762 research outputs found

    Skeletal Muscle Mass Indices in Healthy Young Mexican Adults Aged 20–40 Years: Implications for Diagnoses of Sarcopenia in the Elderly Population

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    Background and Objectives. Skeletal muscle and skeletal muscle indices in young adults from developing countries are sparse. Indices and the corresponding cut-off points can be a reference for diagnoses of sarcopenia. This study assessed skeletal muscle using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in healthy male and female subjects aged 20–40 years and compared their appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM) and total-body skeletal muscle (TBSM) indices using certain cut-off points published in the literature. Methods. A sample of 216 healthy adults men and women from northwest Mexico was included. Body composition was assessed by DXA and several published DXA-derived skeletal muscle indices were compared. Results. Both, ASM and TBSM were higher in men compared to the women group (23.0 ± 3.4 versus 15.9 ± 1.6 kg; P<0.05 and 26.5 ± 4.1 versus 16.9 ± 1.9 kg; P<0.05, resp.). These differences were also valid for both indices. When derived cut-off points were compared with the most reported indices, significant differences were found. Interpretation and Conclusion. Published cut-off points from Caucasians are higher than cut-off point derived in this sample of Mexican subjects. The new DXA-derived cut-off points for ASM proposed herein may improve diagnoses of sarcopenia in the geriatric Mexican population

    Inclusive Masculinity and Facebook Photographs Among Early Emerging Adults at a British University

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    Central to debates about the construction of masculinity in sociology is the influence of culture and what constitutes acceptable displays of masculinity. This article adopts a novel approach in examining this question. It adopts a summative content analysis, combined with a semiotic analysis, of 1,100 Facebook photographs, in order to explore the underlying meanings within the photos and the performances of masculinity. Facebook photographs from 44, straight, White, male, early emerging adults attending the same university are used as a representation of an individual’s ideal self. These are then analyzed in order to determine the behaviors endorsed by peer culture. It was found that the sample overwhelmingly adopted inclusive behaviors (including homosocial tactility, dancing, and kissing each other), and inclusive masculinity theory was utilized to contextualize participants’ constructions of masculinity. Thus, this research shows that emerging adult males at this university construct their masculine identities away from previous orthodox archetypes. It is argued that the reducing importance of gendered behavior patterns may represent an adoption of what are perceived as wider cultural norms and act as a symbol of adulthood to these early emerging adults

    ¿Le parece bien a nuestros pacientes que su médico de familia interino consolide su empleo en la OPE extraordinaria actualmente en marcha?

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    IntroducciónLa situación laboral de los médicos de atención primaria puede influir positiva o negativamente en la satisfacción personal de éstos, e indirectamente en la relación médico-paciente. Cabe suponer que un médico de familia con inestabilidad laboral y poco motivado por parte del sistema sanitario tendrá más dificultad para prestar una atención sanitaria de calidad a sus pacientes. Pero ¿qué opinan nuestros pacientes?1-4, ¿les parece bien que su médico tenga estabilidad en su empleo? o ¿prefieren que sea interino para que no se deje llevar por la rutina? Estas cuestiones son las que se intentan aclarar en esta investigación.ObjetivoConocer la opinión de nuestros pacientes acerca de que su médico de familia (MF) interino pase a ser propietario en el proceso extraordinario de consolidación de empleo inciado en diciembre de 2001.DiseñoSe trata de un estudio observacional mediante encuesta en el que no se aplica ninguna intervención.EmplazamientoCentro de salud semiurbano de la periferia de nuestra ciudad.ParticipantesSe seleccionó aleatoriamente al salir de la consulta a 200 pacientes de 3 cupos cuyos MF ocupan plaza de interino y están inmersos en el proceso extraordinario de consolidación de empleo.Mediciones principalesSe les realizó una encuesta autocumplimentada que constaba de 5 afirmaciones para las cuales había 5 opciones de respuesta (muy de acuerdo, de acuerdo, indiferente, en desacuerdo, muy en desacuerdo). Las afirmaciones planteadas a los pacientes eran las siguientes:1.Mi MF estará más tranquilo y será más complaciente si tiene plaza en propiedad, y esto conllevará una mejora de la relación médico-paciente.2.Si mi MF tiene plaza en propiedad, tendrá más tiempo para formación continuada útil, ya que no preparará oposiciones.3.Prefiero que mi MF sea interino, pues así estudiará más.4.Si mi MF es propietario, como es más difícil que le echen de su puesto de trabajo, adquirirá mentalidad de funcionario y nos prestará una atención de peor calidad.5.Un MF debe de trabajar a gusto y estar motivado, por lo que para ello es importante que tenga plaza en propiedad.6.La encuesta fue previamente diseñada por un grupo de 4 médicos de familia siguiendo una técnida Delphi modificada, de la cual surgieron las 5 afirmaciones planteadas.ResultadosEl 72% de los pacientes cree que su MF estará más tranquilo, será más complaciente y mejorará la relación medico-paciente si consolida su plaza en la OPE extraordinaria. Un 42% de los pacientes cree que si un médico tiene plaza en propiedad mejorará en su formación continuada sobre aspectos útiles para su práctica clínica. El 78% de los pacientes opina que si su MF consolida su plaza adquirirá mentalidad de funcionario y prestará una atención de peor calidad. El 62% cree que si su médico tiene plaza en propiedad estará más motivado globalmente y trabajará más a gusto (tabla 1).Discusión y ConclusionesLa última década se ha caracterizado por la escasez de oposiciones para adquirir plaza fija como MF en el sistema nacional de salud. Esto ha llevado a la administración a poner en marcha una oferta pública de empleo (OPE) extraordinaria en diciembre del 2001. En este trabajo, nuestros pacientes nos aportan 2 mensajes principales; en primer lugar, creen que su médico va a trabajar más relajado, mejor y se formará en lo que él considere útil para su práctica clínica diaria si logra consolidar su plaza; en segundo lugar nos advierten del peligro que puede ocasionar que su médico esté tranquilo laboralmente y nos dicen que un medico propietario estudiará menos y además puede adquirir mentalidad de funcionario, con el consiguiente deterioro de la atención que ello conllevaría. En conclusión, nuestros pacientes consideran que si su MF consolida su plaza mejorará la relación médico-paciente, pero adquirirá una mentalidad funcionarial que le hará prestar una atención de inferior calidad.

