140 research outputs found
Agro-industrial enterprises’ resource support transformation in the course of system integration
Currently, the Russian economy is undergoing active processes of digital transformation and system integration in all areas of production and economic activity. At the same time, the agro-industrial complex and agriculture lag behind the leading industries in terms of the level of digitalisation. This opens up large-scale prospects for the implementation of information technology projects, but also dictates the need to introduce additional measures to accelerate the development and implementation of digital technologies. The growing popularity of system integration is explained by a number of advantages: reducing the time for information exchange, decision-making and goods circulation, eliminating duplication of functions and the overall economic effect for each of the participants due to a wider and more comprehensive integration of computer systems. To support such initiatives, the study proposes a mechanism for the system integration of the resource subsystem of agricultural, processing and marketing enterprises in the region using a theoretical and methodological basis. Achieving the highest level of system integration is expected through the integration of information systems on a platform framework, as well as the addition of digital services of financial operators with the connection of economic entities of the agro-industrial complex. The developed mechanism reflects the algorithm of strategically significant events with a target orientation towards expanding the scale of system integration of enterprises in the agro-industrial complex. Its implementation will provide an opportunity for global planning in industries and provision of recommendations to market participants, including those based on artificial intelligence technologies
Age-Dependent Dynamics of Somatometric Indexes of Boys of Junior Scool.
У статті наведено основні антропометричні характеристики тіла хлопчиків молодшого шкільного віку. Визначено й проаналізовано динаміку їх зміни у віковому аспекті. Вивчено темпи приросту ваги, росту, обсягу стегна та гомілки, довжини й ширини стопи в молодших школярів. Проаналізовано ступені кореляційних зв’язків між досліджуваними показниками в кожному віці. n the atticle the basic anthropometric descriptions of body of boys of junior scool age are shown.The dynamics of their
change in an age-dependent aspect is analysed anddetermined. The rates of gaining weight, height, hip volume and shin
volume, foot length and width of the junior scoolchildren are studied. The degrees of cross-correlation connections are
analyzed between the probed indexes of every age-group
Small business capabilities for employment
© 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. Small business is a significant sector of economy which influences on rates of economic growth, structure and quality of Gross Domestic Product of the country, promoting social and economic problem- solving search. Small enterprises are the most important reserve for social and economic development of the country, they quickly provide creation of new workplaces, form significant quantity of technological innovations, promote creation and maintenance at the necessary level of a middle class in society. As a current significant trend of development of small business in world economy acts that fact that many graduates try to find a job in a small business
The researchers elaborated pharmacological complex of SM at the Chair of Morphology, Physiology and Pharmacology atSouth-UralStateAgrarianUniversity. The complex contains butafosfan, vitamins, vitamin-like substances, selected on the basis of synergistic effect on the body. The parameters of acute toxicity of the SM-complex were explored in the experiment on clinically healthy adult white mice of both genders by a single injection of the solution in the maximum permissible dose according to GOST 31926-2013. Intolerance on the skin of animals was detected in line with GOST R ISO 10993.10-2009. GOST R ISO 10993.10-99 became a guideline for evaluating SM-complex intolerance on the eye conjunctiva. Chronic toxicity was investigated on non-linear rats; the rates were divided into 4 groups of 6. The first group became a control group, the second group received the SM-complex in a therapeutic dose (255mg/kg), the third group - in a 5 -fold therapeutic dose (1275mg/kg), the fourth group - in a 10-fold dose (2550mg/kg). Pharmacological substance was applied through the probe in the form of an aqueous solution for 30 days. The researchers found out that at single oral introduction of SM-complex in the maximum possible doses it does not affect mice organism and it is referred to the 4th class of danger according to GOST 12.1.007-76. Local application in the form of applications on the skin and mucous membranes of rabbits, the complex does not have a local irritant effect. Long-term application of pharmacological composition (30 days) in high doses causes functional and morphological changes of the liver in the form of gray foci and flabbiness, as well as it increases the volume of the organ. Due to the fact that the therapeutic doses are 5 and 10 times lower than the toxic ones and the period of application does not exceed 7-14 days, the authors make a conclusion that SM-complex is safe and secure and can be used in the recommended doses.