29 research outputs found

    Influence of Nanomaterials on Biological Activity of Marine Pelagic Sediments (peloids)

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    Influence of nanomaterials (based on bentonitic clays and calcium carbonate) in pelagic sediments of the Black Sea on their biologic activity has been investigated. It was shown that chemical composition, preliminary thermal treatment and concentration of nanomaterials in composition with pelagic sediments have a great influence to their medical properties. Based on obtained data for complex influence of nanocomposites to organism (behaviour, nervimuscular irritability, reflexes, vegetative effects, functional condition of lever and kidneys) a conclusion of substantially increasing the biological activity of pelagic sediments with the properties of medicinal mud (peloid), under the influence of bentonite and calcium carbonate that contain nanoparticles. A method for testing the pelagic sea and ocean sediments with nanodispersed components to predict the prospects of their use as medicinal muds (peloids) has been suggested. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3495

    The association between chronic sinusitis and hair ultra-trace element levels in hair of children

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    The objective of the present study was to assess the association between hair levels of ultra-trace elements and chronic sinusitis in children. Hair samples of 66 children with chronic sinusitis (J32.0 - 1CD-10) (mean age -11.2 +/- 4.5 years) and 66 gender-matched controls (mean age - 11.3 +/- 4.6 years) were analyzed for Ag, Au, Ba, Bi, Ga, Ge, La, Mo, Pt, Rb, Sb, Tl, W, and Zr content using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry at NexION 300D (PerkinElmer Inc., Shelton, CT, USA) after microwave digestion of hair samples. The obtained data demonstrate that hair Ga, TI, and Zr were significantly increased by 20% (p = 0.004). 33% (p = 0.006), and 36% (p = 0.047), respectively, as compared to the control values. In turn, hair Pt levels were 2-fold higher in the group of patients when compared to the healthy controls (p = 0.003). A nearly significant (p = 0.066) 50% increase in hair Sb was observed. Correlation analysis demonstrated that in a group of healthy children. hair Au (-0.2657; p = 0.031), Sb (-0,3871; p = 0.001), W (-0,3046; p = 0.013), and Zr (-0.2766; p = 0.025) levels were significantly inversely correlated with age of the examinees, whereas no such associations were revealed in the patient group. We hypothesize that altered ciliary apparatus in chronic sinusitis patients may result in reduced removal of inhaled metal particles and their subsequent toxicity

    To the knowledge of the linyphiid spider fauna (Aranei: Linyphiidae) of limestone steppes in the Russian Plain

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    A checklist of 28 linyphiid spider species found in limestone steppes in the Ulyanovsk Region, Russia is provided. Fifteen species are new to the region while two, Heterotrichoncus pusillus (Miller, 1958) and Syedra apetlonensis Wunderlich, 1992, are new to the fauna of Russia. Neither specific elements nor particular species complexes inherent to limestone steppes or denudations have been revealed, based on the above material. Two faunistic complexes, western and eastern, are distinguished in the steppe linyphiid fauna of the Russian Plain. The fauna of the western sector is mainly composed of widespread polyzonal species while that of the eastern sector includes a considerable number of specific steppe elements which form the nucleus of the steppe fauna and are largely represented by elements of Asian origin

    The association between chronic sinusitis and hair ultra-trace element levels in hair of children

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    The objective of the present study was to assess the association between hair levels of ultra-trace elements and chronic sinusitis in children. Hair samples of 66 children with chronic sinusitis (J32.0 - 1CD-10) (mean age -11.2 +/- 4.5 years) and 66 gender-matched controls (mean age - 11.3 +/- 4.6 years) were analyzed for Ag, Au, Ba, Bi, Ga, Ge, La, Mo, Pt, Rb, Sb, Tl, W, and Zr content using inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry at NexION 300D (PerkinElmer Inc., Shelton, CT, USA) after microwave digestion of hair samples. The obtained data demonstrate that hair Ga, TI, and Zr were significantly increased by 20% (p = 0.004). 33% (p = 0.006), and 36% (p = 0.047), respectively, as compared to the control values. In turn, hair Pt levels were 2-fold higher in the group of patients when compared to the healthy controls (p = 0.003). A nearly significant (p = 0.066) 50% increase in hair Sb was observed. Correlation analysis demonstrated that in a group of healthy children. hair Au (-0.2657; p = 0.031), Sb (-0,3871; p = 0.001), W (-0,3046; p = 0.013), and Zr (-0.2766; p = 0.025) levels were significantly inversely correlated with age of the examinees, whereas no such associations were revealed in the patient group. We hypothesize that altered ciliary apparatus in chronic sinusitis patients may result in reduced removal of inhaled metal particles and their subsequent toxicity

    Influence of independent risk factors on health status of persons involved in the process of education

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    <p>The research goal is to increase efficiency of health education for subjects involved in the process of education. Materials: 498 questionnaires have been worked out for respondents. Methods: They have included supervision, questioning, free interviewing and methods for statistical processing of results of research. Results: The following factors have been revealed: peculiarity of leisure-time; bad quality of interaction between subjects of educational system and health care system. The characteristic of extra-curriculum risk factors has been done. Conclusion: It is stressed that the survey has determined the basic directions of training for teachers and adults to form healthy way of life.</p


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    The article considers the possibility of using coal sorbents to remove oil pollution from the water surface.В статье рассмотрена возможность использования угольных сорбентов для удаления нефтяных загрязнений с поверхности воды

    Formation of the friction surface of a friction material based on copper depending on the amount of tin under lubrication conditions

