviposition; 39% of hatching rate; 3,271 index of reproductive efficiency; and 67.0% effectiveness. The extract obtained gradual dose response with increasing concentration; and could be used as an aid in the control of R. ( B. ) microplus therapy

    The Role of Flavonoids on Oxidative Stress in Epilepsy

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    Backgrounds. Oxidative stress can result from excessive free-radical production and it is likely implicated as a possible mechanism involved in the initiation and progression of epileptogenesis. Flavonoids can protect the brain from oxidative stress. In the central nervous system (CNS) several flavonoids bind to the benzodiazepine site on the GABAA-receptor resulting in anticonvulsive effects. Objective. This review provides an overview about the role of flavonoids in oxidative stress in epilepsy. The mechanism of action of flavonoids and its relation to the chemical structure is also discussed. Results/Conclusions. There is evidence that suggests that flavonoids have potential for neuroprotection in epilepsy

    Chemical Analysis and Evaluation of Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, and Photoprotective Activities of Schinopsis brasiliensis Engl. (Anacardiaceae)

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    Schinopsis brasiliensis Engl. is a native plant of Caatinga which has high concentrations of compounds capable of absorbing ultraviolet light, suggesting its potential application for the development of sunscreen preparations. After its identification and collection, this vegetable drug was submitted to a physicochemical analysis through the preparation of ethanolic extract. The phytochemical screening and analysis of extracts were carried out by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) evaluation. The antioxidant activity of the extract was evaluated by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method and β-carotene bleaching test. Inhibitory hemolytic activity and morphological deformation of erythrocytes induced by H2O2 were also demonstrated and the antimicrobial activity was analyzed by the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) method. For the in vitro determination of the sun protection factor (SPF), the spectrophotometric method was used. From the analyses carried out with this species, this plant showed significant results for the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities, as well as sunscreen action. Important flavonoids were identified. These data are an important step for the development of new photoprotective cosmetic with Caatinga species, revealing importance and representing another incentive for the preservation of the species involved and analyzed in the study

    The Role of Flavonoids on Oxidative Stress in Epilepsy

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    Backgrounds. Oxidative stress can result from excessive free-radical production and it is likely implicated as a possible mechanism involved in the initiation and progression of epileptogenesis. Flavonoids can protect the brain from oxidative stress. In the central nervous system (CNS) several flavonoids bind to the benzodiazepine site on the GABA A -receptor resulting in anticonvulsive effects. Objective. This review provides an overview about the role of flavonoids in oxidative stress in epilepsy. The mechanism of action of flavonoids and its relation to the chemical structure is also discussed. Results/Conclusions. There is evidence that suggests that flavonoids have potential for neuroprotection in epilepsy

    Subtilisin of Leishmania amazonensis as Potential Druggable Target: Subcellular Localization, In Vitro Leishmanicidal Activity and Molecular Docking of PF-429242, a Subtilisin Inhibitor

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    Subtilisin proteases, found in all organisms, are enzymes important in the post-translational steps of protein processing. In Leishmania major and L. donovani, this enzyme has been described as essential to their survival; however, few compounds that target subtilisin have been investigated for their potential as an antileishmanial drug. In this study, we first show, by electron microscopy and flow cytometry, that subtilisin has broad localization throughout the cytoplasm and membrane of the parasite in the promastigote form with foci in the flagellar pocket. Through in silico analysis, the similarity between subtilisin of different Leishmania species and that of humans were determined, and based on molecular docking, we evaluated the interaction capacity of a serine protease inhibitor against both life cycle forms of Leishmania. The selected inhibitor, known as PF-429242, has already been used against the dengue virus, arenaviruses, and the hepatitis C virus. Moreover, it proved to have antilipogenic activity in a mouse model and caused hypolipidemia in human cells in vitro. Here, PF-429242 significantly inhibited the growth of L. amazonensis promastigotes of four different strains (IC50 values = 3.07 ± 0.20; 0.83 ± 0.12; 2.02 ± 0.27 and 5.83 ± 1.2 µM against LTB0016, PH8, Josefa and LV78 strains) whilst having low toxicity in the host macrophages (CC50 = 170.30 µM). We detected by flow cytometry that there is a greater expression of subtilisin in the amastigote form; however, PF-429242 had a low effect against this intracellular form with an IC50 of >100 µM for intracellular amastigotes, as well as against axenic amastigotes (94.12 ± 2.8 µM for the LV78 strain). In conclusion, even though PF-429242 does not affect the intracellular forms, this drug will serve as a tool to explore pharmacological and potentially leishmanicidal targets