    Three-dimensional printed polycaprolactone-microcrystalline cellulose scaffolds

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    Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is proposed in this study as an additive in polycaprolactone (PCL) matrices to obtain three-dimensional (3D) printed scaffolds with improved mechanical and biological properties. Improving the mechanical behavior and the biological performance of polycaprolactone-based scaffolds allows to increase the potential of these structures for bone tissue engineering. Different groups of samples were evaluated in order to analyze the effect of the additive in the properties of the PCL matrix. The concentrations of MCC in the groups of samples were 0, 2, 5, and 10% (w/w). These combinations were subjected to a thermogravimetric analysis in order to evaluate the influence of the additive in the thermal properties of the composites. 3D printed scaffolds were manufactured with a commercial 3D printer based on fused deposition modelling. The operation conditions have been established in order to obtain scaffolds with a 0/90° pattern with pore sizes between 450 and 500 µm and porosity values between 50 and 60%. The mechanical properties of these structures were measured in the compression and flexural modes. The scaffolds containing 2 and 5% MCC have higher flexural and compression elastic modulus, although those containing 10% do not show this reinforcement effect. On the other hand, the proliferation of sheep bone marrow cells on the proposed scaffolds was evaluated over 8 days. The results show that the proliferation is significantly better (p < 0.05) on the group of samples containing 2% MCC. Therefore, these scaffolds (PCL:MCC 98:2) have suitable properties to be further evaluated for bone tissue engineering applications

    Gated cardiac CT in infants: What can we expect from deep learning image reconstruction algorithm?

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    ECG-gated cardiac CT is now widely used in infants with congenital heart disease (CHD). Deep Learning Image Reconstruction (DLIR) could improve image quality while minimizing the radiation dose. To define the potential dose reduction using DLIR with an anthropomorphic phantom. An anthropomorphic pediatric phantom was scanned with an ECG-gated cardiac CT at four dose levels. Images were reconstructed with an iterative and a deep-learning reconstruction algorithm (ASIR-V and DLIR). Detectability of high-contrast vessels were computed using a mathematical observer. Discrimination between two vessels was assessed by measuring the CT spatial resolution. The potential dose reduction while keeping a similar level of image quality was assessed. DLIR-H enhances detectability by 2.4% and discrimination performances by 20.9% in comparison with ASIR-V 50. To maintain a similar level of detection, the dose could be reduced by 64% using high-strength DLIR in comparison with ASIR-V50. DLIR offers the potential for a substantial dose reduction while preserving image quality compared to ASIR-V

    Effect of Solvent Choice on the Self-Assembly Properties of a Diphenylalanine Amphiphile Stabilized by an Ion Pair

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    A diphenylalanine (FF) amphiphile blocked at the C terminus with a benzyl ester (OBzl) and stabilized at the N terminus with a trifluoroacetate (TFA) anion was synthetized and characterized. Aggregation of peptide molecules was studied by considering a peptide solution in an organic solvent and adding pure water, a KCl solution, or another organic solvent as co-solvent. The choice of the organic solvent and co-solvent and the solvent/co-solvent ratio allowed the mixture to be tuned by modulating the polarity, the ionic strength, and the peptide concentration. Differences in the properties of the media used to dissolve the peptides resulted in the formation of different self-assembled microstructures (e.g. fibers, branched-like structures, plates, and spherulites). Furthermore, crystals of TFAFF-OBzl were obtained from the aqueous peptide solutions for X-ray diffraction analysis. The results revealed a hydrophilic core constituted by carboxylate (from TFA), ester, and amide groups, and the core was found to be surrounded by a hydrophobic crown with ten aromatic rings. This segregated organization explains the assemblies observed in the different solvent mixtures as a function of the environmental polarity, ionic strength, and peptide concentration

    The association between MPOWER tobacco control policies and adolescent smoking across 36 countries: An ecological study over time (2006–2014)

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    Objective: To examine associations over time between national tobacco control policies and adolescent smoking prevalence in Europe and Canada. Design: In this ecological study, national tobacco control policies (MPOWER measures, as derived from WHO data) in 36 countries and their changes over time were related to national-level adolescent smoking rates (as derived from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study, 2006-2014). MPOWER measures included were: Protecting people from tobacco smoke (P), offering help to quit tobacco use (O), warning about the dangers of tobacco (W), enforcing bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship (E) and raising taxes on tobacco (R). Results: Across countries, adolescent weekly smoking decreased from 17.7% in 2006 to 11.6% in 2014. It decreased most strongly between 2010 and 2014. Although baseline MPOWER policies were not directly associated with differences in average rates of adolescent smoking between countries, countries with higher baseline smoke-free policies (P) showed faster rates of change in smoking over the time period. Moreover, countries that adopted increasingly strict policies regarding warning labels (W) over time, faced stronger declines over time in adolescent weekly smoking. Conclusion: A decade after the introduction of the WHO MPOWER package, we observed that, in our sample of European countries and Canada, measures targeting social norms around smoking (i.e., smoke-free policies in public places and policies related to warning people about the dangers of tobacco) are most strongly related to declines in adolescent smoking.publishedVersio