19 research outputs found

    Primary Membranous Nephropathy - what do we know today?

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    Introduction: Primary membranous nephropathy (PMN) is a common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults, characterized by the deposition of immune complexes in the glomerular basement membrane. Aim of this study: evaluate the features of PMN such as incidence, pathology, clinical features and assess the effectiveness of immunosuppressive therapy. Materials and Methods: The review was based on articles found in PubMed database, using keyword „primary membranous nephropathy” with appropriate sufixes. Results: PMN is a challenging disease that requires a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and management. Laboratory tests, including assessment of autoantibodies and complement levels, are essential for the diagnosis of PMN. Immunosuppressive therapy can be effective in inducing remission in a significant proportion of patients. Conclusions: Further research is needed to optimize the duration and intensity of immunosuppressive therapy, and to evaluate the role of newer therapies such as rituximab and belimumab

    New Opportunities and Challenges for Health Professionals in the era of Artificial Intelligence – Review

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    Introduction and purpose: Modern medical knowledge has grown to a vastness incomprehensible for a single health professional to learn and accommodate. The usage of modern information technologies comes to help, one of them being artificial intelligence, a branch of computer science aimed at developing solutions to perform tasks similar to the human brain, but more efficient and complex, without actual human intervention.  The goal of this review is to provide reader with the knowledge how artificial intelligence is applied in various branches of medicine. Brief description of the state of knowledge: In the fields of infectious diseases, including COVID-19 diagnostics, radiology, dermatology and surgery, works lean toward the statement, which suspect application of AI is beneficial for medical practitioners. Programs help to develop statistical models for virus spreading and the creation of antiviral solutions. The radiological application involves the analysis of images to aid radiologists in diagnosing certain features, similarly to dermatology, where eg. AI can identify malignancy of skin nevi. In the department of surgery, predictive algorithms can help in choosing operation methods and improve outcomes. Conclusions: Usage of AI assistance in the medical field has proven to be successful, but it is yet to be commonly encountered in everyday work. Programs need to be further developed and made more approachable to users without expertise in the IT field. AI may also prove useful in the process of education of health professionals

    How do new therapeutic strategies for PCOS management influence the health of the affected individuals? The narrative review

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    Introduction and purpose: Management of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is difficult since the exact pathogenic mechanism has not been established yet. Due to that fact, the substances registered to treat PCOS are still lacking efficacy and are associated with a number of adverse effects. The aim of this study is to review new possible treatment approaches.   State of knowledge: Inositol administered alone or combined with oral contraceptive drugs improves patients’ hormonal status and alleviates the weight increase in comparison to oral contraceptive drugs on their own. Berberine reduces insulin resistance, improves lipid metabolism, and reduces inflammatory reactions. Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists have a better weight loss effect and less severe adverse reactions than metformin. Thiazolidinediones combined with metformin improve ovulation rate, acne and increase SHGB levels. Thiazolidinediones have also less severe adverse reactions than metformin and can be useful in patients who are not able to tolerate metformin.   Summary: The review has shown that inositol, berberine, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists andthiazolidinediones have promising therapeutic effects in terms of PCOS treatment, however, more research is needed to establish safety and efficacy of those agents. Nonetheless, results of this study may be utilized in the education of health specialists in endocrinology departments

    Monkeypox in humans – the review

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    Monkeypox is an emerging zoonotic disease caused by the monkeypox virus with a presentation similar to smallpox. Being previously endemic to Africa, now the disease is spreading across the world, causing fear of a potential next pandemic. Smallpox vaccine, previously providing cross-immunity to monkeypox virus, due to cessation of vaccinations, caused the decline in immunity against these viruses. Defined ways of transmission are animal-to-human through consumption or attack by an affected animal, human-to-human through close contact, or via respiratory droplets. Currently, there are no specific antiviral drugs and vaccine specific to monkeypox, and for symptomatic care, there are no determined guidelines

    Male hypogonadism with its systemic complications

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    Introduction and purpose: Total lack of testosterone or its level lower than 9-12 mmol/L (250-350 ng/dL) of serum in men is called hypogonadism. Due to the importance of testosterone in male body, hypogonadism usually causes a variety of symptoms, mostly of sexual nature – lack of libido, erectile dysfunction, infertility and associated psychological problems, it can though be the cause of more dangerous changes in the male body. The purpose of this study is to review possible systemic complications of male hypogonadism (with the emphasis on hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) apart from those sex-related.State of knowledge: The lack of testosterone and gonadotropins was proven to cause a number of negative changes in different systems and various clinical situations. It can negatively impact the condition of skeletal system. Although testosterone is widely thought to increase cardiovascular risk some studies show that the hypogonadism has a negative impact on it as well. Some studies hypothesised the role of hypogonadism in anaemia development, but generally it isn’t taken into account in investigation of this condition. Some studies show the impact of hypogonadism on higher risk of some metabolic and endocrine diseases. The most interesting conclusions were found in literature on oncological implications of testosterone and lack of it. It turns out that there is a number of studies showing the positive impact of relatively higher testosterone concentrations while androgen deprivation therapy is the main therapeutic option in advanced prostate cancer.Conclusions: Due to very unpleasant and possibly dangerous complications of hypogonadism endocrinologists should stay alert to signs of hypogonadism to be able to start testosterone replacement in the right moment

