114 research outputs found

    The Present Continues. Presence and absence through mediation of television and new media.

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    The Present Continues is a video installation that explores the concepts of presence and absence through the optics of television. The work motivates us to rethink our existence within popular culture and reflect upon the narratives enclosed inside the screens of televisions. The main interest of the research is presence and absence and how these concepts are mediated through television and new media. The installation invites the audience to approach television as something uncanny rather than comforting and entertaining. The written part adds up to the artwork by looking close into the topic and its mediation through television and new media. The presence can be understood as physical and bodily experience that resonates with television set, smartphone or a laptop. Another perspective on the topic connects with the ideas of alienation and connection,that can be seen as absence and presence in mental and sociological understanding. I inquire into this side of the research through analyzing social media and reality television shows as realms of connection in the modern world. This thesis is an open inquiry into the parallel concepts of presence and absence that are not necessarily confronting each other


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    The article presents an overview of the concept of tax literacy as the main element of financial literacy and the necessary prerequisite for the formation of the tax culture of society and the individual. The expansion of the field of knowledge and skills that form the tax literacy of the population in the era of the digital economy is shown.The aim of the study is to analyze the prerequisites for the formation and development of tax literacy in the Russian Federation and its impact on improving the efficiency of the tax system. The study used traditional methods of scientific research, the monographic method, and the method of comparative analysis.The results of a comparative analysis of the level of financial literacy in different countries showed the insufficiency of its development in Russia. Based on the analysis of the state of taxation of individuals in the Russian Federation, the problems of the formation of tax literacy and tax culture of the population of Russia are identified, for the solution of which the author formulated proposals.


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    The goal of research is to develop recommendations for improving the mechanism of income taxation in Russia, taking into account the best foreign practices.The framework of studies was the monographic method and the method of comparative analysis of statistics and legislative documents of the financial authorities of Russia and leading foreign countries, as well as methods of modeling and generalization of the results.The necessity of strengthening the social function of income taxation is substantiated. A comparative analysis of modern taxation of personal income in Russia and abroad is carried out. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the main share of this tax is provided by taxing the incomes of the poorest segments of the population, which contradicts the principles of fair taxation.To improve the mechanism of taxation of incomes of Russian citizens, the experience of leading foreign countries in the application of a progressive scale, family taxation, the establishment of a tax-free minimum (allowance) and tax deductions was used. Particular attention is paid to introducing a tax-free minimum into the mechanism for applying standard deductions taking into account the cost of living.

    Analgesic activity of new complex compounds SnCl4 with salicyloylhydrazones of benzaldehyde and brombenzaldehyde

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    The physiological role of pain helps to avoid or limit the tissue damage and therefore it provides the vital protective function. It has been previously studied, that complex compounds SnCl4 with salicyloylhydrazones of benzaldehyde and brombenzaldehyde as well as their components represent the practical interest by the manifestation of anti-inflammatory and antidepressive action. In this case the analgesic properties of the complexes themselves, as well as compounds belonging to their structure were of interest of our study. The experiments were performed on white mice. Several chemical (allyl isothiocyanate or AITC, capsaicin, formalin) and thermal effects have been chosen in this investigation for studying the analgesic activity and establishing the possible mechanisms of antinociceptive effect. The tested compounds showed a mixed type of receptor interaction using models with different types of stimulation, which allows to make conclusions about their perspective as highly effective analgesics with a complex mechanism of action

    Mechanical Mockup of IFE Reactor Intended for the Development of Cryogenic Target Mass Production and Target Rep-Rate Delivery into the Reaction Chamber

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    Target production and its delivery into the reaction chamber of high repetition rate facilities are the most challenging issues in inertial fusion energy (IFE) research. At the Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI), efforts are underway on creation of the mechanical mockup of IFE reactor (MM-IFE) for developing the reactor-scale technologies applicable to mass production of IFE targets and their delivery with a repeatable rate into the chamber of IFE reactor. In this chapter, we discuss the current status and further trends of developments in the area of advanced target technologies underlying the research and development program on MM-IFE

    Formación de la legislación sobre el seguro de pensiones en Francia, el Reino Unido y Rusia. Una retrospectiva

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    The relevance of the study is due to the crisis of modern pension insurance systems and the need to change the paradigm of pension legislation development. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the formation of legislation on pension insurance in several countries (France, Great Britain, and Russia) at the initial stage of development (before 1914). The novelty is expressed both in the formulation of the problem and in the research methodology (the choice of countries and the period of research, the justification for the use of methods: dialectics, analysis, synthesis, system-structural, sociological, statistical, historical-legal, comparative-legal, formal-legal). The result of the study was the conclusions about the historical conditionality of the peculiarities of the formation of legislation on pension insurance in a particular country. There was early legalization of both voluntary and compulsory pension insurance in France. There was no legislation on pension insurance in the UK during the period under review, despite the early development of relevant institutions in the framework of workshops, guilds, and later in the framework of trade unions and “friendly societies”. In Russia, due to the agrarian nature of the economy, pension insurance did not develop within the framework of workshops and guilds; there were no laws on insurance in case of old age by 1914, while the risks of disability and loss of the breadwinner were regulated by law.El estudio analiza la crisis de los sistemas modernos pensionales y establece la necesidad de cambiar el paradigma de la legislación de pensiones. El objetivo del estudio consiste en identificar las características de la legislación sobre los seguros pensionales de varios estados (Francia, Reino Unido y Rusia) partiendo de su etapa inicial hasta 1914. La novedad se expresa tanto en la formulación del problema como en la metodología de investigación (selección de países y período de estudio, justificación de la aplicación de los métodos: dialéctico, de análisis, de síntesis, sistémico-estructural, sociológico, estadístico, histórico-legal, comparativo-legal, formal-legal). Como resultado del estudio se llegó a conclusiones sobre el condicionamiento histórico de las características de la formación de la legislación sobre el seguro de pensiones de un país en particular. En Francia, se promulgó una legislación temprana sobre el seguro de pension voluntario y también obligatorio en Francia. En el Reino Unido, durante el período que se examina, no había legislación sobre seguros de pensiones, a pesar del desarrollo temprano de las instituciones pertinentes dentro de los talleres, gremios y, posteriormente, dentro de la actividad de los sindicatos y las «sociedades fraternales». En Rusia, debido a la naturaleza agraria de la economía, el seguro de pensiones en el marco de los talleres y gremios nunca funcionó; en 1914 se adolecía de leyes sobre el seguro de vejez, mientras que los riesgos de discapacidad y la pérdida del sostén de la familia se regulaban por ley

    Analgesic activity of new complex compounds SnCl4 with salicyloylhydrazones of benzaldehyde and brombenzaldehyde

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    The physiological role of pain helps to avoid or limit the tissue damage and therefore it provides the vital protective function. It has been previously studied, that complex compounds SnCl4 with salicyloylhydrazones of benzaldehyde and brombenzaldehyde as well as their components represent the practical interest by the manifestation of anti-inflammatory and antidepressive action. In this case the analgesic properties of the complexes themselves, as well as compounds belonging to their structure were of interest of our study. The experiments were performed on white mice. Several chemical (allyl isothiocyanate or AITC, capsaicin, formalin) and thermal effects have been chosen in this investigation for studying the analgesic activity and establishing the possible mechanisms of antinociceptive effect. The tested compounds showed a mixed type of receptor interaction using models with different types of stimulation, which allows to make conclusions about their perspective as highly effective analgesics with a complex mechanism of action