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    The paper presents the study results of the surface wear of a friction material based on copper, operating under boundary friction. These materials are used for the manufacture of friction discs in hydromechanical transmissions, oil-cooled brakes. It was found that the frame composition of the friction material (tin content in bronze) is defined as the mechanism of material wear, its working conditions, as well as the effectiveness of running-in and the possibility of increasing the load-speed characteristics. The growth of tin content from 6 to 12% contributes to an increase in the strength of the material, while keeping its pore structure, which is an additional source of lubricant in the process of friction interaction


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    The objective of the present study was to assess serum levels of macro- and trace elements in 60 chidlren with chronic rhinosinusitis aged 5-15 y.o. and 60 healthy controls. Chronic rhinosinusitis is characterized by complex pathogenesis and clinical presentation. In connection with the significant role of microelements in the regulation of the immune system, it is fair to assume that a metabolic disorder of essential and toxic microelements can have a significant impact on the development of chronic rhinosinusitis. Serum levels of macro- and trace elements were studied using inductively-coupled plasma massspectrometry at NexION 300D (PerkinElmer Inc., USA). It has been estimated that serum arsenic levels in children with chronic rhinosinusitis is more than 2-fold higher as compared to the control values (p=0.015). A 24% increase in serum nickel levels was also revealed, although being border-line significant (p=0.055). At the same time, serum copper levels were 8% lower as compared to the respective control values (p=0.017). Correlation analysis revealed a direct association between age and serum selenium levels in healthy children (r=0.282) but not with chronic rhinosinusitis (r=0.077). Therefore, the obtained data demonstrate increased body burden of arsenic and nickel, as well as altered metabolism of copper and selenium in children with chronic rhinosinusitis. Although the intimate mechanisms of the observed associations are unclear, it is proposed that altered trace element status may at least partially mediate inflammatory response and impaired mucociliary clearance in chronic rhinosinusitisЦелью настоящего исследования явилось изучение концентрации макро- и микроэлементов в сыворотке крови 60 детей в возрасте от 5 до 15 лет с хроническим риносинуситом (ХРС) и 60 здоровых сверстников. ХРС характеризуется сложным патогенезом и клинической картиной. В связи с значимой ролью микроэлементов в регуляции иммунной системы справедливо предположить, что нарушение обмена эссенциальных и токсичных микроэлементов может иметь существенное влияние на развитие ХРС. Анализ содержания макро- и микроэлементов в образцах сыворотки крови осуществлялся методом масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно-связанной плазмой с использованием спектрометра NexION 300D (PerkinElmer Inc., USA). Установлено, что сывороточная концентрация мышьяка у пациентов с хроническим риносинуситом достоверно превышала контрольные значения более чем в 2 раза (p=0,015). Среди исследуемых токсичных элементов у детей с хроническим риносинуситом также было отмечено 24% увеличение уровня циркулирующего никеля (p=0,055). Также было установлено 8% снижение сывороточной концентрации меди у пациентов относительно контрольных значений (p=0,017). Корреляционный анализ выявил прямую взаимосвязь между уровнем селена и возрастом у здоровых детей (r=0,282), которая не наблюдалась у пациентов с ХРС (r=0,077). Таким образом, результаты проведенного исследования указывают на формирование избытка мышьяка и никеля на фоне нарушений обмена меди и селена у детей с хроническим риносинуситом. Несмотря на то, что непосредственные механизмы выявленных взаимосвязей не установлены, предполагается, что нарушение обмена микроэлементов может по крайней мере частично обусловливать формирование воспалительной реакции и мукоцилиарной дисфункции при ХРС

    Mucociliary transport as a link between chronic rhinosinusitis and trace element dysbalance

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    Chronis rhinosinusitis is considered as a widespread public health issue with a prevalence of 10%. The disease significantly reduces quality of life and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases as well as certain forms of cancer. Alteration of mucociliary clearance frequently observed in the patients and plays a significant role in disease pathogenesis. Certain studies have demonstrated that patients with chronic rhinosinusitis are characterized by significant reduction of essential trace elements and toxic metal overload. However, the particular mechanisms of the role of trace element dysbalance in chronic rhinosinusitis are unclear. We hypothesize that exposure to toxic trace elements (arsenic, nickel, cadmium) damages ciliary mucosal epithelium thus affecting mucociliary transport. In turn, altered mucociliary transport results in reduced removal of the inhaled metal-containing particles from nasal mucosa leading to their absorption and further aggravation of toxicity. Essential trace elements (zinc, selenium) play a significant role in regulation of mucociliary transport and immunity, thus their deficiency (either dietary or due to antagonism with toxic metals) may be associated with impaired functions and increased toxic metal toxicity. Therefore, a vicious circle involving metal accumulation and toxicity, essential element deficiency, impairment of mucociliary transport and metal particle removal, resulting in further accumulation of metals and aggravation of toxic effects is formed. The present hypothesis is supported by the findings on the impact of trace elements especially zinc and arsenic on mucociliary clearance, the role of mucociliary transport in heavy metal particles elimination from the airways, trace element dysbalance in chronic rhinosinusitis, as well as toxic and essential metal antagonism. The data from hypothesis testing and its verification may be used for development of therapeutic approach for management of chronic rhinosinusitis. Particularly, the use of essential elements (zinc, selenium) may reduce toxic metal toxicity thus destroying the vicious circle of heavy metal exposure, toxicity, alteration of mucociliary clearance, and aggravation of chronic rhinosinusitis. Essential element supplementation may be considered as a tool for management of chronic refractory rhinosinusitis. In addition, analysis of essential and toxic trace element status may provide an additional diagnostic approach to risk assessment of chronic rhinosinusitis in highly polluted environments. © 2019 Elsevier Lt