    Metronidazole-Induced Encephalopathy in a 16-Year-Old Girl with Crohn’s Disease: Case Report and Review of the Pediatric Literature

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    Metronidazole-induced encephalopathy (MIE) is a rare and unpredictable complication that is most commonly reported in adults. Here, we present the case of MIE in a patient treated with rectal, oral, and intravenous metronidazole. This is the first case of MIE reported after suppositories. A 16-year-old girl with Crohn’s disease treated with mesalazine and exclusive enteral nutrition was operated on due to perianal fistulas and abscesses. She received oral metronidazole for 25 days and rectal metronidazole for 15 days as an adjuvant before surgery. Moreover, 2.5 g of intravenous metronidazole was administrated during the perioperative period. The second day after the surgery, symptoms of cerebellar syndrome appeared. She presented with an inability to coordinate balance and gait. Although she showed accurate verbal responses, her speech was slow, slurred, and scanning. The finger–nose test was positive. The T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging revealed an increased symmetrical signal within the dentate nuclei of the cerebellum and in the corpus callosum. The changes were characterized by restricted diffusion. Based on the clinical picture and magnetic resonance imaging findings, MIE was diagnosed. Treatment with metronidazole was discontinued. The cumulative dose of metronidazole that she received for 29 days was 54 g: 38 g p.o., 13.5 g p.r., and 2.5 g i,v. The first symptoms appeared on the 28th day of antibiotic therapy after receiving 52 g of metronidazole. The neurological symptoms resolved after six days; however, three days after the resolution, paresthesia appeared in the distal phalanges of both feet and lasted for approximately two months. Our report highlights that neurologic symptoms related to metronidazole treatment should raise the suspicion of MIE

    Complex abnormalities of urinary tract in boy with renal agenesis

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    WSTĘP: Jednostronna agenezja nerki może występować jako wada izolowana lub współistnieć z innymi anomaliami rozwojowymi układu moczowego. Najczęściej rozpoznawany jest odpływ pęcherzowo-moczowodowy i wodonercze, rzadziej moczowód olbrzymi, zdwojenie moczowodu, ureterocele, ektopia nerki i spodziectwo. OPIS PRZYPADKU: W pracy opisano przypadek chłopca, u którego w wieku 2,5 roku rozpoznano złożoną wadę układu moczowego – agenezję nerki lewej i ektopię nerki prawej z wodonerczem i moczowodem olbrzymim. Badanie USG wykonano z powodu bólów brzucha. Wcześniej chłopiec nie demonstrował żadnych objawów klinicznych, które mogłyby wskazywać na istnienie wady układu moczowego. Na podstawie badania izotopowego, urografii i cystouretrografii mikcyjnej rozpoznano zwężenie przypęcherzowe moczowodu. W wieku 3 lat wykonano operację przeszczepienia moczowodu metodą Cohena. Pomimo usunięcia przeszkody w odpływie moczu, utrzymywało się znacznego stopnia wodonercze ze zwężeniem warstwy miąższowej nerki. W wieku 11,5 roku u chłopca rozpoznano nadciśnienie tętnicze, w wieku 14,5 roku stwierdzono niewielki wzrost stężenia kreatyniny w surowicy i izostenurię. W ciągu 12 lat obserwacji badania ogólne i posiewy moczu były prawidłowe. WNIOSKI: Dziecko z jednostronną agenezją nerki i uropatią zaporową w drugiej nerce wymaga regularnej kontroli w poradni nefrologicznej, monitorowania ciśnienia tętniczego krwi i czynności nerki. Obecność anomalii rozwojowej w jedynej nerce może prowadzić do rozwoju przewlekłej choroby nerek i schyłkowej niewydolności nerek.INTRODUCTION: Unilateral renal agenesis can occur as an isolated abnormality or can coexist with other anomalies of the urinary tract. Vesicoureteral reflux and hydronephrosis are the most common pathologies of the urinary tract. The less common pathologies are: megaureter, double kidney, ureterocele, ectopic kidney and hypospadiasis. CASE REPORT: We report a boy with a complex abnormality of the urinary tract: left renal agenesis and right ectopic kidney with megaureter and hydronephrosis, diagnosed at the age of 2.5 years. A routine ultrasonography of the abdomen was done because of the abdominal pain. There were no clinical symptoms associated with the urinary tract before this diagnosis. Based on dynamic scyntigraphy, urography and voiding cystourethrography a ureterovesical junction obstruction was found. At the age of 3 years, the transplantation of the ureter modo Cohen was performed. Despite the operation, hydronephrosis still persisted and the cortex of kidney was continuously getting narrower. At the age of 11.5 years arterial hypertension was diagnosed. At the age of 14.5 years, slightly elevated creatinine and isosthenuria were observed. During those twelve years of follow-up, urinalysis and culture of urine were normal. CONCLUSIONS: A child with unilateral renal agenesis and obstructive uropathy in the second kidney requires regular follow up with control visits and appropriate tests in outpatient nephrology clinic. Blood pressure monitoring and assesment of kidney function should be monitored. Urinary tract abnormalities in solitary kidney can progress to chronic renal disease and end-stage renal disease

