11,998 research outputs found

    Quantum, Multi-Body Effects and Nuclear Reaction Rates in Plasmas

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    Detailed calculations of the contribution from off-shell effects to the quasiclassical tunneling of fusing particles are provided. It is shown that these effects change the Gamow rates of certain nuclear reactions in dense plasma by several orders of magnitude.Comment: 11 pages; change of content: added clarification of one of the important steps in the derivatio

    The gravity-related decoherence master equation from hybrid dynamics

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    Canonical coupling between classical and quantum systems cannot result in reversible equations, rather it leads to irreversible master equations. Coupling of quantized non-relativistic matter to gravity is illustrated by a simplistic example. The heuristic derivation yields the theory of gravity-related decoherence proposed longtime ago by Penrose and the author.Comment: 9pp, extended version of invited talk at Fifth International Workshop DICE2010 (Castello Pasquini/Castiglioncello/Tuscany, Sept. 13-17, 2010

    Approximating Nearest Neighbor Distances

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    Several researchers proposed using non-Euclidean metrics on point sets in Euclidean space for clustering noisy data. Almost always, a distance function is desired that recognizes the closeness of the points in the same cluster, even if the Euclidean cluster diameter is large. Therefore, it is preferred to assign smaller costs to the paths that stay close to the input points. In this paper, we consider the most natural metric with this property, which we call the nearest neighbor metric. Given a point set P and a path γ\gamma, our metric charges each point of γ\gamma with its distance to P. The total charge along γ\gamma determines its nearest neighbor length, which is formally defined as the integral of the distance to the input points along the curve. We describe a (3+ε)(3+\varepsilon)-approximation algorithm and a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation algorithm to compute the nearest neighbor metric. Both approximation algorithms work in near-linear time. The former uses shortest paths on a sparse graph using only the input points. The latter uses a sparse sample of the ambient space, to find good approximate geodesic paths.Comment: corrected author nam

    Half Quantization

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    A general dynamical system composed by two coupled sectors is considered. The initial time configuration of one of these sectors is described by a set of classical data while the other is described by standard quantum data. These dynamical systems will be named half quantum. The aim of this paper is to derive the dynamical evolution of a general half quantum system from its full quantum formulation. The standard approach would be to use quantum mechanics to make predictions for the time evolution of the half quantum initial data. The main problem is how can quantum mechanics be applied to a dynamical system whose initial time configuration is not described by a set of fully quantum data. A solution to this problem is presented and used, as a guideline to obtain a general formulation of coupled classical-quantum dynamics. Finally, a quantization prescription mapping a given classical theory to the correspondent half quantum one is presented.Comment: 20 pages, LaTex file, Substantially revised versio

    Skin effect with arbitrary specularity in Maxwellian plasma

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    The problem of skin effect with arbitrary specularity in maxwellian plasma with specular--diffuse boundary conditions is solved. A new analytical method is developed that makes it possible to to obtain a solution up to an arbitrary degree of accuracy. The method is based on the idea of symmetric continuation not only the electric field, but also electron distribution function. The solution is obtained in a form of von Neumann series.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Probing photo-ionization: simulations of positive streamers in varying N2:O2 mixtures

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    Photo-ionization is the accepted mechanism for the propagation of positive streamers in air though the parameters are not very well known; the efficiency of this mechanism largely depends on the presence of both nitrogen and oxygen. But experiments show that streamer propagation is amazingly robust against changes of the gas composition; even for pure nitrogen with impurity levels below 1 ppm streamers propagate essentially with the same velocity as in air, but their minimal diameter is smaller, and they branch more frequently. Additionally, they move more in a zigzag fashion and sometimes exhibit a feathery structure. In our simulations, we test the relative importance of photo-ionization and of the background ionization from pulsed repetitive discharges, in air as well as in nitrogen with 1 ppm O2 . We also test reasonable parameter changes of the photo-ionization model. We find that photo- ionization dominates streamer propagation in air for repetition frequencies of at least 1 kHz, while in nitrogen with 1 ppm O2 the effect of the repetition frequency has to be included above 1 Hz. Finally, we explain the feather-like structures around streamer channels that are observed in experiments in nitrogen with high purity, but not in air.Comment: 12 figure

    Geological-morphological description of the Ishtar Terra (photomap of the Venusian surface sheet B-5)

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    The main part of the Ishtar Terra east of the Maxwell Montes is covered with systems of areal dislocations of several directions, which are called Parquet. According to the structural patterns these may be divided into: (1) the central stable block; (2) the lesser peripheral blocks separated from the central one by gaps and grabens; (3) the zones of mobilized parquet, whose substance flowed downward at an incline in the directions away from the central block in the form of plastic flows; and (4) the partially parqueted lava sheets. The Maxwell Montes were formed as a result of the collision between the central parquet block and the Lakshmi Planum

    The Effect of Air Density on Atmospheric Electric Fields Required for Lightning Initiation from a Long Airborne Object

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    The purpose of the work was to determine minimum atmospheric electric fields required for lightning initiation from an airborne vehicle at various altitudes up to 10 km. The problem was reduced to the determination of a condition for initiation of a viable positive leader from a conductive object in an ambient electric field. It was shown that, depending on air density and shape and dimensions of the object, critical atmospheric fields are governed by the condition for leader viability or that for corona onset. To establish quantitative criteria for reduced air densities, available observations of spark discharges in long laboratory gaps were analyzed, the effect of air density on leader velocity was discussed and evolution in time of the properties of plasma in the leader channel was numerically simulated. The results obtained were used to evaluate the effect of pressure on the quantitative relationships between the potential difference near the leader tip, leader current and its velocity; based on these relationships, criteria for steady development of a leader were determined for various air pressures. Atmospheric electric fields required for lightning initiation from rods and ellipsoidal objects of various dimensions were calculated at different air densities. It was shown that there is no simple way to extend critical ambient fields obtained for some given objects and pressures to other objects and pressures