79 research outputs found

    Introductory Chapter: Soybean - Quality and Utilization

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    Quantitative Performances of Recently Developed OS-Soybean Elite Lines in Maturity Group I

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    This paper presents an evaluation of the agronomic and breeding values of recently developed soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) lines maturity group (MG) I within soybean breeding program at the Agricultural Institute Osijek. Thirty two soybean genotypes (30 elite breeding lines and two control cultivars) were studied in a field experiment conducted on the experimental field of the Institute during period from 2002 to 2004 to determine the grain yield and grain quality (protein and oil content) potential as well as stability and adaptability of these lines. The obtained results of statistical analysis (ANOVA, LSD-test, stability parameters: S2 GxE and bi ) indicated significant differences in level and stability of grain yield and grain quality as well as adaptability of genotypes. Higher average grain yield was obtained for the lines in comparison with average grain yield of control cultivars. According to analysis of stability and adaptability of genotypes, tested genotypes were classified in three groups. There were: stable genotypes with wide-general adaptability, unstable genotypes adapted to low-yielding environments and unstable genotypes adapted to high-yielding environments. Among 32 tested genotypes, 22 genotypes are stable in grain yield, 20 genotypes are stable in protein content and 17 genotypes are stable in oil content in grain. The best elite lines in level and stability of grain yield, protein content and oil content in grain as well as in adaptability are: OS-L-36/01, OS-L-18/01, OS-L-12/01, OS-L-10/01 and OS-L-39/00. These results suggest on achieved genetic advance in yield potential of new elite soybean lines. Thereby, the best recently developed soybean elite breeding lines into MG I represent good genetic background for further improving soybean production in Croatia. At the same time, these genotypes may be utilized as a source of better yields potential in breeding programs


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    Soja (Glycine max (L.) Merr), s obzirom na površine koje zauzima danas u svijetu (oko 92 mil. ha), na globalnoj razini je glavni izvor bjelančevina visokih hranidbenih vrijednosti te značajna uljna kultura. U Republici Hrvatskoj, proizvodnja soje ima pozitivne trendove i u površinama i u urodima zrna zadnjih nekoliko godina. Horizontalno proširenje soje kao kulture i povećanje uroda zrna rezultiralo je iz genetskog unapređenja sorata i unapređenja tehnologije proizvodnje kao i povećanog interesa države za ovu kulturu. Genetski napredak sorata soje rezultat je višegodišnjeg, kontinuiranog i intenzivnog oplemenjivačkog rada. Doprinos oplemenjivačkog programa soje u Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek razvoju, stabilnosti i unapređenju proizvodnje soje u Republici Hrvatskoj je vrlo značajan kroz stalni razvoj sorata visokog i stabilnog uroda i kakvoće zrna, visoke tolerantnosti na glavne bolesti kao i otpornosti na polijeganje i pucanje mahuna u zriobi te široke adaptabilnosti. Rezultat dosadašnjeg rada na oplemenjivanju soje u Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek je 36 priznatih sorti soje u okvirima 00 do II skupine zriobe, a od toga dvije su priznate i u inozemstvu. Većina priznatih sorata prošla je, nalazi se ili će biti uvedena u široku proizvodnju (sada je oko 10 sorata Instituta u proizvodnji i pokriva više od 60% ukupnih površina pod sojom). Daljnji genetski napredak sorata soje temelji se na primjeni suvremenih oplemenjivačkih metoda što uključuje kombinaciju klasičnih oplemenjivačkih metoda sa suvremenim kemijskim, biokemijskim, fitopatološkim i molekularnim analizama. Svako povećanje proizvodnje soje koje rezultira iz genetskog poboljšanja sorata predstavlja značajnu nacionalnu ekonomsku dobit.Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), regarding to current area in the world (92 mil ha), on the global level is the main source of protein high nutritive value and important oil crop, respectively. In Croatia, soybean production has had a positive trend both in area and unitary yields, particularly in the few past years. Horizontal expansion of soybean as a crop and yield increase resulted from genetically improved cultivars, cultural practices advances and general management. Genetic improvement of soybean cultivars is the result of a lasting, expensive, intensive and continual breeding work. The contribution of soybean breeding program at the Agricultural Institute Osijek to the development, stability and improvement of soybean production in Croatia has been fundamental and very significant as it has permanently developed cultivars with high and stable grain yield and grain quality, high tolerance to main diseases and resistance to lodging and pod shattering as well as wide adaptability. The result of previous work on soybean breeding at the Institute is 36 registered cultivars within 00 to II maturity group, and two of them are registered abroad. Most of these cultivars were, or it is now, or will be introduced in wide production (at present, about 10 Institute’s cultivars cover more than 60% of total area under soybean in Croatia). Further genetic improvement of soybean will be based on the modern breeding strategies including combination of conventional breeding methods and recent chemical, biochemical, fitopathologicaly and molecular analyses. Each increase of soybean production, resulting from genetically improved cultivars, means considerable national economic profit

