53 research outputs found

    Growth of calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions by coagulation and fragmentation in a turbulent protoplanetary disk: observations and modelisation

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    Whereas it is generally accepted that calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAIs) from chondritic meteorites formed in a hot environment in the solar protoplanetary disk, the conditions of their formation remain debated. Recent laboratory studies of CAIs have provided new kind of data: their size distributions. We show that size distributions of CAIs measured in laboratory from sections of carbonaceous chondrites have a power law size distribution with cumulative size exponent between -1.7 and -1.9, which translates into cumulative size exponent between -2.5 and -2.8 after correction for sectioning. To explain these observations, numerical simulations were run to explore the growth of CAIs from micrometer to centimeter sizes, in a hot and turbulent protoplanetary disk through the competition of coagulation and fragmentation. We show that the size distributions obtained in growth simulations are in agreement with CAIs size distributions in meteorites. We explain the CAI sharp cut-off of their size distribution at centimeter sizes as the direct result from the famous fragmentation barrier, provided that CAI fragment for impact velocities larger than 10 m/s. The growth/destruction timescales of millimeter- and centimeter-sized CAIs is inversely proportional to the local dust/gas ratio and is about 10 years at 1300 K and up to 104 years at 1670K. This implies that the most refractory CAIs are expected to be smaller in size owing to their long growth timescale compared to less refractory CAIs. Conversely, the least refractory CAIs could have been recycled many times during the CAI production era which may have profound consequences for their radiometric age.Comment: Accepted in Icaru

    Evolution of oxygen isotopic composition in the inner solar nebula

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    Changes in the chemical and isotopic composition of the solar nebula with time are reflected in the properties of different constituents that are preserved in chondritic meteorites. CR carbonaceous chondrites are among the most primitive of all chondrite types and must have preserved solar nebula records largely unchanged. We have analyzed the oxygen and magnesium isotopes in a range of the CR constituents of different formation temperatures and ages, including refractory inclusions and chondrules of various types. The results provide new constraints on the time variation of the oxygen isotopic composition of the inner (<5 AU) solar nebula - the region where refractory inclusions and chondrules most likely formed. A chronology based on the decay of short-lived 26Al (t1/2 ~ 0.73 Ma) indicates that the inner solar nebula gas was 16O-rich when refractory inclusions formed, but less than 0.8 Ma later, gas in the inner solar nebula became 16O-poor and this state persisted at least until CR chondrules formed ~1-2 Myr later. We suggest that the inner solar nebula became 16O-poor because meter-size icy bodies, which were enriched in 17,18O due to isotopic self-shielding during the ultraviolet photo dissociation of CO in the protosolar molecular cloud or protoplanetary disk, agglomerated outside the snowline, drifted rapidly towards the Sun, and evaporated at the snowline. This led to significant enrichment in 16O-depleted water, which then spread through the inner solar system. Astronomical studies of the spatial and/or temporal variations of water abundance in protoplanetary disks may clarify these processes.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    The Preliminary Examination of Organics in the Returned Stardust Samples from Comet Wild 2

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    The primary objective of STARDUST is to collect coma samples from comet 8lP/Wild 2. These samples were collected by impact onto aerogel tiles on Jan 2, 2004 when the spacecraft flew through the comet's coma at a relative velocity of about 6.1 km/sec. Measurements of dust impacts on the front of the spacecraft suggest that the aerogel particle collector was impacted by 2800 +/- 500 particles larger than 15 micron in diameter. Following recovery of the Sample Return Capsule (SRC) on Jan 15, 2006, the aerogel collector trays will be removed in a clean room at JSC. After documentation of the collection, selected aerogel tiles will be removed and aerogel and cometary samples will be extracted for study. A number of different extraction techniques will be used, each optimized for the analytical technique that is to be used. The STARDUST Mission will carry out a 6 month preliminary examination (PE) of a small portion of the returned samples. The examination of the samples will be made by a number of subteams that will concentrate on specific aspects of the samples. One of these is the Organics PE Team (see the author list above for team members). These team members will use a number of analytical techniques to produce a preliminary characterization of the abundance and nature of the organics (if any) in the returned samples

    Overview of the Results of the Organics PET Study of the Cometary Samples from Comet Wild 2 by the Stardust Mission

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    STARDUST is the first mission designed to bring samples back to Earth from a known comet. The captured samples were successfully returned to Earth on 15 Jan 2006, after which they were subjected to a preliminary examination by a number of teams of scientists from around the world. This abstract describes the efforts of the Organics Preliminary Examination Team (PET). More detailed discussions of specific analyses of the samples can be found in other papers presented at this meeting by individual members of the Organics PET (see the author list above for team members). The studied Wild 2 gas and dust samples were collected by impact onto aerogel tiles and Al foils when the spacecraft flew through the coma of 81P/Wild 2 on 2 Jan 2004 at a relative velocity of approx.6.1 kilometers per second. After recovery of the Sample Return Capsule (SRC) on 15 Jan 2006, the aerogel collector trays were removed in a clean room at JSC. After documentation of the collection, selected aerogel tiles and aluminum foils were removed and aerogel and cometary samples extracted for study

    Organics Captured from Comet Wild 2 by the Stardust Spacecraft

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    Organics found in Comet Wild 2 samples show a heterogeneous and unequilibrated distribution in abundance and composition. Some are similar, but not identical, to those in interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and carbonaceous meteorites. A new class of aromatic-poor organic material is also present. The organics are rich in O and N compared to meteoritic organics. Aromatic compounds are present, but the samples tend to be relatively poorer in aromatics than meteorites and IDPs. D and 15N suggest that some organics have an interstellar/protostellar heritage. While the variable extent of modification of these materials by impact capture is not yet fully constrained, a remarkably diverse suite of organic compounds is present and identifiable within the returned samples

    4. Building of a Habitable Planet

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