В условиях кафедры морфологии, физиологии и фармакологии Южно-Уральского государственного аграрного университета был разработан фармакологический комплекс СМ, который в своем составе содержит бутафосфан, витамины, витаминоподобные вещества, подобранные по принципу синергического действия на организм. Параметры острой токсичности СМ-комплекса изучены в опыте на клинически здоровых половозрелых белых мышах обоего пола путем однократного введения через зонд раствора в максимально возможной дозе согласно ГОСТ 31926–2013. Определение раздражающего действия на кожу животных проводилось в соответствии с ГОСТ Р ИСО 10993.10–2009. Для оценки раздражающего действия СМ-комплекса на конъюнктиву глаза руководствовались ГОСТ Р ИСО 10993.10–99. Хроническая токсичность была изучена на нелинейных крысах, разделенных на 4 группы по 6 животных. Первая группа служила контролем, 2-я получала СМ-комплекс в терапевтической дозе (255 мг/кг), 3-я – в 5-кратной терапевтической дозе (1275 мг/кг), 4-я – в 10-кратной (2550 мг/кг). Фармакологическое средство задавали через зонд в виде водного раствора на протяжении 30 суток. В результате исследований определено, что при однократном пероральном введении СМ- комплекса в максимально возможных дозах он не оказывает летального действия на организм мышей и относится к 4-му классу опасности по ГОСТ 12.1.007–76. При местном применении в виде аппликаций на кожу и слизистые оболочки кроликов комплекс не оказывает местного раздражающего действия. Длительное использование фармакологической композиции (в течение 30 дней) в высоких дозах вызывает функциональные и морфологические изменения печени в виде серых очагов и дряблости, а также увеличение органа в объеме. Но в связи с тем, что терапевтические дозы ниже токсических в 5 и 10 раз и период использования не превышает 7–14 суток, можно сделать заключение, что СМ-комплекс относительно безопасен и может быть использован без ограничения в рекомендуемых дозах
Project-Based Learning Technology as a Tool for Developing Students Individuality
The article discusses the possibilities of using project-based learning technologies for the formation of students individuality in the framework of a system-activity approach.В статье рассматриваются возможности использования технологий проектного обучения для формирования индивидуальности школьников в рамках системно-деятельностного подхода
The importance of physical activity in the regulation of anti-viral immunity
The paper reviews the current data on the effect and role of varying intensity physical activity in the prevention of various respiratory virus infections, including influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The paper discusses the effect of varying intensity physical activity on antiviral immunity, cellular and cytokine responses to respiratory virus infections, physical activity influence on vaccination effectiveness and the role of regular moderate intensity physical activity in the prevention of viral infection in patients with obesity, overweight, diabetes and other metabolic disorders. The paper analyzes physical activity role in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection, as well as in the conditions of self-isolation and quarantine
The Use of Computer Technologies in the Process of Physical Education of Student Young People.
В статье представлена разработанная авторами информационно
-методическая система “Гармония тела”,
раскрываются назначение и возможности модулей компьютерной программы. In the article the developed by authors informative-
methodical system is presented “Harmo ny of body”, setting and p ossibilities of computer program units open up
Development of Group Subjectivity of Pupils within Collaborative Activities
The article is devoted to the development of group subjectivity in collaborative activities. The concept of "subjectivity" and types of subjectivity are given. The results of experimental study of potential, real, and reflective subjectivity are described. The authors conclude that the development of group subjectivity will contribute to communication and relationships of members of pupils’ groups which are revealed in collaborative activities. When the members of the group participate in the preparation and conducting of collaborative activities actively, they are ready for any difficulties and their overcoming. Success or failure of teammates causes sincere participation of other members of the group (approval, support). They show mutual responsibility for individual and/or group success and failures in the group
Study Of Technical Cellulose As A Matrix-Sorbent To Develop Express Analytic System For Water Safety Control
The study presented by the authors is devoted to the study of the properties and the possibility of using technical cellulose from non-wood plant raw materials as a solid-phase matrix to obtain solid-phase reactive indicator systems by the following methods: synthesis method on the base of a hetarylformazane immobilized on a cellulose matrix and development of analytical systems based on preconcentration of the determined metal ion by a matrix with subsequent its «revealing» by the formazan («revealing» method). The article focuses on determination of optimal combinations of chromogenic organic reagents (hetarylformazanes) and cellulose-based matrices for developing solid-phase reaction-based indicator systems. Adsorption features of formazan reagents onto cellulose matrices was studied. It has been established the relation between the reagent molecule structure, composition of cellulose matrix and analytical properties of the test-systems synthesized to determine metal ions. Different approaches were developed and applied to reveal the visually observable and easily measured effect due to cellulose properties as well as properties of hetarylformazanes fixed on the surface of the matrix. This fact allows to control sensitivity and selectivity of solid-phase reactive indicator systems for water quality assessment. © 2021 Altai State University. All rights reserved
Mathematical Model of Kinetics of O-Antigen Accumulation in the Process of Periodic Submerged Cultivation of <I>Vibrio cholerae</I> M-41 Ogava with Limitation on Carbon Substrate
Developed is the system of differential equations that characterize kinetics of biomass growth, glucose utilization and O-antigen accumulation in the process of submerged cultivation of
V. cholerae strain M-41 Ogawa. The parameters of the mathematic model are identified. Using the developed software in Mathcad 15.0 determined are kinetic constants and coefficients. The mathematical model is demonstrated to describe adequately O-antigen biosynthesis process. The received data can be used in large-scale technology of
V. cholerae strain M-41 submerged cultivation
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