    Abiotic stresses in soybean production

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    U radu su opisani glavni stresni abiotski činitelji koji se pojavljuju u proizvodnji soje. Abiotski stresovi uključuju ekstreme u vremenskim uvjetima (ekstremne temperature, ekstremna vlažnost ili suša), zatim stres zbog pomanjkanja ili neuravnoteženog odnosa hraniva, prekomjernost pesticida te mehanička i druga oštećenja. Jačina i tip oštećenja biljke soje varira u ovisnosti o genotipu, stadiju razvoja biljke, vremenu oštećenja i obuhvaćenom dijelu biljke.The main abiotic stresses which appear in soybean production are described in this paper. Abiotic stresses include extreme weather conditions (extremes in temperature, excesses in humidity or in drought), then stress because of deficiencies, excesses or imbalances of soil nutrients, excess pesticides, and mechanical or other injuries. The severity and type of injury of the soybean plant varies depending on the genotype, plant growth stage, the time interval of disturbance, and the plant part involved

    Some important soybean diseases and insect pests in the Republic of Croatia

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    U radu su opisane ekonomski važnije bolesti i štetnici koji su prisutni u proizvodnji soje u Republici Hrvatskoj. Od gljivičnih bolesti opisane su plamenjača soje, bijela trulež korijena i stabljike, crna pjegavost stabljike, sušenje mahuna i stabljike te trulež sjemena soje. Ostale prisutne gljivične bolesti su samo navedene. Od bolesti uzrokovanih bakterijama, kod nas je najviše prisutna bakterijska plamenjača, dok ostale bakterioze poznate na soji nisu prisutne kod nas. Od virusnih bolesti prisutan je češće virus mozaika soje (SMV) i on je opisan. Ostali poznati virusi na soji kod nas zasad još nisu potvrđeni. Nabrojani su važniji štetnici po pojedinim dijelovima sojine biljke koje napadaju. Detaljniji opis je dat samo za ekonomski važnije štetnike, koji se kod nas pojavljuju u vrijeme vegetacije soje, a to su: lisne sovice, stričkov šarenjak, rinje te stjenice.The principal and the most widespread soybean diseases and insect pests in producing area of the Republic of Croatia are described in this paper. Descriptions of fungal diseases include information about the following parasites: downy mildew, white mold, Diaporthe-Phomopsis complex (stem canker, pod and stem blight, seed decay). Other present fungal diseases are only mentioned. Among diseases caused by bacteria, bacterial blight is the most present bacterial disease in our soybean production area. According to soybean diseases caused by viruses, the emphasis in this paper is given to the Soybean Mosaic Virus (SMV) that is present in some of our soybean growing areas, and has been described as well. Other known soybean viruses still haven’t been recorded. Regarding insect pests on soybean, we listed some more important insect pests according to parts of soybean plant they attack. The more detailed description is given only for insect pests which cause agronomic losses to soybean production in the Republic of Croatia: leaf feeders, Vanessa cardui, spider mites and southern green stink bug


