
Quantitative Performances of Recently Developed OS-Soybean Elite Lines in Maturity Group I


This paper presents an evaluation of the agronomic and breeding values of recently developed soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) lines maturity group (MG) I within soybean breeding program at the Agricultural Institute Osijek. Thirty two soybean genotypes (30 elite breeding lines and two control cultivars) were studied in a field experiment conducted on the experimental field of the Institute during period from 2002 to 2004 to determine the grain yield and grain quality (protein and oil content) potential as well as stability and adaptability of these lines. The obtained results of statistical analysis (ANOVA, LSD-test, stability parameters: S2 GxE and bi ) indicated significant differences in level and stability of grain yield and grain quality as well as adaptability of genotypes. Higher average grain yield was obtained for the lines in comparison with average grain yield of control cultivars. According to analysis of stability and adaptability of genotypes, tested genotypes were classified in three groups. There were: stable genotypes with wide-general adaptability, unstable genotypes adapted to low-yielding environments and unstable genotypes adapted to high-yielding environments. Among 32 tested genotypes, 22 genotypes are stable in grain yield, 20 genotypes are stable in protein content and 17 genotypes are stable in oil content in grain. The best elite lines in level and stability of grain yield, protein content and oil content in grain as well as in adaptability are: OS-L-36/01, OS-L-18/01, OS-L-12/01, OS-L-10/01 and OS-L-39/00. These results suggest on achieved genetic advance in yield potential of new elite soybean lines. Thereby, the best recently developed soybean elite breeding lines into MG I represent good genetic background for further improving soybean production in Croatia. At the same time, these genotypes may be utilized as a source of better yields potential in breeding programs

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