    Complex abnormalities of urinary tract in boy with renal agenesis

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    WSTĘP: Jednostronna agenezja nerki może występować jako wada izolowana lub współistnieć z innymi anomaliami rozwojowymi układu moczowego. Najczęściej rozpoznawany jest odpływ pęcherzowo-moczowodowy i wodonercze, rzadziej moczowód olbrzymi, zdwojenie moczowodu, ureterocele, ektopia nerki i spodziectwo. OPIS PRZYPADKU: W pracy opisano przypadek chłopca, u którego w wieku 2,5 roku rozpoznano złożoną wadę układu moczowego – agenezję nerki lewej i ektopię nerki prawej z wodonerczem i moczowodem olbrzymim. Badanie USG wykonano z powodu bólów brzucha. Wcześniej chłopiec nie demonstrował żadnych objawów klinicznych, które mogłyby wskazywać na istnienie wady układu moczowego. Na podstawie badania izotopowego, urografii i cystouretrografii mikcyjnej rozpoznano zwężenie przypęcherzowe moczowodu. W wieku 3 lat wykonano operację przeszczepienia moczowodu metodą Cohena. Pomimo usunięcia przeszkody w odpływie moczu, utrzymywało się znacznego stopnia wodonercze ze zwężeniem warstwy miąższowej nerki. W wieku 11,5 roku u chłopca rozpoznano nadciśnienie tętnicze, w wieku 14,5 roku stwierdzono niewielki wzrost stężenia kreatyniny w surowicy i izostenurię. W ciągu 12 lat obserwacji badania ogólne i posiewy moczu były prawidłowe. WNIOSKI: Dziecko z jednostronną agenezją nerki i uropatią zaporową w drugiej nerce wymaga regularnej kontroli w poradni nefrologicznej, monitorowania ciśnienia tętniczego krwi i czynności nerki. Obecność anomalii rozwojowej w jedynej nerce może prowadzić do rozwoju przewlekłej choroby nerek i schyłkowej niewydolności nerek.INTRODUCTION: Unilateral renal agenesis can occur as an isolated abnormality or can coexist with other anomalies of the urinary tract. Vesicoureteral reflux and hydronephrosis are the most common pathologies of the urinary tract. The less common pathologies are: megaureter, double kidney, ureterocele, ectopic kidney and hypospadiasis. CASE REPORT: We report a boy with a complex abnormality of the urinary tract: left renal agenesis and right ectopic kidney with megaureter and hydronephrosis, diagnosed at the age of 2.5 years. A routine ultrasonography of the abdomen was done because of the abdominal pain. There were no clinical symptoms associated with the urinary tract before this diagnosis. Based on dynamic scyntigraphy, urography and voiding cystourethrography a ureterovesical junction obstruction was found. At the age of 3 years, the transplantation of the ureter modo Cohen was performed. Despite the operation, hydronephrosis still persisted and the cortex of kidney was continuously getting narrower. At the age of 11.5 years arterial hypertension was diagnosed. At the age of 14.5 years, slightly elevated creatinine and isosthenuria were observed. During those twelve years of follow-up, urinalysis and culture of urine were normal. CONCLUSIONS: A child with unilateral renal agenesis and obstructive uropathy in the second kidney requires regular follow up with control visits and appropriate tests in outpatient nephrology clinic. Blood pressure monitoring and assesment of kidney function should be monitored. Urinary tract abnormalities in solitary kidney can progress to chronic renal disease and end-stage renal disease