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    The study aimed to examine the changes in seed vigor and oil content in different genotypes of maize, soybean and sunflower over three years (2002-2005) in two type storage conditions differed in terms of air temperature and humidity: 25°C/75% and 12°C/60%, respectively. Affected by storage longevity, on an average, seed vigor decreased by 13.5% in maize and by 26.5% in both soybean and sunflower, respectively. Seed oil content decreased by 0.58% in maize, 1.68% in soybean and 8.04% in sunflower. Differences in seed vigor and oil content affected by storage longevity were significant among tested crops and genotypes into crop. Storage longevity was negatively associated with seed vigor and oil content. At storage conditions by 12°C/60%, decline of seed vigor was less by 7% (maize), by 11% (sunflower, soybean) and decreasing of seed oil content was less for 0.25% (maize), 0.53% (soybean) and 1.75% (sunflower) than in storage conditions by 25°C/75%. In summary, the lowest seed quality losses were in maize, followed by soybean and the highest ones in sunflower. Decreasing seed quality losses is possible with providing suitable storage conditions, particularly for soybean and sunflower.Istraživanjem je utvrđen utjecaj uvjeta skladištenja dorađenog nezaprašenog sjemena hibrida kukuruza i suncokreta te sorata soje na vigor i sadržaj ulja nakon skladištenja od 36 mjeseci (2002.-2005.) u dva tipa skladišta različite temperature i vlage zraka (S1: 25°C/75% i S2 12°C/60%). Nakon skaldištenja, vigor sjemena je umanjen za 13,5% kod kukuruza, 26,5% kod soje i 27,1% kod suncokreta. Sadržaj ulja u zrnu je umanjen za 0,58% kod kukuruza, 1,68% kod soje i za 8,04% kod suncokreta. Duljinom skladištenja umanjen je vigor i sadržaj ulja. U uvjetima skladišta S1 je manje umanjenje vigora za 7% (kukuruz), 11% (suncokret, soja), kao i manje umanjenje sadržaja ulja za 0,25% (kukuruz), 0,53% (soja) i 1.75% (suncokret) u odnosu na uvjete skladištenja u skladištu S2. Kakvoća sjemena je tijekom skladištenja ovisna o vrsti kultivara, genotipu i uvjetima skladištenja


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    The collaboration and interchange of breeding materials between breeding programs worldwide is important and necessary to increase the amount of genetic diversity by incorporating unique exotic germplasm into existing domestic germplasm. The objective of this study was to measure and compare the agronomic performance of 15 soybean cultivars released by the Agricultural Institute Osijek (Croatia) (OS-cultivars) and 15 cultivars released by the University of Guelph (Canada) (CA-cultivars) in Croatia. Based on the comparison, parental combinations could be designed to introgress exotic germplasms from the CA-cultivars into Croatian. Agronomic performance was determined in field trials that were conducted at the experimental field of the Agricultural Institute Osijek during the period from 2002 to 2005. Quantitative traits were measured and analyzed for maturity, grain yield components, level and stability of grain yield, adaptability, lodging resistance and field tolerance to Peronospora manshurica. The results indicated higher agronomic performance of OS-cultivars compared to CA- cultivars. However, comparison of yield is only tentative because all but one OS cultivar were later maturing than the CA-cultivars. Among 15 tested CA-cultivars, five cultivars (OAC Millennium, OAC Champion, OAC Bayfield, OAC Auburn, OAC Wallace) were identified as the most favorable for parental combinations in hybridization with OS-cultivars. The results of this study will enable strategic incorporation of diversity from exotic Canadian germplasm into the domestic Croatian germplasm to develop segregating populations from which new, genetically more diverse improved soybean line, could be released.Suradnja i razmjena oplemenjivačkog materijala između oplemenjivačkih programa u svijetu značajna je i nužna za povećanje genetske raznolikosti unošenjem jedinstvene strane germplazme u postojeću domaću germplazmu. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti i usporediti agronomsku vrijednosti 15 kultivara soje priznatih Poljoprivrednom institutu Osijek (Hrvatska) (OS-kultivari) i 15 kultivara priznatih University of Guelph (Kanada) (CA-kultivari) u Hrvatskoj. Temeljem usporedbe, moguće je složiti roditeljske kombinacije za unošenje strane germpalzme iz CA-kultivara u domaće kultivare. Agronomska vrijednost određivana je u poljskim pokusima postavljenim na pokusnom polju Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek u razdoblju od 2002. do 2005. Kvantitativna svojstva koja su mjerena i analizirana su: dužina vegetacije, komponente urod zrna, visina i stabilnost uroda zrna, adaptabilnost, otpornost na polijeganje te poljska tolerantnost na Peronospora manshurica. Rezultati su ukazali na povećane agronomske vrijednosti OS-kulitvara u usporedbi sa CA-kultivarima. Međutim, pri usporedbi uroda važno je naglasiti da su svi OS- kultivari, osim jednog, imali dužu vegetaciju od CA-kultivara. Između 15 ispitivanih CA-kultivara, 5 kultivara (OAC Millenium, OAC Champion, OAC Bayfield, OAC Auburn, OAC Wallace) identificirano je kao najpovoljnije roditeljske kombinacije u križanjima s OS-kultivarima. Rezultati ovog istraživanja omogućit će plansko uvođenje raznolikosti iz strane kanadske u domaću hrvatsku germplazmu soje, što dalje vodi razvoju novih segregacijskih populacija iz kojih će nove, genetski različitije, poboljšane linije soje biti priznate